Rising America

Chapter 944: Take the initiative to fight!

Sell ​​the newspaper! Sell ​​the newspaper!

The mother of Dongying looking for her husband from a thousand miles, contemporary Chen Shimei appears in mind!

Selling newspapers!

The southern leader is actually...

"Come on a newspaper.? W≠W≥W≥.≥8≠1≠Z=W≈.≥C≥O≈M"

Newsboys on the streets of Shanghai peddled the Ta Kung Pao printed on the same day. Their shouts attracted the attention of many people, and they couldn't help buying a copy.

After the people who bought the newspaper looked through the newspaper curiously, a few large color photos and some sensational headlines were revealed.

At this time, the technologies used by Ta Kung Pao were all printing and camera equipment from the 21st century. Therefore, there were only Ta Kung Pao newspapers in China, and it was the only one with that kind of color photos.

Photos of Otsuki's mother and daughter and Asada were published in the newspaper.

And under the photo, their respective identities are also specified.

Below the photo is a large article, and the title of the article is "Sun Jun, remember the woman by the sea in Yokohama? ".

The writing of the article is not the interview style adopted, but the way of narrating autobiography.

[I was only 13 years old that year, which was the most beautiful age for a young and invincible young girl, and he was an exile from China.

He proposed to my father, yes, to propose, I don't know him at all, I can even say that it is very strange.

We were married. He was in financial distress. My father started to support him financially. At the beginning, our family was a small asset. I don't know if he likes me or marrying me to get financial support from my father.

Hearing people say he likes a little girl like me, I don't understand what it means.

He left Dongying and returned to his home country, so far there is no news.

I can only hear some news about him from some Chinese in Yokohama. At that time, I had already given birth to his child and the family had undergone major changes.

I wrote to him, but all the letters sent out fell to the ground. I don't know why he is so ruthless and indifferent.

I was heartbroken to hear that he was pursuing other women again.

I heard that he became the leader of China Southern and became the idol of many young people with ideals, but I don’t understand this, I just know that he is not a good husband, a good father...]

This article is written in the tone of Da Yue.

Although it looks plain and plain, it has really attracted the attention of many people.

Although the article is vaguely and not as straightforward as it is said, for many people, they still think of Sun Dapao through this article.

Especially for people who have been in Dongying like Sun Dapao, after reading this article, they affirmed that the person with the heart in the article is Brother Dapao.

To be honest, it's not a big deal to marry a Dongying wife, no one has three wives and four concubines these days.

Moreover, in recent years, little devils have always bullied Huaxia, and have been aggressive in Huaxia, so Sun Dapao has slept with the Dongying ladies, which makes Huaxia men feel refreshed.

But it's a bit disgusting to mention the pants and not recognize people like Sun Dapao, not to mention that the girl gave you a baby.

At the very least, financial support is not too much.

In particular, this article also hints that it seems that Sun Dapao slept with the little girl from Dongying, but he deliberately ate soft food to solve the economic distress.

Ha ha!

Southern leaders eat soft food, this is not to cheat money and sex, and finally they even mention their pants and don't recognize anything!

Whoops, let me go!


Many enemies who didn't deal with Sun Dapao suddenly laughed after seeing this article.

Because there are some things that they dare not mention or cannot mention, but today they are all told by the Shanghai-controlled Ta Kung Pao, which is simply so refreshing.

You know, there are many people who know the truth about Sun Dapao.

So many people are aware that although the contents of Ta Kung Pao are exaggerated, they are basically facts.

What surprised those who knew these secrets was that Shanghai was able to find the two Dongying women.

You know, since becoming the leader of the South, Brother Cannon has tried his best to conceal this period of history.

Therefore, except for those who have stayed in Dongying, Huaxia Volkswagen is not aware of this.

Even those who knew about this incident, because of their relationship with Cannon and the high position of the southern government, tried their best to conceal and maintain it.

Therefore, the cannon has always appeared in front of the world in the image of great light.

But this time, the dark history of Cannon was unearthed, which not only surprised those who regarded him as an idol, but also made Cannon himself a little angry and uneasy.

After all, whoever puts such a thing on is a stain.

Especially it affects his Wei Guangzheng image too much, isn't it?

At the same time, what he did was really criticized.

Although in this era of China, male chauvinism and the feudal rule of three wives and four concubines are still popular, it is still very contemptible for everyone to mention the denial of trousers.

At the very least, it's not like that.

And this is only part of the article published in the journal Ta Kung Pao, about Da Yue himself.

In order to disgust the artillery and occupy the commanding heights of public opinion, Andrew, of course, could not just concoct an article like this. Instead, he used several pages to get Otsuki's daughter and Asada's article together.

"I am a child without a father"

[I don’t know that I have a father. My mother never talks to me about this matter. Occasionally, when I ask, my mother can’t help crying, and tells me not to meet other purposeful scumbags in the future. , I don’t understand the meaning of mother’s words...]

"Where is he, sweet-spoken, now?" 》

[I still remember that he was so gentle, he would call me Xiao Tiantian when I was with me, I fell into his gentleness, even if I knew he had a wife in Yokohama, I have no regrets, I earn me I gave him all his money, just begging him to treat me well for the rest of his life.

As a woman, isn't he the only man who loves himself and treats himself well? It’s a pity, after all, this is just a dream, a dream that I think is right. The dream will eventually disappear. When I run out of money, he left without saying goodbye...]

Otsuki's mother and daughter and Asada's article about the three people was published in Ta Kung Pao in a self-prosecution, and it really caused a major earthquake in public opinion.

Because as soon as the three articles were published, a contemporary image of Chen Shimei came to light.

Of course, although it is not as bad as Chen Shimei, it is enough to say that the heartless man in the article eats soft rice and puts on his pants to deny people.

Although the last name is not specified in the three articles, it is enough for everyone to target one person.

And this kind of vague and unnamed description is even more powerful.

I have to say that Andrew is really bad.

In addition to these three articles, Andrew also published an article in the name of Shanghai Governor's Mansion.

The title of this article is "How can there be such a shameless person in the world!" 》

Moreover, this article was completely dictated by Andrew, written in vernacular, and it was not at all as literal as the China article of this era. After reading it, people thought it was very vulgar.

But although it is very vulgar, it makes people feel relieved after watching it.

At least Kim Hyun-tae felt relieved.

【shameless! A lot of years old actually came to propose marriage, you don't look at your own virtues, can my lady marry you such a bad old man?

Eating soft rice has come to our house, it is simply blinding your dog!

I accompany!

My lady Jinzhiyuye, if you want to marry in the future, you will not marry a soft rice king like you!

Someone's brains are really big, and they want to get what you want in this way, but you are too high on yourself!

My young master said that the best way for people who are disgusting like you is to defeat you. It saves you that you always feel great all day long.

That's right, we in Shanghai are going to fight the Southern Army!

Defeat the soft rice king! Long live my lady! Long live young master! 】

This article is a bit **** and unreasonable, especially in the eyes of those literati, it is even worse than stinky #狗#屎.

But I can't stand Jin Xiantai's appreciation.

Moreover, Andrew did not concoct such an article for the sake of contemporary Chinese literati. The main purpose is to vent his anger.

And when the people who bought this issue of the Ta Kung Pao newspaper, after reading the three articles of Da Yue’s mother and daughter and Asada, they saw this article on the Shanghai Governor’s Mansion. They all saw something from this **** article. thing.

Shanghai wants to use force against the Southern Army!

The article has clearly revealed this information.

At the same time, another piece of information was revealed in the article, that is, it seems that Guangzhou has proposed marriage in Shanghai. Who proposed marriage and whom?

Although everyone was curious at the beginning, in the end they came to a final conclusion.

Dare to love Brother Da Pao to propose a marriage partner, it is actually the "grandma" of the Shanghai forces, the little girl under three years old...

Brother Pao!

Your taste is really... amazing!

And this article by Andrew also revealed another surprise.

That is the ‘Young Master’ mentioned in the article, and this ‘Young Master’ is obviously from the big boss of the Shanghai forces.

For a while, many people began to turn their eyes to the "Young Master", asking them who he was.

Obviously, ‘Granny Aunt’ is not the real ruler of Shanghai power. It is the ‘Young Master’ who really dominates Shanghai’s influence, and this young master may be the father of ‘Granny Aunt’.

Um~lightnovelpub.net~ That's right.

How could it be possible for a Shanghai power to be controlled by a child less than three years old? The emergence of the "Young Master" is only reasonable.

Following the publication of the Ta Kung Pao, Pietro, who was stationed in Cixi, received an order from Andrew to lead his troops to start southward towards Fujian.

After receiving this order, Pitro immediately summoned the liquid metal robot officers to assemble and convey the order.

Immediately, the ‘Brush Corps’ stationed in Cixi left the necessary garrison troops. The rest of the troops were led by Pietro to advance towards Ningbo, preparing to attack Taizhou along Ningbo, Ninghai, and Sanmen.

For a while, the attitude of Shanghai and the swift military attack situation frightened everyone.

Because no one thought that the Shanghai side just published the meaning of fighting the south in the newspaper, and their army would start.

There was no opportunity for the southern forces to react at all.