Rising America

Chapter 920: challenge! (First 3 schools and)

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The Shanghai military forces took the lead and launched a surprise attack on the Southern Army, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

According to some people, Shanghai's military power is relatively weak, so in response to the approach of the Southern Army, it should adopt a defensive approach.

But who would have thought that the Shanghai military forces would dare to take the initiative to attack.

What is even more unexpected is that the Shanghai military forces that took the initiative to attack also breached the Qiantang River position of the Southern Army and surrounded the main force of the 200,000 Southern Army in Cixi.

This really shocked many people's jaws.

For a time, the spies and agents of various countries hidden in China became active.

After many inquiries, a piece of terrifying information was telexed back to their respective countries by these spies, and with this information, the countries were collectively silent for a while.

According to intelligence, the army that attacked the Southern Army was only one of the four major forces of the Shanghai military, but just such an army of 28,000 people, at most two divisions, had more than 1,000. Cannon.

There is even an aircraft combat force!

That's right, the aircraft used by Pitro for this battle is called an aircraft by the intelligence agencies of this era.

Obviously there is no such word as airplane at this time.

After all, it is only an era when airships are popular, so the appearance of airplanes is definitely a shocking event.

In particular, various data in the intelligence have confirmed that those aircraft called aircraft performed perfectly in battle, and the bombs they dropped could effectively destroy various positional defense systems.

So this makes the countries can't help but exclaim!

Oh my god!

Where did the Shanghai military forces come out of monsters? For Mao would be so powerful!

Especially after the Dongying people informed Guangzhou of this information, the high-level southern army was even more stupid.

You know, the Southern Army has more than one million troops, and there are fewer than two hundred guns in total.

And some of these guns are from the old-fashioned artillery of the previous dynasty!

But his opponent only had two divisions, equipped with more than a thousand guns. This is simply... bullying!

They couldn't imagine how spectacular a scene would be when more than a thousand guns were bombarded at the same time.

After all, people have so many artillery, the target of fire is people like yourself!

To be honest, no one wants to lead an army to fight with more than a thousand artillery fires.

It will never feel good!

Therefore, when the Guangzhou authorities learned that Cixi was surrounded by 200,000 people, the entire Southern Army's top ranks actually shrank, and no one wanted to take command of the soldiers to rescue Cixi.

Yuan Xiangcheng in the north also specially ordered Nantong to station, stop all preparations at Duan Qi who was preparing to attack, and secretly sent people to Shanghai to contact Cocoa.

It was during this contact that Yuan Xiangcheng learned that the Ensha army opposite Duan Qibu under his command had more artillery, reaching 73oo.

Oh my poor!

Thanks to not ordering an attack!

Otherwise, the 73oo artillery bombarded at the same time, and Duan Qi's army would be completely destroyed.

This news made Old Yuan couldn't help but be grateful.

Especially after confirming that the news was not a boast by the Shanghai military forces, but a fact, Yuan Xiangcheng made a decisive choice immediately.

He actually claimed in the newspaper that he supported Coco as a mountain and sea warlord!

And will maintain friendship with the Shanghai military forces.

At this time, Guangzhou suffered a big loss.

Because they have already started fighting with the Shanghai military forces.

At that time in China, artillery was a good thing, something that money could not buy.

Because foreigners are unwilling to sell artillery to China's north and south.

Therefore, Yuan Xiangcheng supported Coco and hoped that through this kind of demonstration, he would get closer to the military forces in Shanghai, and tried to see if he could buy firearms from Shanghai to equip himself.

After all, the Shanghai forces have too many artillery!

Moreover, it has so many artillery pieces, which also means that people have special channels to buy artillery pieces.

Especially these artillery are still very advanced!

The artillery used by the powers in active service is much more advanced.

Therefore, it is impossible for Lao Yuan not to be enthusiastic.

Cixi Pitro was besieging the Southern Army who was besieging the beast.

Because of some changes, Pietro changed his plan to wipe out the main force of the Southern Army in Cixi, instead of siege.

After all, the old Yuan in the north has changed his words to support himself as an overseer, so Coco also hopes to end the conflict with the southern army and let the southern army also express his support for him.

After all, the little guy didn't want the war to continue.

It is a pity that the Confederate Army is still riding a tiger, because they need to worry about their face.

Therefore, it is impossible for Guangzhou to make a choice as easily as Yuan Xiangcheng.

At this time, Andrew took the time to return to the modern time and space, ready to bring Jin Xiantai over to play.

After all, with the disappearance of Shanghai's military threat, the next step is construction.

Moreover, the Shanghai military force has also been on the stage of China and the world. Therefore, as the Shanghai force, you must find a suitable person to bear it.

Coco, a kid who is less than three years old, obviously can't afford this.

So, getting Kim Hyun Tae is the most appropriate.

What's more, the little guy wants to show off in front of his father.

Of course, Andrew's rhetoric with Coco only dispelled some of the bear children's concerns.

Because the bear child is worried that after his father is brought into this space and time, he will use parental authority to deprive him of his status and power, and he will be defeated from the warlord.

This kind of worry about the bear child is really funny.

In this way, after the military threat was reduced, Andrew returned to modern times.

But when Andrew left, Coco ran into a little trouble.

As intelligence showed that Shanghai's military forces possessed powerful weapons and equipment, and their power should not be underestimated, so they planned to attack Shanghai's Dongying Fleet by force, but were frightened and returned to the mainland midway.

But because they couldn't swallow the evil spirit of the concession being taken back, the Dongying people, at the instigation of France, Britain, and Russia, changed their strategy of using military threats, and instead prepared to use the method of attacking the Chinese spirit to deal with the Shanghai military forces.

So, what exactly do Dongying people do?

It's simple!

It sent many local ‘Martial Arts masters’ to Shanghai to challenge the superiors in Shanghai’s military power. They wanted to use this method to show some people that Shanghai’s military power is not that powerful.

Therefore, as a master of "Little Aunt Granny", Coco faced a challenge from "Jiang Hu" after Andrew left.

Coco, wearing a black German-style children's military uniform, looked at the challenge book in his hand, and his forehead was beating.

This challenge book is crazy, and there are a lot of very insulting words, such as "China, the sick man", which makes the little guy very uncomfortable.

Because Andrew had specially taught the knowledge of ‘history’, the little guy knew exactly what these words meant.

It is precisely because of being clear that the little guy is very angry!

As a black-headed and dark-eyed Chinese, she doesn't want to be underestimated, nor does she want the Chinese in this time and space to be underestimated. Indigenous Chinese are underestimated. This makes the little guy feel as if she is underestimated and makes her feel very uncomfortable. .

The final signature of the challenge book, and the meeting place was in the karate dojo run by the Black Dragon Club in the former Eastern British Concession. It has now been rented out by Coco and turned into a small department store.

"Damn it! Such a rude speech, I must be so he knows why the flowers are so red!"

Coco left her seat angrily, and then left the former American consulate fiercely, which has now become the governor's palace of her Shanghai governor.

Big boss travel, there must be some ostentation.

Especially cocoa, which likes to show off, is very pompous.

Guards with submachine guns, all-in-one jeeps, and several military trucks full of soldiers are standard equipment for cocoa travel.

Keira, the confidant of "Star Team", who was left in Shanghai by Coco, also followed Coco.

Now this little girl from Krypton is already a general of Coco's guard.

I have to say that Kayla has got rid of the embarrassing role of the ship's mother.

On the way to the meeting place, Coco angrily confessed to Kaila: "Don't say anything when you get there for a while, just hit him when you see Dongying people!"

Facing the angry coco boss, as a confidant, Kayla nodded repeatedly.


I dare to underestimate the coco boss I admire, this is an intolerable thing.

So Kayla will of course obey Coco's orders and make up his mind to show those challengers a good look.

"Do you want to kill?"

But after all, she is a good girl, so Kayla had to ask more details.

Coco thought for a while and responded: "Half dead!"

So far ~lightnovelpub.net~Kayla has a bottom line.

To be honest, Keira is not as funny as Pietro, little girls are always good girls.

So she did not dare and could not kill.

Although she has strong power.

But after all, her tutor is very good.

It's a pity that she met a few unreliable friends, so the little girl is destined to embark on a strange road in life.

The convoy of the Warlord's Mansion is vast.

In front of each car, a small flag with a big head of Cocoa was hung.

When passing the crossroads, there will also be a portrait of Coco in military uniform.

In these portraits, Coco's fingers are in front, or the chest is tall, all of them have some of the characteristics of the present.

And among the pedestrians on the street, there are many "Coco Cult" missionaries wearing Taoist gowns, and there are more believers with distinctive costumes than before.

Trust cocoa to get eternal life!

Believe me, Cocoa teaches to divide an acre of land!

Missionary slogans like this can be heard from time to time.

Kayla looked at Coco sincerely and said: "Boss, it seems that the implementation of the faith plan is very smooth. Now the whole of Shanghai has become the kingdom of God on earth."

Coco's arrogance of'Bhahaha' laughed, and it took a long time to stop the laughter, and said to Kaila: "Where is this, wait and see, I want to build Shanghai into a world-class city!"

Kayla heard the words, and a look of worship suddenly appeared on her face.

"Boss, what are you going to do?"

Coco raised his hand and rubbed his chin, "Open a hundred houses first."

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