Rising America

Chapter 942: action

Miyagawa Home Wine House

Andrew opened the blue curtain and walked into this tavern called Miyagawa. August First Middle School? Wen? W WW WW?. ㈧8㈠1㈠ZW. COM

The area inside this bistro is not very large, it is only about 80 square meters by visual inspection, and there is not a single customer in the shop, which looks deserted, which shows that the business of this home pub is really bleak.

To be honest, the passenger flow here in Baosegok is very large, coupled with the long ocean voyage, these guys have been holding back very hard, so of course you need to find a woman to adjust after the boat docks.

The appearance of Dongying women in this era can also be used by foreign sailors, which shows how hungry these foreign sailors are.

Therefore, the business of izakayas in Boise Valley is very good.

But the business of this wine house is so deserted, it is simply incredible.

So, is this pub is too bad, or the owner can’t run the business?

Of course, these have nothing to do with Andrew.

The small izakaya is completely Japanese-style decoration and furnishings, tatami mats, square low tables, all the furnishings are a bit shabby, maybe this is because the business is not good, so there is not enough money to replace it. .

"Is the boss?"

Andrew yelled when he walked in, and his fluent Eastern dialect came out of his mouth.


The sliding door behind the izakaya sounded, and a young woman dressed in a shabby and patched bath-style kimono came out, and this woman attracted Andrew's attention.

"Guest, what do you want? Our shop is a bit smaller, but we have everything that other shops sell."

The woman seems very attentive, after all, it is rare to have a guest.

Andrew smiled: "Are you Ms. Otsuki?"

After this woman appeared, Andrew knew that she was one of the goals of his trip.

The reason why it is so easy to judge is mainly because Andrew has seen the black and white photos in the data. Although the appearance of the woman is a bit more mature than the photos, the overall change is not that big, so it is easy Able to confirm.

Perhaps because of the hardship of life, the young woman's face looked a bit vicissitudes and weather, and crow's feet appeared in the corners of her eyes.

Sun Dapao is really not a thing. People don't admit it after playing, and don't give at least financial care. On the contrary, he lives in China quite well.

Regardless of whether this woman is from Dongying or not, at least this woman can be regarded as the wife you are marrying, let alone giving birth to you.

Andrew despised Sun Dapao in his heart.

And the woman in front of Andrew looked at him with a surprised expression.

"This gentleman, how did you know my name?"

Andrew smiled and didn't say anything, but turned and walked towards the entrance of the izakaya.

As Andrew turned around, several liquid metal robot guards walked in from outside, walked straight to the woman and took out an injection needle.

The woman was too late to react. The needle in the hands of the liquid metal robot guards plunged into her neck, and then the woman fell back softly.

The liquid metal robots quickly supported the woman, and then took out a metal box. The box shot a pale blue light shining on the woman, and the woman disappeared in the next second.

"Mom! Who are you? What happened to my mother? Give my mother back to me quickly!"

At this moment, a little girl in shabby dress ran out. She just saw the scene where her mother was shot on her body by a blue light and then disappeared.

The little girl may not know why her mother disappeared, but the little girl knew very well that her mother's disappearance must have something to do with these golden-eyed foreigners.

Andrew just walked to the door, then stopped.

Turning around, staring at the little girl, Andrew said to the liquid metal robot guards: "This little girl takes it away together. If it's correct, this little girl is Sun Dapao's daughter."

Following Andrew's order, the little girl disappeared in the izakaya just like her mother.

At this point, the first step in coming to Dongying is considered complete, and Andrew has another thing to do next, which is to get the original text of the cession Manmeng that Sun Dapao and Dongying secretly signed.

With Da Yue mother and daughter, and the secret text signed by Cannon, no matter how sophisticated Cannon is, it will be irresistible.

"Sir, where are we going now?"

Things here have come to an end, the liquid metal robot guards need Andrew's next order.

Hearing this, Andrew ordered: "To go to Tokyo, we have to sneak into the military headquarters of the Dongying people in Tokyo, find Sun Dapao and the original text of the secret document they signed at the time and bring it back."

"Yes, sir!"

Liquid metal robots resolutely execute orders, and will not shrink or fear. For them, obeying orders and executing orders is the reason for their existence.

Immediately, Andrew and his party left the Baosegu area.

The journey from Yokohama to Tokyo is a bit long, and it takes a little longer to walk, but this is not troubled by Andrew, because he freed up his own storage space in a few cars on the outskirts of Yokohama, and it is much more convenient to go to Tokyo with a car. Up.

The second goal is the Tokyo 6th Army.

------split line------

It took about four hours to drive from Yokohama to Tokyo.

After all, in 1911, there were no smooth high roads in the 21st century in Dongying. Some were only rugged and small dirt roads. Only after entering the urban area of ​​Tokyo can there be some asphalt roads, so it takes a long time. Understandable.

On the way to Tokyo, Andrew read the information about Sun Dapao again, and this time he has a new look.

In addition to Otsuki, Andrew's current grandson Cannon also has his lover Asada on Toyo's side.

Yes, it's a lover.

And from the surname, it can be seen that this is a Dongying woman.

In his early years, Sun Dapao was forced to go into exile in Dongying. He lived in this country for a long time, so it is normal to marry a wife and find a lover here.

It was just that in the end, Sun Dapao made a lot of trouble when he returned to the country. Now it is not what it used to be, so he began to selectively forget about the life of Dongying during this period, and even deliberately avoided it.

So that even his Japanese wife and lover have deliberately forgotten.

From this point of view, Sun Dapao is a man who listens mercilessly.

Let’s not talk about the nationality, the two Dongying girls, Dayue and Asada, have been slept by your grandson Dapao, and have not slept for a day or two. Among them, Dayue also gave birth to a child, and it was your Mingzhong who was married.

So Sun Dapao's doing this is very disheartening.

It is true that the Dongying people agreed that Da Pao should find his wife in Dongying, and there must be some small abacus in it.

But anyway, people didn't persecute you at the beginning.

It can even be said that marrying Dayue is the initiative of your own artillery.

And you took your lover Asada to slander for a while.

When Da Yue was slept by your grandson Da Pao, she was just a little girl who was less than fifteen years old, and she was not very old when she gave birth.

Now your Sun Dapao has become the leader of the party in Huaxia, walking so close to Dongying people privately, and even using Huaxia’s interests in exchange for Dongying people’s arms and funds, without mentioning your Dongying’s wife at all. This is really... Oh, it's okay.

Some people may say that big things are not trivial.

But those who say this must have ulterior motives and the dark side behind it.

Andrew didn't believe in non-trivial nonsense, anyway, he was not good at Sun Dapao's senses, especially after the people from Guangzhou also proposed to Sun Dapao, Andrew was even more displeased with Sun Dapao.

Want to use this method if you can't beat it?

Haha, you really think you are a handsome guy!

After Asada's clue was discovered by Andrew, he immediately felt that he had found another way to make Sun Dapao sick.

It just so happened that Andrew saw in the information that Asada also lived in Tokyo during this period, so Andrew made up his mind to get the documents secretly signed by Sun Dapao and Dongying, and found Asada to take her back to China.

At that time, with the mother and daughter of Otsuki, as well as the woman Asada in hand, there is no way to justify your grandson spitting lotus flowers.

At that time, everyone can see what kind of person the so-called revolutionary leader is.

I have to say that Andrew's plan is pretty good.

Two blocks away from the Military Headquarters of the 6th Army of the East, Andrew found a cafe run by an Italian and sat down. During this period, the whole country of East China was learning Western culture, which caused the cafes to bloom all over the country.

I don’t know what is the connection between drinking coffee and learning from the West. Anyway, since this period, the people of Dongying have pretended to drink coffee.

The liquid metal robots were divided into two groups by Andrew. One group went to the Military Headquarters of the 6th Army to get the original text of the "Sino-Japanese Covenant", and the other group found the woman Asada based on the address and clues provided by Andrew.

After the order was completed, the liquid metal robot guards began to act.

Andrew didn't worry at all about whether he could succeed.


With the ability of liquid metal machines to do things in this backward world, is it possible to fail?

Andrew, the guy who masters black technology and plug-ins, has strong self-confidence in this.

This set of things to find Asada is not difficult, just follow the clues to find the location with the landlord, at most it is just a little inquiries.

Relatively speaking, the original text of the ‘covenant’ signed by Nongsun Dapao and the Dongying people from the secret vault in the basement of the 6th Army Military Headquarters ~lightnovelpub.net~ is a bit of a hassle.

But this is so troublesome that liquid metal robots can't be difficult.

The liquid metal robot that turned on the invisible device entered the military building smoothly, reached the basement in a very short time, and cleared the guards stationed here.

The secret warehouse has a thick metal gate and a combination lock.

It's a pity that this kind of code lock, which seems advanced in this era, but looks very backward in front of the liquid metal robots, is simply not enough to look at.

Therefore, it only took three seconds to open the code lock.

As the thick round metal door slowly opened, the liquid metal robots walked into the secret archive vault and began to search the document quickly.

And Sun Dapao, who is far away in China, doesn’t know how much trouble he will have in the future, but is devoted to the dream of swallowing the huge amount of money held by the Shanghai forces and the weapons and equipment that make him greedy by marriage. It.