Rising America

Chapter 94: So familiar face

   Old George finished the opening speech, so he would not stay in the banquet hall anymore.

   People like him hold such a party, send out so many invitations, and invite so many guests. Obviously, it is impossible to hold a party as simple as one.

   If you really want to think like this, then you are even more innocent than Kim Hyun Tae.

   Although Jin Xiantai still doesn't understand some of the rules of these American politicians and is an out-and-out noob, he also knows that people like Old George must be different from what he imagined.

   As expected, under the guidance of secretary Mona, Jin Xiantai and his party left the banquet hall and came to the corridor of a suite next to the banquet hall.

  In the corridor, Jin Xiantai saw that there were already many suits and leather shoes, and a pair of successful people gathered here.

  Although the door of the suite was open and not closed, none of the people gathered in the corridor walked in recklessly.

   When the "successful people" gathered in the corridor, they saw Mona who was leading Jin Xiantai and his party back, and immediately surrounded him.

   "Secretary Mona, when will Governor George see us? I have a proposal for an immigration investigation to show him."

   "Hi! Mona, I want to see the governor. Please inform me. I am here to meet him on behalf of the California Screen Actors Guild."

   Mona only dealt with these people with a smile, and did not give any direct answer, even if there was that kind of perfunctory rhetoric.

   Kim Hyun Tae’s assassin is like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden.

   After Mona took Jin Xiantai and his party into the suite, he stopped, then smiled and gestured, and then closed the door of the suite.

   It seems that this is to let myself go into the suite to meet George.

   Annie and Dave didn't have any surprised reaction to this, only Kim Hyun Tae was a little fresh about it.

   "Let's go, I guess Mr. George, he must be waiting for us in the living room."

   After Dave turned his head and smiled and said to Annie, he pushed Kim Hyun-tae and started to walk into the suite. Annie hugged Coco in silence and followed.

   When dealing with politicians like George, both Dave and Annie are no strangers, so they are not like Kim Hyun Tae at all.

   This suite is very large. It was specially prepared by the Caswell Hotel for Old George to meet and chat with some special guests.

   A politician like old George has a lot of people to meet every day, so there must be such a more private space.

   Old George’s bodyguard has checked the room very carefully. There is no hidden camera, or concealed sound collection device, which is a bug, so I’m talking about some private topics here. It’s totally different from worrying about being leaked out.

   After all, where is old George's rank, and he has also announced that he will participate in the next year's presidential election, so his camp party has put a lot of effort in this regard.

   Old George really was waiting for them in the living room of the suite.

   The group walked not far, and when they turned a corner and appeared in front of the entrance of the living room, they saw the figure of old George.

This is an American-style living room. There is a large fireplace in the hall. The wood stacked in the fireplace is burning. Around the fireplace, there is a leather sofa in blood red. There is also a small bar counter in the corner. Style beverages.

   After seeing old George, Dave obviously quickened his pace.

   Kim Hyun-tae also saw this Governor George. When he was in the banquet hall, he was too far away to see it clearly. Now that he is in close contact, Kim Hyun-tae can really see this ‘big official’ clearly.

   Old George wore a pair of ordinary jeans, a pair of crocodile leather cowboy boots on his feet, a light blue denim shirt on his upper body, and a cowboy hat that a Texas cowboy would have on his head.

   I heard that he is a native of Texas. From this outfit, it can be seen that he is absolutely right.

   When Jin Xiantai took a look at the appearance of old George, he suddenly cried out in his heart "I'll take it", and his heartbeat accelerated a little.

   Because Kim Hyun-tae discovered that the appearance of old George was a bit like a former president of the United States in the world he was in in his previous life.

  Well, I was the president who fought in the war, and the son became the father and son of a family where the president still fought.

   Oh, this parallel time and space is really surprising.

   Kim Hyun Tae looked at the familiar face of old George, and a picture of a herd of alpacas galloping past appeared in his mind.

   Dave first stretched out his right hand at this time.

   "Hello, Mr. George, we have not seen each other for a long time, and your complexion is still so good."

   Old George smiled and stretched out his hand when he heard the words, and squeezed Dave tightly, and immediately responded: "Yes, it's been half a year since we met last time."

   This is a very polite and normal opening.

  Old George exchanged greetings with Dave, then looked at Annie, and glanced at Kim Hyun Tae who was in a wheelchair.

   As for Annie, the old George may have communicated with her a long time ago, so he just gave a vague nod, and did not greet Annie enthusiastically.

   "Come on, Mr. George, let me introduce you." At this time, Dave pushed the wheelchair forward slightly, then looked down at Jin Xiantai and introduced him to George.

   "This is William King, who faced the murderer's gun with senseless courage in the Monica High School shooting incident and saved his classmate and got three shots."

   Dave’s series of introductions made Kim Hyun Tae feel very embarrassed.

   It was the old George who grew his mouth with an exaggerated expression, and then stared at Jin Xiantai like a monster.

   "You are the "hero" boy in the public mouth!?" The reaction is too exaggerated, bad review! "When I saw you in person, I realized that you are more handsome than the photos taken in the newspaper. It's a great honor for you to be invited here."

   You don’t just play movies in the entertainment industry, but it’s a pity that you are a talent. With this exaggerated expression, it’s absolutely okay to act in a comedy!

   Jin Xiantai watched old George's exaggerated facial expressions and exaggerated body movements, silently complaining in his heart.

   How did Kim Hyun Tae know that, in fact, American politicians are really a group of people with absolutely superb acting skills.

   In fact, they are performing and making shows every day, and their knowledge is even deeper than the so-called big stars.

   And the reason why old George is so exaggerated today is because Dave and Annie are very familiar people, so he relaxed and adopted this exaggerated way.

   This is a way of showing intimacy to acquaintances.

   If you are someone else, George’s "acting skills" are not so exaggerated. They are definitely of a first-rate level.

   Therefore, he can't blame him for making complaints in his heart.

   "Thank you for your compliment, I just did what I should do. I don't think I can be called a "hero"."

   Kim Hyun Tae did not faint, but humbly responded to old George's praise.

Old George smiled when he heard the words, and shook his head at the same time: "No! No! No! You are absolutely responsible for the title of hero. After all, in the situation at the time, even adult men did not necessarily make that. Kind of choice..."

   In any case, Kim Hyun-tae is a ‘young hero’ in the old George’s place. Moreover, according to the old George’s statement, this title was still used by the media on Kim Hyun-tae.

   Then since the media think so, can you still oppose the media?

   At this time, Dave took out the $50,000 check he had on him and handed it to Old George in front of Kim Hyun Tae.

   "I hope I can help you a little bit, and I also hope that you can win the next year's election, and thank you for your care for our publishing house in recent years."

   Old George took the check and looked at it. Well, the cash check for fifty thousand dollars, he was very satisfied with the amount.

   And Jin Xiantai, who was sitting in the wheelchair, was completely shocked at this moment.

  He couldn't think of it, Dave just gave the money directly, and Old George accepted it without hesitation.

   Isn't this kind of thing done in private?

   At least, when there are no outsiders.

   Obviously, Kim Hyun Tae connected this matter with bribery.

   But in fact, in the United States, this kind of thing is very common.

   What he thinks of bribery is nothing like giving or receiving bribes.

   You need to know that the campaign funds that Dave gave to Old George were eventually reported by Old George. It is absolutely impossible to use the money as his own.

  If Old George dared to do this, it would really be a violation of the law and it would be a big deal.

   But once it is reported to the record, then the money will be no problem, and he will not cause trouble if he takes it.

   At the same time, Dave gave 50,000 yuan in campaign sponsorship, and he also used an extra money to pay taxes. As long as the taxes were paid, the money would be more legal.

   For campaign sponsorship funds like this, the tax amount after filing is 30%, and the tax rate is not high.

  In the United States of parallel time and space, taxes can be said to be ubiquitous.

   Even in the time and space of Kim Hyun-tae’s previous life, there was a saying in the United States [Everyone has two things that cannot escape: death and paying taxes. ], obviously the same is true on the parallel space-time side.

   Generally all politicians have to go through this set of procedures after accepting campaign funds. Only in this way will everything be clear and plain.

   It’s just that most of the time, Old George would not face sponsors himself, and campaign funds were also collected by his subordinates.

   The situation like today is quite special.

   But considering that Dave and Annie are not outsiders, Old George has no worries, so he will accept it as long as he doesn't forget to go back and report it to the record.

   Put the cash check into his shirt pocket, and Old George smiled: "Thank you for your support. I will always pay attention to the California Press. If you encounter any problems, I will help you."

   Kim Hyun Tae felt that everything that happened in front of him was ‘so fun’.

   Dave knew what the most important period of the day was, so after a little chat, he took the initiative to step aside.

   After finishing the conversation with Dave, Old George turned his attention to Kim Hyun Tae.

   Old George first complimented Kim Hyun-tae in a small way. It was nothing more than saying how brave he was in the shooting, how noble his morals, and such unnutritious words that everyone should learn.

   Kim Hyun Tae was sitting in a wheelchair and occasionally responded with one or two sentences. In short, the conversation between the two was very harmonious and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

In the end, George told Kim Hyun-tae that after the meeting was over for a while, he would announce at the banquet that he would award Kim Hyun-tae a certificate similar to a good Californian boy. He might still need Kim Hyun-tae to come on stage to say a few words or something. Mental preparation.

   In this regard, Kim Hyun Tae said that he has no problems at all.

   I thought that the meeting would be over at this point, but I didn't think that Old George would change the conversation and asked Jin Xiantai a very strange question.

   "Young man, you said that if I submit a proposal to the Congress, the content is for those Japanese who are jumping up and down, and let the United States forcibly suppress the Japanese in currency appreciation, will the Congress pass it?"


   Why do you want to ask me this question?

  Isn't the congressmen worry about such big things?

   Although I don’t understand why the old George asked this, Kim Hyun-tae felt it would be okay to answer it himself, and he was not as complicated as he thought.

   In Kim Hyun Tae's view, Old George is just like a habit, just ask himself this question casually.

   Besides, I’m so ‘young’, even if I have good advice, can old George take it seriously?

   Hehe, this is a joke.

   In that case, talk about it yourself, just talk about it.

So Kim Hyun-tae, who had no pressure at all, thought about it for a while and replied: "There will definitely be resistance, but it is not impossible to solve it. The Japanese economy is now very strong and it has threatened the American economy. I think everyone should do it. Yes understand.

   If you continue to indulge in this way, the consequences are obviously unimaginable. From the media reports, it can be seen that the Japanese want to pressure the United States to withdraw the US troops stationed in Japan. This is an obvious signal. "

   Old George was smiling, but he listened to Jin Xiantai's words very seriously.

   Kim Hyun-tae became more excited as he spoke, and his strong chatty was aroused, and he was in a posture of wanting to stop.

   "Although Japan has a strong economy, they also have their own weaknesses, and this weakness is very fatal.

   After the end of World War II, Japan has no army. The United States has 1.2 million troops stationed in Japan. Is this all decorations?

   It is true that Japan’s economy rose after the war, but without the guarantee of military power, what is the use of a strong economy?

   In my eyes, Japan is actually a delicious taste that can be slaughtered by others. It depends on whether you dare to do it.

  As long as you can unite people with enough weight and let them understand the benefits contained in it, I don’t think the Congress should worry about it. Naturally, someone will try to persuade those conservative guys in Congress.

   Besides, as long as you are not fools and idiots, you will know how much benefit you can get from the Japanese once this goal is achieved. Ha ha……"

   Kim Hyun-tae sneered at this point.

   "The foreign exchange reserves accumulated by the Japanese for decades is not a small number, it is a huge wealth that makes people crazy..."

"Sorry, Mr. George, these are just some of my own naive thoughts. Please don't mind." Kim Hyun-tae, who expressed his thoughts, showed a'shy' expression after speaking, which corresponds to what a young man of his age should have Some performances.


well said!


  As long as people can see the huge benefits and benefits contained therein, no one who wants to come to the American capital world will not be impressed.

   Say a thousand things and ten thousand, and interest is the most important point that can move people's hearts.

   There is a saying.

   With 50% interest, people can take risks.

   With 100% benefits, people can trample all laws.

   300% profit...hehe...

   As for this plan for Japan, the benefits contained in it are not only 300%, but huge wealth that makes people crazily jealous when they think about it.

   Once these guys are heartbroken, join in, Congress... Hmph, Congress is a shit!

  Old George was very satisfied with Kim Hyun Tae's answer.

   Earlier, when he heard Annie talk about Kim Hyun Tae, he was still a little doubtful about it.

   I saw Kim Hyun-tae with my own eyes. After hearing these opinions from him, the old George really decided [This is really a young man with high political sensitivity].

   Then the old George nodded at Annie very concealedly.

   Annie's blue eyes flashed suddenly after seeing the hint of the old George.

"I will participate in the presidential election in the coming year. I hope you can support me by then. After the shooting, you have a great influence in the Chinese community, especially in the youth groups of all ethnic groups. I have a strong appeal. I hope you will be on my side by then."

   After finishing speaking, Old George extended his right hand to Kim Hyun Tae.

   Old George's remarks, even Xiao Bai, such as Kim Hyun Tae, can hear it. They are seeking their own political attitude.

   But the question is, do you really have that important?

   Kim Hyun Tae's silk mentality reappeared.

   But regardless of what I think, I have to satisfy Old George at the moment.

   Therefore, Jin Xiantai also stretched out his hand quickly, and held old George tightly.

   "I will definitely support you. I agree with your campaign platform. I think the United States is very rigid and conservative now. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt some radical political reform measures to improve this situation."

   Kim Hyun-tae babbled, in fact, how did he know what old George’s political program was? He had only heard Dave talk to him just now, and he understood a little bit.

   But Jin Xiantai didn't blink his eyes when talking nonsense. Old George didn't know this. He thought that Jin Xiantai really understood his campaign platform, so he agreed.

   Therefore, old George's smiling eyes became a slit.

   Just as Old George was smiling and gratifying, Kim Hyun-tae took out a cash check for $1 million that he had prepared in advance and handed it under Old George's nose.

   "Mr. George, this is my caution for your next year's election. Please feel welcome."

   Old George took a look, huh! One million cash check!

   To be honest, this is definitely not a small amount.

   Basically, politicians here in the United States sponsored the campaign, and people at best give it 10,000, 20,000, or 50,000.

   Unless there is a fixed backer to support his political career, he will be guaranteed a large amount of funds.

   is like Anne, she is the sponsor of old George.

   But even so, old George still needs to come out occasionally to sponsor sponsors to make money for himself and his camp.

   A one-time sponsorship of 1 million US dollars, the relationship is not so good yet, Kim Hyun Tae is the first one.

   Is this little guy also a potential radical ideologist?

   Oh, yes, it should be like this.

   Kim Hyun-tae’s unintentional mistake made old George completely misunderstood.

   It seems that if you train well, your camp will have one more talent in the future.

   Besides, he has a lot of appeal now, especially for the ethnic Chinese group, which has a lot of benefits for getting Chinese votes during his election campaign.

   So... In an instant ~lightnovelpub.net~ Countless possibilities flashed through Old George's mind.

   "Thank you, I will not let you down. Once I am elected, I will definitely give the supporters the greatest return!"

  Basically, Old George is a verbal promise to Kim Hyun Tae. As for whether it can really be rewarded, only God will know.

   Anyway, Kim Hyun Tae didn't take it to heart, so just listen to it.

   But Annie was very excited.

  Because Annie knew very well that once Old George made a promise, he would definitely not fail. Of course, Old George would not easily promise anything to others.

   chatted about other topics again, this meeting is over.

Before leaving, Annie deliberately fell behind. Old George came over knowingly and said to Annie in a low voice: "A good kid is worth training. Let him finish high school. After graduation, I recommend him to West Point Military Academy. At the same time, I will come next year. His campaign can allow him to join the preparatory committee and add a dazzling resume to him..."

   "Thank you Uncle George."

   "Don't thank me, he won all this by himself."

   "I have prepared the proposal. You have to hurry up in Japan. You will eat less meat when the time comes. Don't blame Old George."

   "Don't worry, I have already started this thing."
