Rising America

Chapter 910: Annie, nine hundred and eleven

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Perhaps some people do not believe that the United States in 1911 will be in such chaos?

To be honest, the United States is in such chaos at this time, and the judiciary is still very corrupt. As long as you have money, you are basically like an ‘emperor’ in the United States, and everyone has to crawl under your feet.

You know, the corruption problem in the United States was not solved until the 1980s, and this problem has always existed before, otherwise how could the Italian Mafia be active for decades.

As an American, Annie, who has a deep understanding of this history, will of course use it to facilitate her own work in the United States.

Abide by the rules, it's not that Annie doesn't understand her duty to make money. The problem is that even if she wants to do her duty, some people will force her to use such violent methods.

Why did Clophy's entire family fall?

After all, it was on the Texas side, where Annie and him had a violent conflict.

Both Anne and the Cloffe family want to monopolize the oil resources in Texas and control the land with black wealth. Both parties are not giving up on this issue, and there is no possibility of reconciliation, so there is nothing to talk about. Work together.

As the native Clophy family of this time and space, it started by relying on violent means, and this has achieved its current status, becoming the American oil tycoon.

In the process of the rise of the Clofey family, I don't know how many families were destroyed.

It can be said that scarlet blood is flowing on every banknote of the Clophy family.

In addition, those in the Cloffe family also like to eat alone. In the oil field, they do not like to compete with others. Once they find that someone wants to enter this field, they will be ruthlessly attacked by the Cloffe family.

Assassination! Intimidate! These methods are endless!

It is precisely in this way that the Clofi family has created its current glory, wealth and status under the leadership of the old Clofi.

So when they discover that a woman is challenging their authority in the oil industry, how will they react?

After some probing, they found that this woman possessed no less wealth than them, and at the same time had more advanced oil extraction technology, and had many advantages. When she used violent means to protect her own interests and eliminate this potential challenge. Opponents have become inevitable.

It's just that everyone in the Clophy family didn't expect that such a way of violence would bring them a disaster.

After three attacks, Annie encountered gunmen sent by the Clophy family. After three full attacks, she began to fight back.

And the counterattack was so intense, leaving no room at all.

Think about it, too, people are going to kill themselves, so why do they have to worry too much on their side.

Even if you keep your hands, you don't necessarily appreciate yourself. On the contrary, you may feel that you are bullied, and that you are a big fool.

Annie didn't want to be a big silly X, and she didn't want to make people feel bullied.

In this era of 1911, it is necessary to show off your strength and muscles.

Therefore, the Clophy family became a role model.

Within a short period of time, the direct members of the Clophy family were assassinated or died unexpectedly.

The explosion in the small town of Illinois caused the death of the last member of the Clophy family. So far, the old Clophy family completely disappeared.

Also because of the collapse of the Clophy family, now Annie has no rivals in the oil field.

Coupled with holding a large amount of funds, Annie can completely find the farmers who have the land and negotiate the purchase of the land without competition.

However, although there is no trouble with the Clophy family, there will still be a little trouble to come to the door.

After all, there are always few people who are driven by the temptation of wealth.

The things Old Nord reported to Annie referred to these people.

Following Anne's instructions, the old Nord immediately conveyed this instruction to the people below. The native American natives who vassalized in this time and space around Anne quickly began to act.

At this time, there are many people doing things for Annie.

Like many wealthy Americans in this time and space, Annie also raises a large number of people who specialize in ‘not visible’ things to deal with trivial things.

In addition, Anne is generous and not stingy at all, so many people are willing to do things for Anne.

Among these people, there are even some parliamentarians and police chiefs.

The chief of police in the small town of Illinois received a large sum of money from Annie, so he claimed that the explosion of the Clofi Petroleum branch was an accident, and did not allow ordinary people to see the real inside story behind the incident.

In addition, Annie bought a large number of media reporters, so these reporters shook their pens and smoothly diverted the attention of the public, focusing on which branch of the Cloffe family’s wealth would fall. Up.

But for people with a high status who can know the truth, they began to fear the fierce means with Annie.

The ruthless and unrelenting style of killing everyone and the whole family made the American predators in 1911 very uneasy.

So far, Annie is considered the number one in the United States.

------split line------

On the outskirts of the small town of Illinois, in a remote grove on a farm, the farmer’s family was tied upside down, shivering and looking at several strong men not far away, beating one in turn who wanted to contribute. A collaborator who develops wealth under the farm land in partnership with himself.

That is a businessman from New York.

But this guy looked miserable and miserable at this time, because he had been beaten by those strong men for several hours, and now he didn't look so personal.

One of the men who looked like the leader walked up to the businessman, raised his right hand and firmly grasped his chin, and straightened his face to face him.

Under the firelight, you can clearly see that the businessman from New York has swollen cheeks, black eyes, and a few teeth missing in his mouth.

"I ask you one last time, are you still reluctant to leave Illinois?"

After being beaten up for several hours, this businessman who was completely dehumanized, opened his swollen eyelids hard, glanced hard at the murderous man in front of him, and then uttered a little unclearly and said: "Even God. Can't stop me from this investment plan."

The land owned by this farmer, after exploration, shows that there are huge oil resources.

So as long as he can persist, then he can make a fortune.

Faced with the temptation of wealth, this businessman from New York did not want to withdraw like this anyway.

Even in the face of fierce beatings and inhuman torture, he was unwilling to give up.

I have to say that this is a guy who gave up his life and money.

But people like him are not alone in the United States in this era.

It can be said that most people would rather die, but also make a fortune.

After the vicious man heard his answer, he completely lost his patience.

"Well, it seems that your fate is your choice. Maybe you still don't understand whose interests you are violating."

After speaking, the wicked man tilted his head to motion to his companion, and then a few men on the side walked over and carried the businessman from New York to the edge of a pit.

This pit was dug not long ago.

"Don't scare me! Do you think you can force me to subdue with this method!"

Although the businessman's eyes flashed with terror, he was still holding on, and thought that the other party was frightening himself, and would not really treat himself in any way.

Unfortunately, he was wrong.

The price of mistakes is to pay their own lives.

The few men didn't say much, they took the businessman to the edge of the pit and retreated back. Then one of their companions appeared behind the businessman and slammed his shovel on the back of the businessman's head.

The soft body fell and slipped into the pit.

The fierce man in the lead jumped out of the pit, and his companion handed him a wooden stick. After receiving the stick, the guy actually turned his head a few times, and then jumped up again.

Several people on the side began to bury the soil in the pit.

Not far away, the family of the farmer was already frightened at this moment.

After all, experiencing such a thing personally, it is difficult for people to maintain that calm state of mind.

He took out his handkerchief and wiped his hands, then threw it on the handkerchief.

The vicious man walked up to the farmer’s family: "Now that some flies have been resolved, I think we can talk about the problem of farm land next?"

The farmer’s family has no owner at this time, and the other party is cruel and their family is in their hands, so what else can be done~lightnovelpub.net~Finally, the matter of the land purchase went well, the farmer’s family Man got a fair price and sold his land to Whiston Oil Company.

And after signing the contract, the farmer's family left Illinois overnight, leaving this place that reminds them of the future and will feel terrible.

And things like this happened that night in various places around Illinois. Some people died because of it, while some people were able to see the situation clearly and left a small life.

But anyway, Annie got the land she wanted.

Those opponents who wanted to compete with her were also solved one by one by her.

When these things happened in the small town of Illinois, Annie was already on the train of the 1911 era on her way to New York.

Inside a luxurious independent carriage, Annie sat at the window and watched the night outside, while the butler Old Nord looked through some documents on the other side.

After a while, the old Nord raised his head and said to Annie: "Kanai Steel is not satisfied with our offer and declared that he will never sell his efforts. It seems that you want to enter the steel industry by another way. "

Annie turned her head slowly and looked at the old butler indifferently and said: "Send someone to find iron ore, and at the same time, let someone find a mine that has an agreement with Kanai. I want to control all iron ore. In my own hands, as long as I control the source of the ore, Kanai will be choked by me, and I will send someone to talk to him at that time."

Nod, the old butler, nodded, and praised: "A clever way, miss."

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