Rising America

Chapter 908: Andrew's history education on Cocoa

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"Miss, the feedback from the people below has returned. Everything is going well in the Eastern Concession. Although there was a little resistance, it was not a major problem. Those who dared to resist were also killed on the spot. ."

Sitting in the reception room of the American consulate, Andrew was reporting to Cocoa.

And listening to Andrew's report, there was a trace of unbearable expression on Coco's little face. It was obvious that the little guy didn't expect to die.

"Ah, it's dead."

Seeing that there was something wrong with Coco's mood, Andrew quickly comforted Coco: "Miss, you don't need to sympathize with Dongying people. If you understand how many cruel things Dongying people have done, then you will not be so pitiful to them."

Coco looked up anxiously at Andrew, and whispered to Andrew, "What bad things did they do? Although I heard my dad mention it, I really don’t know this history, and the people of Dongying in this time and space are also Didn’t you have done such a bad thing?"

After all, she is still a child, the little guy can't really be indifferent, just like she said, after all, she can't really be so calm and calm after facing the dead.

Although the little girl is sometimes foolish, but it is just foolishness.

The little guy said yesterday that Andrew would send troops into the Eastern Concession to drive away all the overseas Chinese in the concession and take back the occupied concession land. He never thought that there would be deaths in this matter.

So when the little guy heard Andrew said that someone died, she would react like this.

After all, it's dead.

Consul Charles of the consulate has not yet appeared, so there are only two people in the huge reception room, Andrew and Coco. Although there are a few staff members outside, they will not come in without permission.

Therefore, Andrew decided to tell Cocoa about a certain period of history, so that the little guy has a very intuitive understanding of the Dongying people.

I saw Andrew took out a silver-white metal ball from the pocket of his robe and placed it on the ground. Then a blue light beam shot out from the metal ball and formed a holographic screen in a very short time.

Andrew used his own mind to control some programs in the metal ball, and found a certain historical impact record, and then began to play.

As the black-and-white historical record images were played out, Andrew also began to explain this piece of history to Coco slowly, so that the little guy could have a detailed understanding of it.

The little guy’s expression is constantly changing with the video and Andrew’s explanation, sometimes angry, sometimes sad, sometimes clenched fists. In this way, Coco, who is less than three years old, knew what happened in time and space in 01 time and space. This history.

Finally, the little guy gave an evaluation: "Dongying people are too bad!"

Andrew clapped his hands when he heard the words, and said: "Yes, miss, how pitiful how many such bad Dongying people died? Moreover, the concession was seized by force and killing. We took it back on behalf of this time and space China. Nothing is wrong.

Besides, Miss, you are to be the governor of Shanghai, so there is no reason to leave your own territory with the product of humiliation like the concession. This is not very good for your image.

But taking back the concession can also enhance your personal image, making the outsiders feel that you are a very ideal, brave person who dares to fight against the foreigners who dominate the country in China.

Besides, the Japanese expatriates in the concession also have the task of spying on China’s military, political and economic intelligence. They collected a lot of China’s military, political and economic intelligence through normal activities in the usual way, and helped Dongying invade China. The vanguard. "

Andrew secretly changed a concept, which Cocoa obviously didn't know.

Andrew equated all the Dongying people with the bad guys, instead of going to civilians and militarists elsewhere, and the little guy still couldn't distinguish this point clearly, so Andrew was really fooled.

But then again, those Dongying overseas Chinese in the concession are indeed not good people.

They can be said to be the first marchers of Eastern militarism in the 01 time and space, and after they settled on the land of China in this time and space, relying on the Eastern Army behind them, they did a lot of bad things and plundered many Chinese people. Of wealth.

Even when doing business, Chinese businessmen suffer losses through intimidation and intimidation.

In this way, the Dongying diasporas from various parts of China have robbed a lot of wealth by ingenuity, and many of the people of China have ruined their lives.

More importantly, these Dongying diasporas also acted as guest spies.

Therefore, those people in the Shanghai Dongying Concession really don't need to be pitiful.

Anyway, Coco was convinced by Andrew.

The anxiety in the little girl's heart faded quickly, and she no longer felt sorry for those people.

Even Coco felt that it seemed that he should be able to do more intensely.

"Butler Andrew, I didn't understand this history in the past. Now it seems that the Dongying people are really not a good thing. I don't feel sorry for them anymore."

Andrew finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Coco's heart was knotted.

He is very worried that the little guy will make himself unhappy because of this little thing.

That's right, the death of a few overseas Chinese in the Eastern Concession was nothing more than a trivial matter to Andrew.

Anyway, he himself didn't care at all.

This is like the death of a few little ants.

As a life of higher civilization, does Andrew care about how many people die?

Especially the natives of 01 time and space are dead, so Andrew will not care even more.

He only cared about Coco and Kim Hyun Tae, and even Annie couldn't compare with the father and daughter.

If necessary, Andrew can even kill Annie to protect Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter.

Even said something inappropriate, for the sake of Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter, Andrew was able to destroy the earth in another time and space.

"Does Dongying have 731 organization now?"

Through Andrew’s black and white historical video and Andrew’s explanation, Xiao Keke already knew about the infamous Unit 731, and also knew what this infamous unit had done so horribly cruel.

So when this unit was mentioned, the expression on Cocoa's face looked a little gloomy.

Andrew replied: "Not yet. This force will not appear until 20 years later. Today, Dongying is only planning to invade China."

Ke Ke heard that he nodded slowly, his eyes rolled steadily, and then a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Butler Andrew, I don't plan to go to the United States anymore. I decided to unify the entire China after becoming the governor of Shanghai, and then go to Dongying! And I want to form my own Unit 731 and use the militarists in this time and space to experiment.

"Miss! This idea of ​​you is simply genius! I absolutely support this idea of ​​you, and I will definitely support you, Andrew."

Andrew's reaction was a bit exaggerated, and the expression on his face was also very exaggerated, but his reaction in Coco's eyes made the little guy extremely satisfied.

"Huh! I'm not a big villain, and I don't know how to use ordinary people in Dongying to do experiments, but for those militarists, I'm not polite at all."

But a little girl with a bottom line, she only targets militarists, and only these guys are the worst.

Andrew put away the metal ball. At this time, the door of the reception room was opened. After learning that Coco and Andrew had arrived at the consulate, Charles, the consul of the US concession who had hurried from home, appeared outside the door.

After seeing Coco and Andrew, Charles's face suddenly burst into a very flattering smile, then he raised his leg and walked towards the two of them, and greeted them warmly: "Miss Coco, Andrew Butler, you two are here. Is there anything wrong with this?"

Coco didn't respond to Charles, she felt she had to show off.

Therefore, only Andrew can respond to Charles and greet him.

"We are here today to tell you that we plan to take back all the concessions in Shanghai in the near future and put them in the hands of Miss Coco, the warlord. Since our relationship is good, we are here mainly to inform you."

what! Take back the concession?

When Charles heard what Andrew said, he was stunned.

Speaking of the resumption of the concession, it is definitely not a trivial matter~lightnovelpub.net~ The aspects involved are very complicated, and he himself does not know what the American mainland will be like about this matter. reaction.

Andrew continued to the sluggish Charles at this time: "We have begun to take back the Eastern Concession by force, but my lady thinks that the American concession does not need to be resolved by force, and that a peaceful settlement is the most appropriate.

After we have solved the problems in the Eastern Concession, the next step is the British and French Concessions, as well as the concession powers of other countries.

Miss Coco, as a person about to become the governor of Shanghai, would never allow such a place of power and humiliation to exist in her own territory, absolutely not allowed. "

Charles felt he couldn't keep up with his thinking. After all, what Andrew told him made his thinking very confused.

"This...this...this is something I can't do! Maybe war will break out!"

It was a long time before Charles squatted to say this to Andrew.

Andrew smiled and raised his hand and patted Charles on the shoulder, "Relax, war will not break out. Although we want to reclaim the concession, we will have normal and lawful trade exchanges with you. The basis of all this is fairness. I I think you should ask about the local attitude on this matter, maybe things are not as bad as you think."

Andrew seemed to be a little emboldened by what he said, but where does this confidence come from?

How could he know that the mainland of the United States knew that the Shanghai concession would be taken away and would not send troops to defend his interests?

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