Rising America

Chapter 956: Come on, don't let me down

The black beauty of the United States, Hui Ni, the little Queen of Heaven, was indeed a song by Kim Hyun Tae, and it was with the song written by Kim Hyun Tae that this black beauty had the title of Little Queen of Queen, in the United States. Gradually, it became a household name. ?W≥W≤W≤. ≥8≈1≥Z≈W≠. ≥C≥O≠M≠

Because he knew this, Li Chengcan asked tentatively.

If Kim Hyun Tae is unwilling, Lee Sung Chan will not say anything here. After all, Kim Hyun Tae is the big boss of yg entertainment holding 8o%, you can't force him.

But Lee Sung-chan wondered that these girls from Zheng Jiren belong to the women's group of yg entertainment, and Kim Hyun-tae, who is the boss, is not good to watch them tepidly.

After all, Kim Hyun Tae had great expectations for girls like Zheng In Hee.

Moreover, after contacting Kim Hyun Tae, Lee Sung Chan knew that Kim Hyun Tae had a way to bring girls like Zheng In Hee back to life and get rid of the current tepid situation.

So, Li Sung-chan has to ask whether it works or not.

Do you write Korean songs?

Kim Hyun Tae feels that he has no problem at all, he is absolutely capable of doing it.

Just considering that I have more important things here in Korea, it is not easy to spend time on Zheng Inji and the girls.

The lyrics are easy to write. After all, thanks to the influence of mysterious energy while traveling through time and space, his memory has been strangely strengthened, and he can easily and clearly recall everything he experienced in the original world, including those literary works and music.

Therefore, there is no problem with copying the lyrics of the original Korean girl group works from the peak of time and space.

But the problem is that if you get the lyrics, you still have to have a song. It's the lyrics that can't be dry.

Of course, those tunes Jin Xiantai can also recall, and then copy them out.

But doing this is no more than playing the lyrics, it will be a little troublesome, and it will take him some time.

Really considering this little factor, Kim Hyun-tae did not reply Li Sung-chan cheerfully, but slightly frowned and weighed it in his heart.

Kim Hyun Tae's reaction made Lee Sung Chan and Jeong In Hee mistakenly believe that he was angry.

So Li Chengcan quickly said, "I made this abrupt."

Kim Hyun-tae waved his hand when he heard the words, and motioned to Lee Sung-chan not to worry.

To be honest, copying some of the works for Zheng Inji and others is not something that Kim Hyun Tae cannot do.

Anyway, those works won't cause any trouble to me in this time and space. If it can help the girls, why not do it myself.

But Kim Hyun Tae has his dilemma.

At the same time, Kim Hyun Tae couldn't tell Lee Sung Chan so clearly.

Fortunately, this problem was solved by Cocoa.

You know, when the little guy was at Selena's in Shanghai, he talked with Zheng Inji on the Internet.

For Zheng Renji, a big #胸# elder sister, Coco this bear child has very good senses.

So when the bear child knew that Zheng Inji was a little bit difficult now, and he could solve it, he began to prepare to solve it.

Of course, Coco has to solve this problem for Zheng Inji, but also bears the child's own purpose.

First, Coco felt that she should show off her talent. She could not only write (cottage) scripts, but also write songs, so that everyone would think she was great and she would have a lot of face.

At the same time, I'm so good, wouldn't it be easier to touch Zheng Inji's* based on this.

While Kim Hyun-tae was pondering and phrasing, the door of the practice room was pushed open by ‘Kang’, and then a small figure ran away.

It wasn't Coco who ran through the door of the practice room.

I saw the little guy running in and shouting, "I'm done, I'm done, I've finished a lot of songs, I've finished the song, you can pick one, you can only pick one."

After shouting Coco, he realized that his father was here, and Xuan even turned and ran towards his father.

"Dad, don't you think I'm so good? I have written a lot of songs, and I even composed a staff."

"Haha, don't you? Show it to Dad." Jin Xiantai picked up the daughter who was running over and put it on her lap, then smiled and took a look from the dozen sheets of paper in her daughter's hand.

The complete stave, with corresponding lyrics under each score.

Jin Xiantai moved his eyes and saw the song titles listed on this paper.


The title and lyrics of the song are not unfamiliar at all.

This is a song by the popular Korean girl group aoa in the time and space where he once lived.

Although aoa is not as popular as Girls’ Generation in Korea, it is considered a first-line girl group, and there are also a few very toxic songs.

It's just that Kim Hyun-tae was very puzzled, why his daughter would write aoa's song, which made him very confused and puzzled.

If he himself made these things, maybe he could explain it.

But his daughter Coco made these things, which really made him puzzled.

However, it is not easy to ask her daughter in detail at this time, so Jin Xiantai can only temporarily suppress the whole doubts in his heart, and prepare to have time to have a good chat with his daughter to figure out what is going on.

Afterwards, Jin Xiantai took a few 4a papers full of lyrics and staves from Coco's hand, and found that the songs made by the little guy were all familiar to him.

"Short Skirt", "Short", "Cat Walk Quietly", "Booming Heart" and other songs that Kim Hyun-tae has heard from a certain time and space Korean girl group aoa.

How come it's all aoa?

What about the songs of girls' generation, ondergir1s, F(x)?

Jin Xiantai glanced at his daughter who was sitting on his lap, and said in his heart [This little guy is not a fan of AOA, right? ], but this idea was thrown out of his mind by Kim Hyun Tae immediately.


The little guy was not old before he came to this different time and space, but he was just a child over one year old.

Do you say that a child over one year old knows a fan idol.

Therefore, Kim Hyun-tae felt that this was simply not a matter of reluctance.

However, Jin Xiantai also had to admire that each of the songs created by Xiongzi weirdly tinkered with each other is very toxic, and is different from the current popular songs here in different time and space, and it is a song that can catch fire.

And Jeong Inhee and the others just lack the right song.

The bear kid really solved this little trouble.

"Coco, show what you have written to Uncle Chengcan."


Hearing this, Ke Ke handed the 4a paper with songs and staves left in his hand to Li Chengcan beside him.

After taking it over, Li Chengcan looked down.

Kim Hyun Tae found that Lee Sung Chan shook his hand first, and then his breathing became a lot thicker, obviously he was a little excited.

brush! brush! brush!

Li Chengcan watched quickly.

"Oh my God, you are such a genius, little guy!"

Li Chengcan raised his head fiercely, his eyes flashing and looking at Coco in admiration.

The bear child raised his chin without humility: "Of course, I am not only good at writing scripts, I am the invincible beautiful girl Coco, a girl who has been a warlord, and the person who will open the sea of ​​stars in the future, I also……"


Jin Xiantai raised his hand and patted Coco on the back of the head lightly, interrupting Niu Bangbang's words.

Kim Hyun-tae couldn't stand his daughter's words, and he was too humble.

[Although I don't know how the little guy did it, I must be the same as my father and I, who cheated in the cottage.

So, since it's cheating, don't show it off. 】

So Kim Hyun-tae was embarrassed besides being embarrassed.

He is not as thick-skinned as his daughter.

Of course, it does not mean that Coco has a thick-skinned face. The little guy doesn't even know that he is cheating.

But the little guy doesn't know, can Kim Hyun-tae, the father, know.

"Dad, why are you hitting me."

Jin Xiantai's shot was not heavy, but it still caused dissatisfaction with the little guy.

Therefore, the little guy who was interrupted, raised his hand and rubbed the back of his head, and at the same time turned his head back and watched his father mumble.

Kim Hyun-tae grinned and said, "Be humble! Why not be so humble!"

The little guy pouted his lips, very dissatisfied with what your husband and wife said.

What is humility?

Coco, the bear child who was less than three years old, really didn't understand.

No matter how the little guy thinks about it, she can write scripts, and now she can also write lyrics and arrangement. She is extremely domineering to the extreme, so of course she has the capital and the qualifications!

Why be humble?


The incompetent talent is humble!

I am a capable person!

However, although he was very noncommittal about his father's words in his heart, the little guy was smart enough to know that it was impossible to fight against his father.

Therefore, the bear child could only curl his lips, and then fell silent in grievances.

At this time, Kim Hyun-tae asked Lee Sung-chan: "What do you think of these songs?"

how about it?

Of course these songs are all possible, do you still have to ask!

Kim Hyun Tae knows better than anyone, whether these songs are good or not.

But at this time, he had to pretend like this.

Li Chengcan nodded wildly with surprise and excitement.

"Yes! That's great! These songs are all classics, and each of them can be used as the main song. Oh my god, William, your daughter is so amazing. She is only three years old. I can't imagine."

Lee Sung Chan's eyes kept moving back and forth between Kim Hyun Tae and Coco sitting on his lap~lightnovelpub.net~ Although the little guy couldn't continue to brag, he still raised his face proudly and pointed his nostril with excitement. Lee Sung Chan seemed to be saying [Yes, I am so cute].

We are cheating... Jin Xiantai muttered silently in his heart.

Of course, in this case, he was just thinking about it in his heart, and it was impossible to really say it.

"In Ji, you take this song to Teacher Park and tell him to make the finished product as soon as possible. Come and try to sing it, and bring the finished product back when you are finished."

Lee Sung Chan pulled out the 4a paper with the lyrics on "Shake", called Zheng In Hee over, and then handed it to her.

When Zheng Inhee took over, Coco sitting on Kim Hyuntae's lap raised his right hand and clenched his small fist to encourage Zheng Inhee: "Come on! Behave well. The song I wrote is very good. You must be careful not to let it go. I’m disappointed. When I look back, I will teach you how to dance, and a very powerful dance scene flashes in my mind..."

The speaker was unintentional and the listener intentionally, the little guy’s remarks caught the attention of Jin Hyun Tae...