Rising America

Chapter 946: We want to occupy the moral high ground

Fuzhou City, in the mansion of the warlord Li Ji. ? Eight? One Chinese? W≤W≤W≤. ≤8=1≈Z≈W≠. ≥COM

"General Li Ji, I would like to congratulate you here. The scale of victory has been tilted to your side. These Shanghainese are so proud. Perhaps they think that they have advanced weapons and equipment that can make them win any victory, but they But forgot, in any war, a small mistake will lead to a big failure."

As a military instructor, Henglu Jinger was talking to Li Jikan who was looking at the map of Fujian Province.

The southern government has a good relationship with the Dongying people. In addition, the artillery has a secret agreement with the Dongying people. Therefore, the Dongying side has a lot of support for him, weapons, equipment and funds, and even sent many military personnel to serve as instructors.

And this Henglu Jinger was one of the military instructors sent by Dongying to the southern forces.

Originally Henglu was in Guangzhou, but because of the order of the 6th local army base camp, he came from Guangzhou to Fujian Li Ji and started to advise him as his staff.

At the same time, Henglu also shouldered the task of collecting actual data on the weapons and equipment of the Shanghai Navy.

In general, it is to use Li Ji's troops to implement Japanese military concepts and tactics to see how far away from the Shanghai Navy.

As for whether Li Ji would follow his advice, Henglu had never worried at all.

Because the Dongying people have cooperated with the Southern Army for some years, and Li Ji himself is a big boss, only because he got on the cannon ship by coincidence, and because he himself was the former leader of the army in Fujian, that’s why. After the collapse of the previous dynasty, the position of this Fujian governor now.

Therefore, Li Ji is not a qualified military general.

Fortunately, Li Ji himself knew how many catties he had, and had always used the military instructors from Dongying, so he also maintained the combat effectiveness of his subordinates.

Nowadays, a more powerful road is coming than the Dongying military instructors around him. Of course, Li Ji will not ignore his suggestions.

In Li Ji's view, Dongying people always have a better military vision than their own, no matter what, so why not listen to their suggestions.

Therefore, Henglu became Li Ji's military staff, and Li Ji also obeyed his words.

Especially at this time when the Shanghai Navy was approaching the city, Li Ji believed Henglu incredibly because he still counted on Henglu to help him win the Shanghai Navy.

I have to say that there are still many Chinese generals like Li Ji who are superstitious about the Dongying people in this era. This is not an accidental phenomenon, and it is even common.

Perhaps because of this time and space in China, there was also a historical relationship that was defeated by the Dongying people in the Sino-Japanese War of Jiawu.

In short, this time and space of Dongying was also because of winning the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. After receiving a large sum of compensation in the previous dynasty, it was used for domestic military upgrades. People all over China believed that Dongying people are now the strongest country in East Asia. , So everything about Dongying is incredibly superstitious.

It is precisely for this reason that Dongying people also began to use this kind of superstition to promote their own set of concepts in China, and successfully fooled many people.

Li Ji is a type of person who is superstitious about everything in Dongying, so he believes everything that Henglu suggested.

Of course, Henglu is not the kind of person who is worthless, let alone give Li Jiqipa's advice indiscriminately.

You know, someone who can become a military instructor sent by Dongying to Cannon is also a very powerful role in Dongying.

It's just that Henglu, like everyone else, cannot break away from the inherent concepts and thinking of this era. It is not clear at all what kind of opponent Li Ji is facing.

So, although Henglu's suggestions to Li Ji are all correct, they cannot change the final outcome of Li Ji's failure.

At the same time, the division of the Hayate Legion made Henglu feel that he had found a chance to defeat them, and it was too arrogant to despise the Shanghai Navy.

From the perspective of Henglu, the Shanghai Navy itself is already at a disadvantage.

But at the moment they are still bizarre divisions.

This is simply the brain damage in the brain damage, the strange flower in the strange flower.

Any qualified general at this time will be very clear about the importance of concentrating superior forces. After all, Fuzhou has gathered all the opponents' forces.

People are lost, people and land are lost. Save people and lose land, people and land gain both!

From Henglu's point of view, the menacing Shanghai Navy, actively dividing troops for those turrets, was simply his head squeezed by the door.

Don't they know that they are going to occupy those territories after solving the enemy in Fuzhou first?

Anyway, those sites won't run away, so why rush for a while.

Idiot! silly!

But then again, the enemy's stupidity is his own luck.

So Henglu was very lucky.

After defeating the opponent in this war, he can transport the captured weapons and equipment of the Shanghai Navy back to China in accordance with the meaning of the headquarters of the 6th Army of the East, so that domestic technicians can study and study.

At that time, the Great Neon Empire will definitely be able to upgrade several steps in its weapons and equipment, and then dominate Southeast Asia...Open the sea of ​​stars...

If these thoughts of Henglu were known to Jin Xiantai, perhaps Jin Xiantai would definitely say "you think too much" to him.

------split line------

Pietro came to the front line, and in the trenches was fought by a liquid metal robot adjutant on his shoulders, holding a high-power military telescope in his hand and looking at the position of the opposite southern army.

The southern army on the opposite side dug a long trench, apparently ready for a big battle of positions, and also made many wooden fences and various obstacles to hinder the attack.

However, in Pietro's eyes, these obstacles are too low-end, and there is no barbed wire.

Similarly, Pitro also dug trenches and made a lot of obstacles in front of the position, but Pitro knew very well that he would not fight any positional warfare.

The reason for doing this temporarily is mainly for defense.

Behind the position of the First Division of the Stormwind Corps, more than a thousand artillery pieces were already in place. Even Pietro didn’t worry that these guns would be destroyed by the Southern Army’s high raid. What a contempt.

Unlike the tension and panic that permeated the Southern Army positions, the First Division of the Storm Corps looked very relaxed. From the faces of the soldiers, the tension and fear before the war could not be seen at all. Instead, the soldiers still had Talking and laughing, it's like traveling on vacation.

The liquid metal robot lieutenant who carried Pitro reported to Pitro below some of the things that were born in these days.

"The Second Division of the First Army has captured Nanping, and the Third Division has moved into Shixian County. The Third Division of the Second Army has circled Keliancheng, Wuping, Longyan, and Xia Zhangzhou Zhanraoping, and has completely sealed Fuguangyao. Li Ji can't run away anymore."

Thanks to mechanization, Pietro’s troops captured all parts of Fujian that were completely undefended in a very short period of time, and detoured back to South Fujian to seal Li Ji’s back road, killing him and 680,000 troops. Dead trapped in Fuzhou.

"Okay! Our opponents have concentrated all their forces together, which saves us the trouble of clearing out the remaining soldiers after we defeat them." Pietro put on a mature appearance, imitating an adult's tone.

After all, the liquid metal robot lieutenants around him had discussed some of Li Ji's deployment, so Pietro also understood some of the plans of the enemy on the side.

At the same time, it became clearer that Li Ji concentrated all his troops behind Fuzhou, what kind of benefit would this have for him.

You know, Li Ji's doing this must be convenient for the Stormtroopers to eliminate him at once.

However, Li Ji, who was trapped in the city of Fuzhou, and Henglu Jinger beside him did not think so. Instead, they felt that they had concentrated their superior forces to station in Fuzhou, but they had a great advantage.

On the contrary, it is the biggest brain damage that has divided the troops and captured the Storm Corps across Fujian.

Pietro and Li Ji both believed that they could win the final victory, and both were very satisfied with their current situation.

"There will be an attack at 5 o'clock in the morning tomorrow. Let's shell out for three days, and then send out infantry."

Pitro put down the telescope in his hand, bowed his head to the liquid metal robot adjutant who was carrying him, and gave the order to start the fight.

The liquid metal robot adjutant responded, and immediately asked: "There are still many ordinary people in Fuzhou City. If shelling for three days, it will cause great casualties to these civilians, then general, would you consider this issue? "

The worries of the liquid metal robot adjutant are not unreasonable.

Now Pietro led a division stationed in the northern suburbs of Fuzhou City, and Li Ji's 680,000 troops were deployed in and around Fuzhou City. The entire Fuzhou has become a battlefield.

And because the Storm Corps marched into the gods, the people in Fuzhou hadn't responded yet, and the first division had already arrived in the northern suburbs of Fuzhou.

In order to prevent the Storm Corps from infiltrating and spying on the military situation, Li Ji conducted military control of Fuzhou City based on Henglu's suggestion, and ordered no people to enter or leave, completely blocking the people's escape from Fuzhou.

Therefore, in such a situation, Pietro ordered shelling in the early hours of the next day, which was undoubtedly a disaster for the people in Fuzhou.

You know, Pietro's artillery is of large caliber, not to mention its great power, and its lethality is also very strong.

And once the fight starts, it is basically impossible to say that it will not harm the civilians in Fuzhou City.

Moreover, this move is likely to bring humanitarian censure to Shanghai, and it will also be used by the southern forces to make hype.

So the liquid metal robot deputy had to remind Pietro at this point to let him pay attention to this problem.

Sure enough, after being reminded by the liquid metal robot, Pietro was a little worried and hesitant.

After thinking about it~lightnovelpub.net~Pitro couldn't find a solution, so he had to ask: "I can't think of a solution, do you have any ideas here?"

"We still have some time to report this matter to the Warlord's Mansion. Let the Warlord's Mansion contact Li Ji in Fuzhou City and let him let the ordinary people out of the city. If Li Ji let go of those people, everything will be fine. Even if you don't let go, it will lead to war. There will be civilian casualties, and it will not have anything to do with us. We must occupy the moral high ground."

Pietro's eyes lit up, and he understood the meaning of the liquid metal robot adjutant. This is a good trick!

"Report immediately and ask the Superintendent's Palace to contact the southern government and ask them to urge Li Ji to let ordinary people in Fuzhou leave."

Pietro was also a shrewd little guy. He figured out all the joints in an instant, and randomly ordered this to be reported to the Warlord's Palace.

The solemn atmosphere on the eve of the war shrouded Fuzhou City.

At this time, the ordinary people in Fuzhou City did not know where their destiny would go...