Rising America

Chapter 954: There are things both north and south

"What! You said there might be turbulence!"

Lee Sung Chan looked at Kim Hyun Tae with a look of astonishment, as if he had heard something incredible. W≈WW. 81ZW. COM

Kim Hyun-tae nodded with a serious expression: "Yes, I am here to remind you of this. I got this news from a very reliable channel, so have you heard any rumors of something wrong recently?"

Li Chengcan shook his head: "You know, I don't have access to such a high level, and most of my contacts are people from the entertainment circle, so how can I know such things."

What Lee Sungcan said is not wrong. Don't think that Lee Sungcan is the CEO of a large economic company, but people like him are really nothing in mainstream Korean circles.

Now that the yg company can grow bigger, this is mainly because of the relationship between Kim Hyun Tae, an ‘American’, or Lee Sung Chan is the green onion.

So, the news that the mainstream Korean family can know, Lee Sung Chan may not know.

“It’s best if you can leave here in the recent period. Believe me, it’s no harm to you. I heard that in the past year, you and the new president have been very close. This will cause you some unnecessary trouble. Before I solve this problem for you, it is best for you to leave here for a while."

The main reason why Kim Hyun Tae came to see Lee Sung Chan at yg was for this purpose.

Because Li Sungcan is not clear about what the military is brewing, and because he has been close to the new president in the past year, Lee Sungcan himself has entered the military's blacklist.

When Kim Hyun-tae learned of the news at the time, he was also very surprised.

He couldn't imagine that Li Chengcan would also be involved in this trouble.

It stands to reason that he is just a small person, it is impossible to have anything to do with the president, and he has nothing to do with it.

"Okay, then I will leave here for a while and go to China to avoid the limelight. But I am still very surprised, who did I offend?"

Li Sungcan did not ask carefully, but directly agreed to Jin Xiantai's suggestion.

However, Lee Sung-chan couldn't help but ask Jin Xiantai who he had offended.

As for who Lee Sung Chan offended, it is impossible for Kim Hyun Tae to tell him.

After all, it's hard to tell Kim Hyun Tae about this right now.

However, Kim Hyun Tae explained the reason to Lee Sung Chan.

"You and the new President Yin Sangshan are very close, and you accompanied him to visit the Soviet Union half a year ago. Your identity is a cultural exchange representative, right?"

Li Chengcan nodded.

Immediately, Kim Hyun-tae said again: "You still followed Yoon Sangsun's instructions and promised him to act as an intermediary to communicate with sBs TV station, so that sBs broadcasted a lot of Soviet ideological programs, right?"

Li Sungcan nodded again.

Kim Hyun Tae sighed, "For this reason, some people are eyeing you."

Li Chengcan hurriedly said, "I just acted according to the president's orders. I don't know what the problem is."

Jin Xiantai shook his head: "You don't know if it's important. The important thing is that you got sBs to play some Soviet ideology, which is enough to make you trouble. Besides, you also borrowed my name, right? "

Li Sungcan called Qu: "I did that, but the problem is that President Yin told me at the time that he had communicated with me. You agreed, so I went to sBs to negotiate and let them agree to broadcast the Soviet Union. Those shows."

sBs radio has been controlled by 1oo% by Kim Hyun-tae and merged into net to become a sub-television station under it, so Kim Hyun-tae is the big boss of sBs.

It was precisely because of this relationship that Li Chengcan was able to successfully persuade the management of sBs to agree to broadcast Soviet programs.

But the fact is that Jin Xiantai has no idea about it.

This is also somewhat careless on the sBs side, they really believed in Li Chengcan.

And Lee Sung Chan believed in the new president Yoon Sang Sun.

As soon as the new South Korean president came to power, he abandoned South Korea’s consistent idea of ​​befriending the United States and becoming the “grandson” of the United States. The interests of the chaebol.

At the same time, this guy also sought and agitated the Korean people to pursue the so-called ‘independence’. He wanted to abandon the American ‘daddy’ and even drove away the ‘musketeers’ sent by the ‘daddy’ to live with the Korean American army.

So, after Yoon Sang Sun became president, Lee Sung Chan, who had always been in a good relationship with him in the eyes of outsiders, was inevitably regarded as the president's own person.

Of course, Li Chengcan is actually nothing, he is just being used.

Li Chengcan opened his mouth, but did not explain anything.

Because she did tell the senior management of sBs that Jin Xiantai had agreed to that, so he had no way to deny this fact.

After seeing Li Sungcan open his mouth, but did not say anything, Jin Xiantai continued: "You have been taken advantage of. During this guy's visit to the Soviet Union, he secretly made some deals with the Soviets. He is about to pull the country into the socialist camp."


Li Chengcan grew up and couldn't close his mouth for a long time.

To be honest, the news really shocked him.

"This matter cannot be achieved in a short while. He needs to use public opinion to slowly let the people have a concept, and at the same time beautify the Soviet Union as much as possible, and at the same time make the people have a certain dislike of the US military.

But the national media is not able to do this, which can easily cause dissatisfaction and suspicion in the United States, so he thought of achieving his goal through the sBs controlled by an American businessman.

And you were taken by him at that time.

Because you and I know each other and are a partner of yg company, everyone knows these things well, so if you let you do these things, you will try not to arouse others' suspicion.

At the same time, because sBs TV is a subsidiary of net, it broadcasts the programs given by the Soviets, and others will also because it is the content approved by the Americans. Isn't this a double effect? "

These things were not guessed by Kim Hyun-tae, but information obtained by the CIA through some channels.

Before coming to South Korea, Kim Hyun-tae had learned about it in detail, so he was able to talk freely in front of Lee Sung Chan.

Of course, the words can only go to this point, and Jin Xiantai can't say anything more.

But just such a little thing is enough to make Li Chengcan realize how bad things are.

"You go to China for a period of time in the name of a business investigation. I know that you are being used by others, so I will help you deal with this trouble. There is nothing to worry about in the future, but right now you are not suitable to continue staying in China."

Kim Hyun Tae is also considered to be benevolent to Lee Sung Chan.

In fact, he can completely ignore Lee Sung Chan.

The big deal is that after Li Sungcan is gone, he can not only take over 2o% of the shares, but also find a new person to help him run yg entertainment.

But Jin Xiantai didn't want to do this.

He and Li Sungcan have known each other for more than a year. At the same time, Lee Sungcan is doing his best in the management of yg, and he has not played any tricks with himself. He is a trustworthy person.

If the military coup such as Lee Sungcan is successfully cleaned up, and another person is replaced to run yg entertainment, let’s not mention whether it can be operated in a vigorous manner. Just ask Kim Hyun Tae how long it will take to re-establish a sense of trust. A very troublesome thing.

Therefore, Kim Hyun Tae decided to save Lee Sung Chan.

------split line------

In the Northern Dynasties, outside the city of Pyongyang, in a secluded villa in a national high-level sanatorium, with a white bandage tied on his forehead, Li Baoying, who was walking along the winding secret path with the support of a female guard in a Northern military uniform, was on the side As he walked, he listened to what an officer wearing glasses was reporting to her.

"Cui Yinghao's charge has been settled[*The officer walked slowly beside Li Baoying and whispered.

The look on Li Baoying's face was very cold, and there was no fluctuation due to the news.

"Are all the people who participated in the coup d'état that night with Cui Yinghao caught now?" Li Baoying asked coldly.

The spectacle officer hurriedly replied in a low voice: "I caught it."

Li Baoying nodded: "What does my father mean?"

Officer Spectacles: "Your father meant that none of these guys would stay. Except for Cui Yinghao's public trial, the participants were all executed secretly two days later, and their relatives were sent to Yaode Camp."

[Yao De Camp] is a secret detention camp established by the Northern Dynasties. The detainees in this camp are Li Baoying’s father, the dissident of Li Eryang, and those with dangerous thinking or their relatives.

Basically, people who have entered this place are unlikely to leave alive in this life.

And because the living environment here is very harsh, many people die or'miss' inexplicably every year.

She is no stranger to this 【Yao De Camp】~lightnovelpub.net~ She knows what kind of place it is.

Obviously, after the relatives of those people are escorted to [Yaode Camp], it will not be long before they will die one by one.

But Li Baoying's face did not show any sympathy, not even a trace of fluctuation.

This shows that Li Baoying, a 17-year-old girl, has a hard-hearted girl at the same age.

Of course, in this world, there is only one person who can make her hard-hearted, but it is a pity that this person is not in the Northern Dynasty.

Speaking of Li Baoying, the essence is not bad, but because of her origin, it is destined that she cannot be as weak as an ordinary girl.

She must be ruthless, or she won't end well.

Li Baoying, who was supported by the female guard, looked cold and slowly said, "Go back and tell my father that Cui Yinghao is not easy behind this, so he can't be allowed to die so easily, and the rest of the participants should not be executed for the time being. , I hope I can pry their mouths open and figure out what kind of support Cui Yinghao has, so that he has the courage to engage in a coup!"