Rising America

Chapter 940: In order not to be sick, kill them

As the people from Guangzhou arrived in Shanghai, the inevitable "marriage" was also brought up, and after learning of this attitude from Guangzhou, Jin Xiantai couldn't help the fire anymore. W≈W≠W=. = 8 = 1≥Z≠W≥. ≈C≤O≥M≈

How old is his daughter Cocoa!

A child under three years old!

How old is Sun Yixian?

This guy is now middle-aged in his forties.

It was also a loss for him to say such a condition, it is simply shameless to the extreme.

It's worthy of a meeting with the cute club!

"Master, I will send someone to kill all these people in Guangzhou soon!"

After Kim Hyun-tae vented for a while and his anger was a little less, Andrew walked over.

Kim Hyun-tae sat down panting, his anger still in his eyes.

"These scumbags, how can they make such a request, who do they think they are!"

Andrew stood on the side with a serious face, and echoed: "Master, what you said is that these people in Guangzhou are so fancy that they want to use such a method to annex us, it's really bad for them to come up with it."

Taking a deep breath, Kim Hyun-tae calmed down his anger and said to Andrew with a disdainful expression: "I heard that Sun Dapao had found a little loli to be his wife in Japan. It can be seen that he is not in this respect. What kind of ethics, so it’s not unexpected that people in Guangzhou came to Shanghai for him and made such a wonderful request in front of us."

Andrew nodded: "I know something about Sun Dapao. To be honest, I admire Sun Dapao, but I can't agree with him about his hobbies."

Jin Xiantai leaned back and made himself a little more comfortable, and said, "Most of these people in the south are speculators. Although there are also loyal leather #命志士, most of them are villains. Among them, Sun Dapao is like this. .

It's just that this person is very shrewd. He has made himself tall through the media, and has successfully fooled some unaware people to follow him best. "

"Master, in fact, we can completely sweep China with our strength. To be honest, there is no need to be too low on the North and South. Let me say that we will take advantage of this opportunity to swipe the army south and directly level the southern army.", Andrew Observing Kim Hyun Tae's reaction, I tentatively asked Kim Hyun Tae's attitude towards this matter.

Yes, this is indeed a good opportunity.

The person sent by Sun Dapao really gave Shanghai an excuse.

As long as Jin Xiantai nodded and agreed, he could use the matter as an excuse, and the army would go south to destroy the southern power and take over the southern power turf.

This is a good opportunity.

What's more, how can the hatred be relieved just by killing those people sent by the Southern Army.

Sun Da Pao was really disgusting to Kim Hyun Tae this time.

And when I think about it in the future, it will make Jin Xiantai disgusting.

However, Andrew's suggestion made Kim Hyun Tae's eyes bright.

It seems that this thing is feasible.

Since it is in o1 time and space, Kim Hyun-tae does not have to worry about the influence of historical lines. In addition, Sun Dapao in this time and space is indeed disgusting to him. Therefore, if the source of this disgust is eliminated, at least Kim Hyun-tae thinks this is a good thing. .

Therefore, after Jin Xiantai pondered it in his heart, he said to Andrew: "You are right. This is a good excuse. It is equivalent to Sun Dapao who created such an opportunity for us to occupy a moral commanding height. "

Andrew had a look of joy on his face when he heard the words, because he heard the subtext of Jin Xiantai, and he had agreed to what he suggested.

To be honest, Andrew is also quite disgusting Sun Dapao.

Such a cute little lady in her own family was actually missed by a man in her forties, which made Andrew very upset.

Therefore, Andrew felt that he should think about the young lady and solve the disgusting fellow Sun Dapao.

Now that he has his own young master's willingness, Andrew is suddenly determined.

However, to resolve the forces of the Southern Army, force alone cannot be achieved. It must be achieved through a combination of public opinion and force.

After all, a lot of people have been fooled by the Southern Army, and the people in the territory under its control are very convinced of what the Southern Army is propagating.

The Southern Army is definitely not its own opponent. This is certain, but after defeating the Southern Army, how to control such a large area of ​​land left by it is a question that needs to be seriously considered.

After all, Andrew didn't want to retreat like this after defeating the Southern Army, but really wanted to control those turf of the Southern Army.

Knowing that the site has expanded, the cocoa girl will be happier and happy, and at the same time, it can also promote the "Cacao Cult" to the people in the site to expand the number of believers, and help the girl Cocoa obtain faith points.

To be honest, Andrew had already had the idea of ​​expanding the territory. Shanghai alone was too small, so how could Andrew be able to use his fist.

Andrew has a plan in his mind, that is, to unify China, take his own lady, Coco, to the highest position, and then use black technology to enhance China's economy and force, and then cooperate with Miss Anne to unify the world and start the voyage of the stars.

But the problem is, without the consent of the young lady, this plan of my own is not easy to implement.

But it's all right now. Although the young lady did not agree, she can start this plan with the consent of the young master.

To be honest, this is a lot of thanks to Sun Dapao, he gave the excuse to himself.

At this moment, the door of the office was pushed open forcefully.

Then he ran like a gust of wind, and shouted as he ran: "Dad! Daddy! Are you going to marry me? I heard that I still marry a bad old man! I don't want to marry, don't marry. !"

I don't know where the little guy got the news, so for a while, the bear child was really a little scared, afraid that his father would really marry himself to a bad old man in a different time and space, so he seemed so excited.

The bear child does not know what to marry, and he does not even have a clear concept of marrying, but the bear child knows very well that he does not want to marry at all.

Especially marrying a bad old man!

That's right, the southern leader Sun Dapao is a bad old man to the bear child.

There was fear and trepidation on Xiao Coco's face, as well as obvious grievances.

Obviously, the little guy thought his father had agreed.

After all, I was so naughty, if I could marry myself out, my father would not object to it.

But the little guy knew that his father had just caught fire.

Coco ran in and threw himself into Jin Xiantai's arms. He hugged his father tightly with his little hands, and looked up at Jin Xiantai with tears of tears: "Dad, I don't want to marry, but this warlord will let you do it."

Ha ha!

The little guy is really scared.

Otherwise, he would not say that he would give up his position as a warlord.

Looking down at his tearful daughter, Kim Hyun-tae snickered in his heart.

"Dad, shall we go back?"

Seeing his father didn't say anything, Coco's heart was even more hopeless.

Therefore, the bear child, who is in a hurry, suddenly put forward the request to return to the 21st century.

Yes, she doesn't want to play here anymore.

If you continue to stay in this time and space, you will get married if you don't keep up.

Oh, it's terrible! .

Jin Xiantai, who originally wanted to tease his daughter, was really scared when he saw the little guy, so he put out the thought of teasing his daughter.

He picked up his daughter and put it on his lap. Kim Hyun-tae comforted the little guy: "Don't worry, how could Dad let you marry when you were so young? Even if you let you marry, you cannot marry such a bad old man. Yeah."

If someone else said it, maybe you might not believe it so much.

But Jin Xiantae has never deceived her daughter, so as long as Jin Xiantai said that she would not marry her to an old man, then this matter would definitely not be born.

So the little guy finally let go of his hanging heart.


The little guy took a sigh of laughter, raised his little hand and patted his chest. He looked like I was scared to death. He looked at Jin Xiantai very funny.

Coco, relieved, raised his head and looked at his father and said, "Dad, I have heard that the old guy named Sun Dapao has a wife, and there are several other wives. It is really not a good person."

Kim Hyun Tae nodded silently.

It's like what my daughter said, Sun Dapao has a lot of wives, and there is nothing to make up.

At this time, Andrew interjected: "Miss, don't worry, the young master has just decided with me that we will send troops to attack the Southern Army, and we will occupy his territory after defeating Sun Dapao."

Coco's eyes lit up.

"Really?" the little guy looked up and asked his father.

Kim Hyun Tae smiled: "Really, we are going to send troops to fight the Southern Army."

Little Coco clapped his hands~lightnovelpub.net~ in a very happy mood.

"Okay! OK! Defeat them, defeat them, so they won't have any wrong thoughts."

For the little guy, after defeating Sun Dapao, the old guy would no longer have any idea of ​​marriage.

So this is a good thing for her.

Looking at his happy daughter, Kim Hyun-tae gestured a look at Andrew, and then Andrew left the office knowingly.

After leaving the office, Andrew immediately notified the Guards Corps and asked them to send a few groups of soldiers to surround the small hotel rented by the Guangzhou Trade Corps, and arrest and detain all the people from Guangzhou.

At the same time, Andrew personally went to the Ta Kung Pao newspaper controlled by the Warlord's Palace and ordered the editors in the newspaper to concoct articles aimed at southern forces in the shortest possible time.

And one of the articles should be aimed at Sun Dapao having a wife in Japan, and at the same time he asked not to write an article. It should be as easy to understand as possible, vernacular, annoying, and unpleasant...