Rising America

Chapter 911: 1 sentence, 5000 cannons

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The operation to take back the Dongying Concession started early in the morning was very smooth. Although there was some slight resistance in it, in the end it did not stop the army sent by Coco, and because of this behavior, they lost their lives.

The main road in the prosperous Dongying Concession in the past, with the sun rising in the morning, looked so deserted and bleak. On the streets of the street, you can see discarded suitcases, clothing, and various small objects, and there are scattered ones. Some corpses.

Now the entire Dongying Concession is completely under the control of the Cocoa Army. This unit, named by Cocoa as the "Star River Team", is based on liquid metal robot officers and supplemented by brainwashed local Shanghai farmers. A team.

Because there are liquid metal robot officers who hold important positions, this consolidates that the ideology of the entire team will not deviate, and it can also maintain a high combat effectiveness.

At the same time, the children of the local farmers who have been recruited have maintained strong loyalty to cocoa after a strong brainwashing education.

With these two points in mind, it can be said that the combat effectiveness of the entire army is basically that of any army in this time and space.

Of course, this army is still not well-known at the moment. At this time, it was used in the operation of recovering the Eastern Concession.

But Coco doesn't care about these.

All she wants is the result, and the little guy doesn't care about other factors.

Fortunately, this army completed Coco's orders perfectly and successfully recovered the Eastern Concession.

Those in the Dongying Concession who were driven out of their homes early in the morning were escorted to the Hangpu Wharf to gather. There were several large ships waiting there, and they would be sent back to Dongying.

As for these people's departure, the Dongying Concession they left behind will naturally become Coco's private industry, and Coco has suddenly become the biggest'landlord' in Shanghai.

After all, there are many real estates in the Dongying Concession, and those Dongying expats have been driven away. After Coco inherits these properties, he can't let these places and properties be empty.

Therefore, these places are also going to be leased out.

It is precisely because of this relationship that Cocoa will be the real estate king in Shanghai.

And these are just those properties in the Eastern Concession, the British and French concessions, the American concessions, and the Russian concessions... Well, I can't imagine it.

A little girl who was less than three years old actually became the "Golden Half City", and her wealth increased rapidly in this way.

But everyone outside is not optimistic about Cocoa.

I thought that her wealth would be completely wiped out soon.

The reason is simple. Will Dongying people accept defeat like this?

It is obviously impossible.

Although it is possible to drive away the Dongying people in the Dongying Concession in this way, the Dongying local side will certainly not let it go.

Therefore, it can be expected that the Dongying mainland will definitely send troops to retaliate, and by the way, regain all the rights of the concession, and destroy Coco and her army who dare to provoke.

Therefore, all of Coco's right now looks like a mirror image to others, and it will be all destroyed in a short time.

Not to mention that Yuan Xiangcheng in the north has sent an army to take over Shanghai, the financial center of China, by force, control the wealth here, and prepare for the unification of China.

Even the Sun Yixian forces in the south had also sent troops not long ago, and their soldiers pointed directly at Shanghai, apparently doing the same plan as Yuan Xiangcheng.

Both the North and the South have the idea of ​​controlling Shanghai, and at the same time, it is not that they want to take this opportunity to meet each other and weigh their opponents.

After all, for Sun Yixian and Yuan Xiangcheng, each other is their biggest opponent and enemy to unify China, and both sides have the idea of ​​unifying China, but they don't know the strength of their biggest opponent.

Hence the meaning of temptation.

It just so happens that both sides have the idea of ​​controlling Shanghai, so it is better to just take this opportunity to fight against each other and test out the other's military strength.

As for the ‘Granny Aunt’ in Shanghai, to be honest, sincere was not taken seriously by the North and the South.

But it is just the ‘Jianghu Gang’ organization created under complicated factors in the Shanghai Concession. How could such an organization be valued by Yuan Xiangcheng and Sun Yixian?

Therefore, what Cocoa has to face right now is not only because of the hostility of the powers brought about by the withdrawal of the concession, but also the military pressure from the north and the south.

Under such a situation, no one really can think that Cocoa can withstand such pressure while defending its own territory.

Of course, after the news of the withdrawal of the Dongying Concession spread, the Chinese people of insight in this time and space still felt very excited.

After all, the concession of the great powers in Shanghai is really a product of humiliation left behind by the previous dynasty.

But all the **** Huaxia people hate it.

Now that the Dongying Concession has been taken back, how can it be unpleasant.

At the same time, Cocoa was the first person to perform the operation, which is also very heart-breaking.

The Dongying people in this time and space, like the Dongying people in a certain time and space history, have committed countless crimes in China, and have done many evil things. People can't help but hate them when they mention it.

At the same time, the Dongying people in the Dongying Concession of Shanghai Beach are not good things one by one. They use the Shanghai Concession as a base to continuously infiltrate China's political and economic activities and collect various military, political and economic intelligence.

Therefore, the Dongying Concession was taken back, which is really a delightful thing.

Ta Kung Pao has now been bought by Cocoa, and even the original staff of Ta Kung Pao have become Coco's employees.

Originally, after Coco bought Ta Kung Pao, the people who used to work at Ta Kung Pao wanted to leave, but they had no idea that Andrew controlled all their families, so that they had to stay with Coco. Do something.

Ta Kung Pao sent a lot of reporters to accompany the resumption of the Dongying Concession. In addition, Andrew provided 21st century camera equipment. Therefore, these reporters faithfully recorded all the resumption of the operation and rushed to the paper in the shortest time. It was published in the latest issue of Ta Kung Pao newspaper.

With the latest issue of the Ta Kung Pao newspaper, the public has a clearer understanding of what happened and what happened when the concession was reclaimed.

No one sympathizes with those Dongying expats who were driven away, and no one has pity for those Dongying people who were killed because of resistance, because compared with the countless crimes committed by Dongying people in China, the people who died in Dongying Concession are sincere. Not much.

Even most people think that the so-called ‘Star River’s team’s doing so is really too much relief, too much for the Chinese people.


You should be so tough on those little devils!

How many years have Chinese people been in front of foreigners, have not been so fierce?

These little devils are the worst!

Well done this thing!

Of course, this is the opinion of most ordinary people.

But for some people of insight, although they feel very excited, they are more worried about the future of Shanghai, the financial capital of China.

Because these people are very aware of the virtues of the Dongying people, and they are also very aware of how cruel Dongying people are and how reluctant to revenge.

Therefore, these people are not very optimistic about Coco's behavior in taking back the Shanghai Dongying Concession.

Like a certain time and space, the aspiring young people in this time and space at that time would go to Dongying to learn advanced modern knowledge and military knowledge, so in their opinion, the Dongying people are simply a mess.

Therefore, these people are really not very optimistic about the future of Cocoa and Team Galaxy.

But before the Dongying people had any reaction, early the next morning, Coco immediately ordered the'Starship Team' to enter the French Concession and the British Concession in the same way, and also used force to drive away the two in the concession. National diaspora.

At this time, Yuan Xiangcheng's army had arrived in Nantong.

Sun Yixian's army also moved into Shaoxing.

Therefore, before Coco waited for the response from the Dongying people, he was about to deal with the military threats from the North and South.

But the little guy didn't seem to worry about it at all. He was calmly drinking afternoon tea at the consulate in the US concession, and she didn't seem to be afraid of it at all.

I don't know if it's the little guy who has the confidence or she doesn't understand anything.

Perhaps it has both.

"Ensha has organized the sect army to deploy in Fushan Town and Wushi Town. Her weapons, equipment and materials are very sufficient. There is no problem with Duan Qi, one of Yuan Xiangcheng's four kings."

Coco is concentrating on playing tablet games~lightnovelpub.net~ Hearing this, he paused the game and looked up at Andrew: "What weapon did you provide Ensha?"

Andrew smirked and responded to Coco: "During World War II there were 12oo German-style 1o5mm howitzers and 11oo Bumblebee 15omm self-propelled artillery pieces. These artillery pieces were enough to deal with the Northern Army in Nantong.

According to the information I have learned, Duan Qi's three armies in Nantong have a total of 45 artillery pieces, and these artillery pieces are still old-fashioned. "

There is not much that can be understood about the military, so the little guy does not know how terrifying Ensha's army with more than two thousand guns will be.

But the little guy trusts Andrew very much. As long as Andrew says there is no problem, the little guy will believe that everything is okay.

But even so, Coco still told Andrew his suggestion, not caring whether it was so weird or not.

"Andrew, there are only more than two thousand guns, I think it's a little bit less? Or you are equipping Ensha with more guns."

Andrew asked Coco very indifferently: "There is no problem at all, miss, how many more guns do you want to equip Ensha?"

Cocoa thought for a while: "How about five thousand...how?"

Andrew answered without hesitation: "Okay, then give Ensha five thousand more guns!"

Obviously the two had never thought of the impact that Ensha would have had more than 7,000 guns by then.

After all, one is a weird kid, the other is a funny alien housekeeper...

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