Rising America

Chapter 957: This...is too playful

Aoa, a girl group, is not comparable to Girls’ Generation in another time and space, but it is better than other Korean girl groups, and many of the songs they perform are very toxic, of which "Shake" is the most representative. ?? W? W? W (v). ? 8 ㈧ 1? Z? W ㈧. ㈠C㈠O?M

Of course, the style of AOA is different from that of Girls’ Generation. Girls’ Generation is playful, cute, youthful, and energetic, while AOA is the temptation and charm.

Zheng Inji and the girls are all seventeen or eighteen years old, so it stands to reason that they are more in line with the girls’ age.

But Kim Hyun Tae didn't think so.

Although Zheng Inji and her team’s friends are very young, they can also take the aoa style route. You must know that in Korea in different time and space, those middle-aged and old male fans have a strong consumer power and are more powerful than younger fans. Much crazy.

Based on this situation, it is inevitable for Zheng Inji and others to choose the style of AOA. The reason is simple...sucking money.

The yg practice room has adult hands, so at the request of Li Chengcan, the teachers began to make the finished product of "Shake" produced by Cocoa.

In just half a day, "Shake" was edited.

And Zheng Inji and others also started practicing this song.

But before starting to practice, Xiao Keke personally taught the girls the dance moves of this song, let them know where the essence of this song is.

To tell the truth, let Coco, a bear child less than three years old, perform the dance of "Shake". This style of painting is really weird.

But the little guy himself didn't think there was anything, but was very excited.

Li Sungcan, Zheng Inhee and others looked at the little guy who imitated adult dance moves, and their mouths couldn't close their smiles, but the dance teachers who watched them together showed their advantages in cocoa imitating dance.

Yes, it is an advantage!

The dance moves imitated by the little guy is a perfect match for the song "Shake".

Therefore, these dance teachers showed their surprised expressions one by one. They wanted to know that a little guy like Mao Keke could make up such a dance and still fit this song so closely.

Could it be that this world is really a genius!

[Sorry, I think the little guy may have cheated]

After Jin Xiantai observed the expressions and reactions of the people around him, such a thought flashed silently in his heart.

Coco previously said that there was a dance picture about the song flashing in her mind, but the little guy's words did not attract Li Chengcan's attention or care.

But these words didn't sound like that to Kim Hyun Tae.

Obviously, it is for this reason that his daughter Coco may write a song like "Shake".

Kim Hyun-tae remembers that in the original time and space, he used a laptop to play a video of the Korean girl group to the little guy to attract the little guy’s attention so that she should not be naughty and give herself some time to do things.

Perhaps, because she travels through time and space like herself, and is affected by mysterious energy, it is not always true that her daughter can recall these things.

After all, Coco showed many things that were even more miraculous than his father.

In this way, Coco, who ‘self-heaved’ in front of everyone, danced all the dances of "Shake".

"Have you all seen it? This song will be accompanied by this style of dance. As long as you can cooperate according to my requirements, you will surely be popular!"

Coco, standing in the practice room, said to everyone in that invincible and confident tone.

Well, just follow this set of hers to get hot!

In this case, perhaps only a kid like Coco can say it.

If an adult comes, obviously I won’t say that.


Who can guarantee that their songs will become popular!

To be honest, a girl group can become popular. Songs and dances only account for a certain percentage of the factors. In addition, there are many complicated influences.

For example, public opinion guidance, all kinds of eye-catching news surroundings.

But the little guy is very confident here to pat his chest and tell everyone that as long as she follows her routine, Zheng Renji and the others will be able to get angry.


Sure enough, he is a child who is not afraid of anything.

But Lee Sungcan, the arranger and dance teachers of yg entertainment, and Zheng Inhee, after watching the dance performed by Coco with the demo of "Shake", they all knew that the song was indeed very good.

Even Li Chengcan saw the popular and popular elements contained in this song.

If there is nothing wrong with me here, plus Zheng Inji and others can grasp the essence, it seems that it is really not difficult to get angry.

So looking at it this way, it’s not impossible that the bear kid said it’s hot.

"Okay! That's it. Did you guys remember the dance moves of Coco? I think this dance is suitable for "Shake"."

"I can't remember, but it doesn't matter. We recorded the video." Zheng Inji quickly responded.

Several dance teachers around also opened their mouths one after another: "This dance is very good, it doesn't need to be changed at all, and it is too suitable for the song "Shake"."

The little guy listened to everyone accepting his dance, and a cowhide look suddenly appeared on his little face, and he was proud like a little peacock with an open screen.

Immediately, Li Chengcan looked at Coco with a smile: "Coco, can you sell the copyright of this song to uncle?"

Yes, although "Shake" was written for Zheng Inji and the others, the copyright belongs to the little ones.

If the copyright issue is not dealt with, Li Chengcan would not dare to be so carefree and just let Zheng Inji and others rehearse.

After all, on the other side of time and space, the management and maintenance of copyright is very strict.

Well, Kim Hyun-tae’s original patent problem is basically an exception.

"Not for sale!"

Unexpectedly, Coco twisted his face and said not to sell.


Li Chengcan's expression was immediately very wonderful.

At this time, Jin Xiantai had to speak.

"Coco, how do you talk to Uncle Sung Chan? If your song is not sold, it will be impossible for Sister Inji and others to rehearse this song."

"Don't sell it!" My father didn't give face, and Xiongzi never planned to sell his own songs. "I can authorize Sister Inki to sing and release albums, but I won't sell the copyright of the songs."

The little guy said this very firmly.

Lee Sung Chan and Kim Hyun Tae were immediately puzzled.

They don't know why the little guy insists on not selling song copyrights.

However, Li Chengcan was not easy to ask this question, so he could only ask it from his father.

"Coco, why don't you sell it?"

The little guy looked at his father and said, "These songs are all songs that can make a big hit. Wouldn't it be a loss if I sell it? Mummy Annie said that you can't do business at a loss. I want to maximize my profits!

As long as the copyright of the song is in my hands, then I can make more money after the song is on fire, which is more suitable than selling the copyright. "

The reason for the bear child made Jin Xiantai roll his eyes.

At first glance, what Cocoa said seems to make sense, but the problem is that when the conversation falls apart, no one will perform the song.

And without anyone acting, all of what the bear kid said would be impossible.


Li Sungcan laughed at this time and said while laughing, "Hahahaha, you are really an eccentric little girl, well, Uncle Chengcan supports you to make money, authorize it, it doesn’t matter, but you have to tell Cheng Uncle Can, how much do you want to share the benefits of the album?"

If it is an average person, maybe it will definitely get stuck on this issue.

But Li Chengcan is different.

He saw the potential of Coco, and at the same time felt that it was an opportunity to get closer to Jin Xiantai. After all, Jin Xiantai came from a thick leg.

So it's a trivial matter that money is not money.

Besides, yg Entertainment itself is just a small shareholder, 80% of the shares are in the hands of Jin Xiantai, he is the big Boss of yg Entertainment.

As the daughter of the big boss, Coco is obviously the little princess of yg company, the future heir of yg entertainment.

So, if the bear kid wants to do this, let her do it.

Inside and out, it's just a matter of people changing their right hands.

Anyway, Lee Sung Chan won't suffer a little loss.

The bear child was shocked. Obviously she had not thought about this condition of her own, so she was accepted so easily.

Originally, according to the little guy's fantasy, how could she have to fight to achieve the goal, even she wanted to roll in a difficult time.

Immediately, the bear child stretched out his right hand with a surprised look, and opened his small hand.

"I want 50% of the benefits generated by the song."

The bear child felt that she could not suffer, but she could not be too greedy, so she felt that 5o% was a result acceptable to everyone.

Obviously, Cocoa, who talked about this issue for the first time, was still too tender.

Fortunately, Li Chengcan didn't even want to talk to Cocoa, and he also prepared that no matter what conditions Cocoa offered, he nodded and agreed.

So when Cocoa offered a price of 5o%, Li Chengcan immediately agreed.


Everything is so smooth!

It went so well that the little guy couldn't laugh from ear to ear.

Originally, the little guy thought that Li Chengcan was going to have a fight with himself~lightnovelpub.net~ but he didn't expect him to agree so happily, which was simply unexpected.


The little guy showed a cartoon version of himself in the bottom of his heart, and compared with the victory gesture.

Kim Hyun Tae looked at Lee Sung Chan and his daughter dumbfounded.

"Yeah, Dad, did you see that, I want to make money again!"

Coco plunged into Jin Xiantai's arms and shouted excitedly.

"Brother Sung Chan, is it too trifling for you to be like this?"

Kim Hyun Tae drank his daughter violently, and couldn't turn his head to say to Lee Sung Chan.

Li Chengcan shook his head: "Your daughter's song is really good. If she doesn't sell the copyright, I can only agree to her. Besides, 50% is not much. If it is really popular, neither will we What a loss, besides, she is still your daughter..."

What else can Kim Hyun Tae say.