Rising America

Chapter 909: What is a capitalist?

Cocoa originally meant to take back the concession of the Dongying people who resolutely did not support themselves as the overseer of Shanghai, and to show the Dongying people a little bit more in this way. ?

By the way, the French Concession and the British Concession were also taken back to give these two seemingly neutral countries a bit more powerful.

But Andrew suggested that Cocoa said that it is better to take back all the concessions at one time, eradicate this stubborn disease left by the pre-Qing era, invigorate people's hearts, and at the same time demonstrate to the outside world that Cocoa becomes the governor of Shanghai, who can and does not fear foreigners The reason for his courage convinced the little guy.

Therefore, now Cocoa is no longer as simple as taking back the Eastern Concession, the French Concession, and the British Concession, including the US Concession and the Russian Concession, which were set up in Shanghai through armed violence by the pre-Qing powers.

It's just that, in contrast to the method of taking back the Eastern Concession, Coco and Andrew intend to use peaceful means instead of resorting to force against the American Concession.

Of course, whether or not to resort to force depends on the attitude of the Americans.

It is certainly best if the problem can be resolved peacefully.

But if the Americans do not want to give up the interests of the Shanghai concession, then of course Cocoa and Andrew can only send troops to solve it.

That's why Coco and Andrew came to the consulate in the US concession.

The consul of the US Concession, Charles, the guy with the same name as the leader of the mutants in time and space, had drips of sweat on his forehead at this moment. It can be seen that he was shocked by the news that Coco and Andrew had notified him.

It stands to reason that at such a time, as the consul of the concession, he should be ‘righteous’ to Coco and Andrew, and threaten them at the same time, which may lead to an explosion of war by local troops.

But when he thinks of Anne, who is in the United States, Charles can't say anything like this.

Because Charles understands that Anne has a great influence on policy in the United States, so as Anne’s daughter, Coco wants to be an overseer of Shanghai and at the same time take back the American concession on the Shanghai side. How can he attract the attention of the United States? ?

It is true that the income of the Shanghai American Concession is good and it can bring great benefits to the United States. It is also the bridgehead of the United States in the East, but he is not sure that under the influence of Annie, the local politicians can really take this Side's interests are at heart.

Politicians are scornful!

This was especially true of American politicians in 1911!

So Charles's concern is not unreasonable.

After all, he himself is also a politician, although only a small politician, it does not hinder his understanding of the American political system in this era.

It is precisely because he understands what the American political environment was like in 1911 that Charles scrupulously cares about Anne, and then he dare not say too much in front of Coco and Andrew, and even acted so flattering and flattering.

Andrew kept a smile on his face, observing the changes in Charles's facial expressions, and basically pondering Charles' inner activities. After he came to the earth, Andrew learned psychology, which is not white.

"Mr. Charles, I know what you are worrying about, but I personally feel that it is completely unnecessary for you to worry about you. I think you should be very clear about the status of our Miss Anne in the United States. She is also very two# The party has a very good relationship, so what you are worried about will never happen."

While talking, Andrew continued to observe the changes in Charles' facial expressions.

Andrew now, when he mentioned Anne, Charles's originally sad expression slowly eased away. It can be seen that this guy knows how good Anne is in the United States.

Seeing this, Andrew sighed in his heart.

"I think you can contact Miss Anne first, tell Miss Anne about this matter, and then notify the United States, so that you will get Miss Anne's friendship."

Andrew gave Charles a trick to tell Anne about this first, and then he was informing the United States about the news that the Shanghai Concession was about to be recovered by Cocoa.

After persuading Charles, the guy hurriedly left the reception room and went to the telegraph office of the consulate.

But Coco walked over, stood beside Andrew, and asked Andrew: "Is Mummy Anne as good as you say in the United States? She only went to the United States with Grandpa Nord for not long, you Are you fooling this guy named Charles?"

Andrew has always emphasized that Annie is already very good in the United States, but the little guy doesn't believe it so much.

After all, everyone came to this time and space together, and he hasn't become the governor of Shanghai yet, so can Annie control policy in the United States?

Thinking about it is also an unbelievable thing.

No wonder, you think Andrew is fooling people.

Hearing this, Andrew turned his head and looked down at the little guy who looked up at him with a small face and smiled, and said: "Andrew didn't lie, Miss Anne really has a very high status in the United States."

Although Andrew guarantees this, but Coco still feels that this is unbelievable, especially how Mummy Anne did it, that has achieved such an achievement in such a short period of time.

You know, I also work very hard.

"Andrew, what exactly did Mummy Anne do?"

Thinking of this, Coco couldn't help but ask.

Andrew smiled and talked to Cocoa about what Anne and Old Nord did after they went to the United States to achieve such an achievement in such a short time...

------split line------

Texas, a small town in Illinois.

This small town is famous for its abundant oil resources underground. It was a barren land for a long time. Only some farmers who run farms live on this vast land and live a self-sufficient life.

But since the oil appeared in this place, this barren land has attracted all kinds of greedy capitalists. These capitalists have staged a **** blood in order to control the amazing oil wealth hidden in this land. Dark fight.

The American capital of this era in 1911 was far less elegant than that of a gentleman in the century, and some were just the greed of wealth.

Due to some legal reasons, these greedy guys have no way to control the land through normal methods and means, because the land belongs to the farmers legally.

Therefore, if they can't get the ownership of the land from the hands of the farmers, then they will also have nothing to do with the black wealth hidden under the land.

For this reason, deception, murder, and violence began to take place here.

Since there is no way to get these by conventional means, it is better to use unconventional means.

And this was the usual way of doing business by American businessmen in 1911, the undisguised human greed of Chiguoguo.

Therefore, the accumulation of capital is bloody.

But no one thought that in this battle, the old-brand Cloffe family was actually defeated, and was defeated by a woman named Annie who suddenly joined in. It really shocked people's jaw.

In the small town of Illinois, the Clofi Petroleum Company was blown up in a burst of fire, and even the only remaining direct descendant of the Clofi family was buried in the fire.

In an Italian café two blocks away, Anne looked at the flames through the glass. She picked up the quilt in front of her and took a sip of the liquid in the cup. Because there was no sugar added, her mouth filled up. A touch of bitterness.

"From today, there will be no Clofi family in this time and space."

Putting down the cup, Annie turned her head and said to the old butler Nord who was sitting beside her.

Old Nord smiled and nodded: "Since they sent gunmen to attack Miss you a month ago, the fate of their Clophy family has been doomed. If it weren't for Miss, you don't want to be too horrified. It may live one more month."

"The direct line of their family has all died. Those wealth will be inherited by the collateral line. You can find someone who can inherit the wealth and let him sell all the properties left by Clophy to us."

After talking, Annie stood up~lightnovelpub.net~ A group of big men in black suits and top hats left the small cafe, while the old Nord walked to the bar counter of the cafe and was on the counter table. Put down a one-dollar bill, and then left here.

The big guys who looked like bodyguards behind Annie were all liquid metal robots Andrew gave her to decorate Annie.

Annie, who has inherited many gods, and Old Nord, who has inherited the gods of Vulcan, really don't have anyone who can hurt them in this time and space.

But as a person like Annie, you can always have a follower by your side.

So, there are these liquid metal robot guards.

The fire truck with the bell sprinted past and drove towards the location of Clofey Company, which had been blown into ruins. Annie walked leisurely in the opposite direction, with a charming smile on her face. meaning.

After solving a malicious opponent, Annie felt very comfortable at this moment.

From this moment on, there was no Clophy family in o1 time and space, and Annie felt very excited whenever she thought of this.

In the original time and space, she certainly could not fight the Clophy family, but in this time and space... hehehe!

Playing violence, to be honest, Annie is not that strange!

Old Nord caught up with Annie at this time, and went in parallel with her: "There are some farmers who don’t want to sell their farm land, and there are even some farmers who are in contact with some people in private. Partner with those guys in oil exploration."

Annie raised a small lace-sided parasol, a faint chill flashed at the corner of her mouth.

"Get rid of those pesky'little vultures' and kill them if you don't listen to advice!" 8

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