Rising America

Chapter 930: Daughter's filial piety

With Andrew's narration, Jin Xiantai truly understood what his daughter Coco and the group did in this time and space.

China’s Coco’s ‘cockroach’ became the warlord, not only taking back the concessions of the great powers in Shanghai, but also taking this as an opportunity to master a large number of real estate buildings and land, and became the famous ‘Golden Half City’.

Coco also used superstitious methods to deceive the people in the Chinese countryside in the time and space under his control. Using the strategy of'breaking the local tyrants to divide the land,' attracted the majority of the poor and poor villagers to become her followers.

It can be said that although her daughter now seems to be the governor of Shanghai, she seems to be famous, but in fact she has offended many people.

Needless to say, the overthrown local tyrants in Jiangsu and Zhejiang must be hateful to death. After all, the little friends Coco sent out to solicit believers have quarreled people's homes and divided their land.

But Kim Hyun Tae didn't think there was anything wrong.

Because according to Andrew, those targets who were ‘smashed the local tyrants to divide the land’ were chosen by bullies and bullied the good, and if such targets were defeated, of course Jin Xiantai would not say anything.

Even in the bottom of his heart, he felt that his daughter's friends did a good job.

After all, those are bad guys!

In addition, Cocoa's actions in taking back the concession also attracted hostility from the great powers. After all, it is impossible for these great powers to give up everything in Shanghai willingly.

It was just because Coco was too strong at the time and the force at that time was very strong, so they had to be forced by the situation to let Coco succeed.

But after that, the great powers reacted immediately. Dongying dispatched warships with money and equipment, and carried troops to retaliate against Shanghai and recover the concession.

It can be said that Coco really offended the great powers.

But what is unexpected is that Coco's troops fought with the southern army, demonstrating unparalleled powerful combat effectiveness, and the new equipment shocked the powers.

Therefore, the feared powers ended their military operations to retaliate and recover Shanghai.

After all, the force and equipment displayed by Pietro's army were too shocking to the world.

I won’t talk about artillery, but the thousands of airplanes of World War II era really scared the world, especially the powers.

You know, the powers of this period are still playing airships.

As for Dongying, they don't even have an airship.

Therefore, when the aircraft was used on the battlefield and demonstrated its intrepid combat capability and might, the great powers were completely ‘Spartan’ and afraid.

Therefore, the military forces represented by Shanghai Cocoa have maintained a certain degree of deterrence against the foreign powers, preventing them from taking any military actions in a short period of time.

But that's it.

Although there will be no military actions, there are still some small methods in private.

For example, there have been foreigners coming to challenge the Warlord’s Mansion recently, and there are great powers behind them, and even the great powers are instigating them.

Therefore, Shanghai's military forces have many enemies and few friends internationally.

In addition to the above two, China's domestic cocoa also has enemies.

Yuan Xiangcheng in the north and Sun Yixian in the south are all enemies of Coco.

Originally, Coco didn't come to this time and space. Yuan and Sun were the two leaders recognized by the entire China, and they were also the hope of China's unification in the future.

Of course, only one of the two can use Huaxia in the end, which is clear to everyone.

But unexpectedly, Coco suddenly emerged.

And because of the emergence of cocoa, some of the arrangements between the north and the south were completely disrupted.

First is Shanghai!

Shanghai is China's economic lifeline, financial center, and pocketbook.

Whether it is Yuan Xiangcheng or Sun Yixian, they all hope to control Shanghai in their own hands, because this will make their odds of winning very large.

After all, the cost of raising the army is very high, and the expenses in the territory under my control are also very expensive, so Shanghai has become very important.

It can even be said that whoever controls Shanghai will have an 80% chance of becoming the last ruler of China in the future.

Therefore, both the North and the South are eyeing Shanghai.

At the same time, both the North and the South also sent their respective appointed governors of Shanghai. Before the military confrontation, they wanted to use this method to test their opponents.

But this plan was ruined by Cocoa.

In addition, Coco formed an army in Shanghai and became China's third-party military power group.

Of course, in fact, there are many Chinese warlords in this era. If you really want to count them, they are not third-party military forces.

But the problem is that those warlords, big and small, all stood in line, either under Yuan Xiangcheng's command, or united with Sun Yixian.

Therefore, Coco, the warlord and her army, have become the third-party military force of China in this space-time.

In addition, Coco's military power has also made it onto the stage of history in a way that blinds everyone to the eyes of titanium alloys, and deterred everyone with powerful military power.

Despite the fact that Coco's control is not a big deal, the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions she controls are indeed fertile and economically developed places.

General military strength, powerful weapons and equipment, and the soldiers are well-trained and fearless one by one, which made Yuan Xiangcheng change his attitude towards Shanghai's military power.

Even the southern forces that suffered a loss have changed their attitude of despising Cocoa because of the painful beating.

The reason is simple, they can't afford it.

Thousands of artillery!

Together, the North and the South could not make up 400 artillery pieces!

With just such a piece of data, the gap can be seen.

Not to mention that the weapons and equipment of the North and South military are all that old-fashioned. The soldiers on the cocoa side are equipped with Thomson submachine guns.

How does this compare!

Even faction-level units have artillery guns! Heavy machine gun! Even radio communication!

But even so, even if the North and South have changed their attitudes, they are also enemies.

So taking a look at the current situation, hehe, the little guy can be said to have enemies everywhere.

Not optimistic!

Of course, this "not to be optimistic" is just a small emotion from Kim Hyun Tae, which is actually not the case at all.

Even Jin Xiantai himself knows very well that with Andrew, a guy who masters black technology, there is no power or even a country in this era of time and space that can be their opponent.

Especially after Cocoa already has a site.

If necessary, Andrew will definitely make a large number of liquid metal robots to fight. Who can stop the army of liquid technology robots at that time!

Not to mention this era, even if you want to come in a different time and space, it is enough for the world to drink a pot.

Sitting on the sofa and judging the situation around Shanghai, Jin Xiantai finally concluded that although his daughter has many enemies, there is no danger.

Therefore, his whole person became relaxed.

"The things in Panama have ended. I have a three-month holiday. With special permission from the military school, I no longer have to go to study every day like ordinary students. They informed me that after the holiday, I might Enter the actual combat internship stage in advance."

Kim Hyun Tae, who relaxed, told Andrew about his own situation.

Cocoa heard him say that after a long vacation, he burst into joy.

Because Jin Xiantai has to go to school every day, and there is no time to accompany her, this makes the little guy feel dissatisfied.

It's just that the little guy is very sensible and never shows it.

So the little guy is very happy because his father has a holiday, because it means that his father, Jin Xiantai, can be with him for a long time.

"Oh! Long live dad's holiday!"

After a sigh of joy, the little guy ran to the desk ‘tengteng’, and vaguely saw where the little guy was tinkering, but because the desk blocked his vision, it was difficult to see.

Soon, the little guy ran back again, with a small cloth bag in his hand.

"Dad, this is my honor to you. I can make money now. So you can spend this holiday with me to play here. If you are bored, go out and shop, eat whatever you want, buy whatever you want, don’t bear it ."

After speaking, Coco dropped the small cloth bag in his hand on the coffee table.

Kim Hyun-tae took a surprised look at his daughter~lightnovelpub.net~ and then leaned forward and opened the small cloth bag on the coffee table.

After opening the small cloth bag, several gold bars appeared in front of Jin Xiantai.

Coco said triumphantly again: "Look, I've grown up, I can make money, and I can let Dad use the money I earn to enjoy it."

Jin Xiantai was moved and helpless, and at the same time he couldn't laugh or cry for what his daughter said.

"Do you earn this today?"

Jin Xiantai didn't have the gold bars given to him by his daughter, but instead asked her daughter.

Coco nodded, with an expression of'exactly', and replied: "Of course I earned it. I worked hard to make money. I went everywhere to find out that the guy in Shanghai was the worst, and then I took someone there. Copy home..."


Jin Xiantai just took a sip of coffee on the coffee table and heard his daughter's answer, but the little guy's answer almost didn't make him squirt the coffee out of his mouth.

This is how dare your daughter makes money!

The little guy brags about how hard he has been. Anyway, he brags himself, so he didn't notice his father's reaction.

"I sent people to investigate the information of these bad guys and collect some intelligence on their evil. It took several hours. You see how hard I am! And finally I will personally take the team to ransack the house and remove those The bad guys brought them to the victims to accept justice, so I finally understand now that making money is really hard work."

You are still working hard!

Where do you put those who actually make money!

Kim Hyun-tae watched and talked and kept boasting about how hard he was a daughter. He opened his mouth several times to say something...u

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