Rising America

Chapter 943: You do it!

"You went to Dongying, and you got two women and a little girl, and there are so many documents?"

Looking at Andrew standing in front of him, and then at the two Dongying women who were embarrassed behind Andrew, and the little girl who was curious about everything, Jin Xiantai asked with a look of surprise. Eight? One Chinese? W≤W≥W≥. ≈8≈1≤Z=W≈. ≈C≥OM

Kim Hyun Tae didn't know about going to Dongying.

When Andrew returned to Shanghai after he had done everything he needed to do, Jin Xiantai realized that this guy had disappeared for one day and he had gone to Dongying.

Coco had already returned to the mansion to rest at this time. Only Kim Hyun Tae was in the Warlord's Mansion, so Andrew, who had returned with Da Yue mother and daughter and Asada, found Kim Hyun Tae when he came to the office.

Otsuki's mother and daughter and Asada both seemed a little nervous and uneasy. After all, what they experienced today was out of their cognition.

For example, Andrew took them for long-distance transmission, which scared them very much.

"Tell me, who are they?"

Kim Hyun Tae obviously did not recognize the Dongying woman Andrew brought back.

Seeing Jin Xiantai's question about the identities of Dayue’s mother and daughter and Asada, Andrew quickly replied: "Master, these three Dongying women, among them, the first one is the wife Sun Dapao married in Dongying, and the other Dongying woman is His mistress in Dongying.

I think, since we are going to attack Sun Dapao in public opinion, we must have something based on facts, or else we will become a fool. And this will also give Sun Dapao an excuse. "

Ouch, let me go!

Andrew, you can do it, you actually got Sun Dapao's Dongying wife.

When Andrew revealed the identity of Da Yue's mother and daughter and Asada, Kim Hyun Tae was immediately taken aback, and both eyes were widened, and his eyes were once again placed on the panicked women.

"Do you find it useful?"

Withdrawing his gaze, Jin Xiantai looked at Andrew and asked.

Andrew nodded: "It's definitely useful. Sun Dapao has always faced the world as a perfect person. No one knows what kind of virtue he is. After all, this era is not the Internet era of information explosion, so Sun Cannon can well conceal his stale past and become the leader of the southern forces."

Andrew had a contemptuous look when he mentioned Sun Dapao, and he could see that he was a person like Sun Dapao at all.

However, Jin Xiantai is different from Andrew. Although he also thinks that Sun Dapao is disagreeable in some aspects, he will not despise Sun Dapao as much as Andrew.

After all, in Kim Hyun-tae’s impression of history, Sun Dapao is still considered acceptable.

After all, it was his factors that caused the Qing Dynasty to collapse, and created the Republic of China with one hand, and the artillery played a big role.

If it wasn't for this time that the Southern Army was disgusted by Kim Hyun-tae, perhaps Kim Hyun-tae might let Andrew cooperate with the Southern Army in the future.

But now that such a disgusting thing happened, Jin Xiantai completely utterly rejected such thoughts.

In order to solve this matter once and for all, he decided to completely smooth out the Southern Army, so that there would be no nausea.

Speaking of which, Sun Dapao is also quite tragic.

If this time-space is the historical timeline of a certain time-space, perhaps Jin Xiantai would be a little more afraid.

But when Andrew told Jin Xiantai that this time and space did not cross the historical timeline of any time and space, Jin Xiantai had no worries.

And on the premise of no worries, if the Southern Army is wiped out, there will be nothing to worry about affecting future history.

So Sun Dapao is of course a tragedy.

Although Sun Dapao also has a million troops under his command (o1 time and space is half the size of different time and space), and the equipment is considered very good, but it cannot be compared with the Shanghai forces.

And lack of artillery and heavy weapons and equipment.

On the other hand, the aircraft, tanks, artillery, and various heavy weapons and equipment in Shanghai are very complete, and they are all from the Second World War. How can you say that the Southern Army can compare.

"The person was brought back by you, so what are you going to do next?"

Jin Xiantai withdrew his thoughts and asked Andrew what he planned to write down.

Andrew looked back at Daewol’s mother and daughter and Asada, and then turned back to look at Kim Hyun Tae’s response: “What else can I do? Let Ta Kung Pao take pictures of them and write articles and publish them in the newspaper together. I even thought about it. Okay, I will write a growing report about Sun Dapao and these two women."

The cannon is really pitiful, and Andrew was worried about it.

After mourning for Sun Dapao in his heart, Jin Xiantai nodded, and he agreed with Andrew's plan.

It is not only a military offensive against the Southern Army, but public opinion must not be ignored, otherwise the final result will be greatly compromised.

Unlike most people in this era, Kim Hyun Tae sees this very clearly.

If it were to deal with Yuan Xiangcheng in the north, perhaps there would be no such troubles, and it would simply be a force to flatten it.

But to deal with the southern army, such a method has to be adopted.

You know, the full name of the Southern Army is ‘南国民#革#命#军’, which means it is an army with faith and persistence, which is very different from Yuan Xiangcheng in the north.

Therefore, if you want to truly defeat the Southern Army, then you must work with both military and public opinion.

There is no need to worry about the military, after all, we are well equipped.

But the part of public opinion is not so simple.

First, public opinion must be targeted and be able to defeat the persistence of the Southern Army.

Then the choice of target is particularly important.

You know, the Southern Army's tactics at that time really fooled many progressive young people, literati and scholars. After all, they all had a feeling of saving the country and the people, and they hoped to make China prosperous and strong through their own efforts. .

Most people in China with this belief basically gathered under Sun Dapao.

For these people, Jin Xiantai needs to distinguish them from those of Sun Dapao, and at the same time let them clearly understand the virtues of the upper echelons of the Southern Army.

Only in this way, after defeating the Southern Army, can we quickly stabilize the situation and control the territories owned by the Southern Army.

Therefore, Andrew has to deal with Sun Dapao first, and Kim Hyun Tae will not object.

After all, Sun Dapao and the southern forces are a banner, a benchmark, and an idol for many people.

If Andrew can collapse the image of Sun Dapao, the ‘benchmark idol’ erected by the southern forces, this is of course a good thing that cannot be better.

Is it just too thin to start with his own personal virtue?

Thinking of this, Kim Hyun-tae couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Is it a bit too thin to use a woman as an excuse to attack Sun Dapao's image?"

Andrew thought for a while and replied: "I think we are actually just an introduction. As long as we start this aspect first, someone will naturally come up with more black materials from Sun Dapao."

Hearing that Jin Xiantai showed a puzzled look, he did not understand why Andrew would say this.

Andrew saw Kim Hyun-tae’s reaction and realized that he hadn’t understood the meaning of his words, so he explained patiently: “Master, Sun Dapao’s southern forces are not monolithic, but the product of a combination of many interests. The internal struggle is not small at all. Many people are staring at Sun Dapao's position and want to pull him off the horse."

Kim Hyun Tae narrowed his eyes, and heard something more or less.

Andrew continued to say to Kim Hyun-tae: "Sun Da Pao now represents the interests of his group of people who once exiled in Dongying and now occupy high positions in the southern power. Therefore, these people use him as the core of the banner, and of course they must serve him Create momentum and wave the flag.

But Sun Dapao and the others had no money, no army and no territory. They eventually made such a big trouble and overthrew the Qing Dynasty. The main reason behind this was the powerful warlords in Guangdong, Guangdong, Fujian and other provinces.

It was they who saw the weakness of the Qing Dynasty and did it with Sun Dapao. However, after the current Qing was overthrown, these local warlords suddenly found that Sun Dapao suddenly climbed to a high position and was supported by the people. You Say they can feel comfortable? "

Jin Xiantai nodded, he almost understood what Andrew was saying.

"It's just that Sun Dapao has become a banner, idol, and popular desire. Therefore, these warlords have to dormant temporarily, but they will definitely not feel so comfortable in their hearts.

So what I have to do is to start by firing a gun on Sun in public opinion, and then those who are unhappy with Sun Dapao will continue to provide black materials.

As far as I know, Sun Dapao is not such a perfect person, and he has done a lot of things that make people speak out.

Therefore, as long as we are working on the issue of public opinion, the collapse of the banner of Sun Dapao is inevitable. When the faith collapses, it is time for us to carry out military operations. "

Andrew's plan is very good and highly implementable.

At the same time, Kim Hyun Tae also believes that the direction of the matter will definitely be as Andrew said, and he has no doubt about it.

Just like what Andrew said~lightnovelpub.net~Sun Dapao, these people occupy power in all parts of the South, and will inevitably have conflicts of interest with those warlords who have held military power and have supported them.

The contradiction arising from such interests is absolutely irreconcilable.

Grandson Cannon will never let go of their power. This is for sure.

And those local warlords who once supported them did not do it for power status.

You say you can't benefit them, is it worth it?

It's just because Sun Dapao is now the banner of the southern forces, so it is not easy to turn his face with him at this moment, and it is impossible to get the support of most people, so those people with resentment have to hibernate temporarily.

But as long as there is a chance to show up, these people will definitely jump out one by one.

Dare, this is what Andrew planned.

After figuring out the joints, Jin Xiantai nodded: "Okay, since you are so sure, then you can do this."