Rising America

Chapter 959: This is good

There are many advantages to copying the "Blackwater" company in different time and space, the most important of which is the ability to obtain the network of connections of those retired generals, which is especially rare. Eight? One Chinese? W≤W≥W≥. ≈8≈1≤Z=W≈. ≈C≥OM

Although those generals are no different from ordinary people after they retired, they are after all figures who have mastered important positions in the military. It is impossible to have a few friends in the army for decades. The friendship of those friends is often possible. Bring benefits.

What's more, the friends of these retired generals are almost all serving soldiers who hold the actual power of the army.

It's just that there is no war company like "Black Water" in Alien Time, so no one takes advantage of these retired generals. But Kim Hyun Tae saw this and also saw his own opportunity.

To be honest, this situation has nothing to do with the fact that the United States in different time and space is always being bullied by the Soviet elders. After all, the United States in this time and space is different from the United States in a certain time and space. There is no global war to seize its own interests. In the cold war in different time and space, he was in a passive defensive role.

Therefore, it is inevitable that there will be no such products as the "Blackwater" company.

The emergence of the ‘Blackwater’ company at a certain time and space was largely due to the tension of the United States and the need to share some of the local pressure on the garrison. This was the product of allowing private armed companies to share pressure for the military.

Even some dangerous tasks will be handed over to companies like ‘Blackwater’ to perform.

You must know that the death of a soldier is not a trivial matter. Pensions, funeral expenses, and the comfort of the soldiers' family members are not a small amount, and the military is still under pressure from the media and public opinion.

But if a mercenary from a company like ‘Blackwater’ dies, the military will not have to bear such pressure.

Every mercenary will sign an agreement and buy an insurance at the same time. If there is any accident, the military does not need to pay a penny.

And companies like ‘Blackwater’ don’t have to bear any compensation.

Although the insurance company said that it would lose money, it was actually much less than the compensation it received as a soldier.

Therefore, the military is profiting in this matter.

Needless to say, companies like ‘Blackwater’ can also benefit from it. They sell their lives for the military but get cash benefits.

Looking back, the insurance company was losing money, right?

Well, it looks like this on the surface.

But in fact it is not at all!

Insurance companies also make money.

The reason is simple. The military buys insurance for the soldiers, and the insurance company will certainly make no small profits.

It can be said that this is a benefit for the three companies.

And this routine, Americans in a certain time and space have become more and more proficient.

And after entering the 21st century in a certain time and space, a large part of the national defense budget has flowed into the pockets of companies like "Blackwater", which has made such companies a lot of money.

Hundreds of billions of dollars, so that the war company made a lot of money.

Generally speaking, the profits in this industry are not small. Although Kim Hyun-tae has never contacted him, he has read many related articles on the Internet through news.

No one in this world thinks that there is too little money, not to mention that the interests involved in this industry are not small at all, so it is impossible for Kim Hyun-tae not to be moved.

What's more, no one in the U.S. has set foot in this industry yet, so as long as he can start this business, it is equivalent to lying down and making money.

It's just that the money earned may be criticized, after all, this is only earned by letting others carry their heads to do things.

But when you think about it, even if Jin Xiantai doesn't do it, someone will definitely do it in the future.

That being the case, why didn't he take advantage of this good opportunity to do it.

Moreover, this can also establish a good relationship with the military, which is conducive to his exhibition in the United States in different time and space.

After a chat with General Scott, Kim Hyun-tae decided that he would start this plan within a short period of time and began to form his own "Black Water" company.

Considering that the US Department of Defense’s defense budget spends so much money each year, when a part of it will flow into his pockets in the future, Kim Hyun-tae can’t help being excited.

The US intelligence agency personnel on the South Korean side have not arrived yet, and Kim Hyun-tae thinks that he is idle anyway. It is better to say hello to Old George on this issue and listen to his opinions.

And General Scott walked out at this time knowingly, leaving a private space for Kim Hyun Tae.

Looking at the time, it is now over 9 o'clock in the morning. If you count it in the United States, it should be over 1 o'clock in the evening. Well, old George has not rested yet.

Toot toot!

He dialed the old George's private number, and Kim Hyun-tae waited patiently for a while.

Soon, old George's voice rang from the other side of the phone.

"William, what's wrong with Korea?"

Those who were able to make private calls to Old George were all acquaintances, and because of the caller ID, when Old George looked at the number, he knew that it was Jin Xiantai calling him.

At the same time, because of Kim Hyun Tae's secret mission, Old George thought that something went wrong in Korea.

That's why he asked after answering the phone.

"Uncle George, everything is normal here in South Korea. I am waiting for the people from the intelligence agency at Longshan Base to give me precise and detailed information.

The main reason why I bother you so late is that I want to ask some questions and listen to what you mean. "

Because she had a private agreement with Annie and announced that she had become a boyfriend and girlfriend, Annie must have told Kim Hyun-tae about her relationship with the old George, and made Kim Hyun-tae also changed his words and started calling old George an uncle.

And this change has once again narrowed the relationship between Jin Xiantai and the old George.

Perhaps it was because the old George and Annie were family friends, and the old George himself also valued Kim Hyun-tae, so the old George accepted Kim Hyun-tae with pleasure.

You know, old George was training Jin Xiantai, which shows how much he valued Jin Xiantai.

"Oh, what's the matter, tell me." Old George listened to Kim Hyun-tae saying that something was wrong with Korea, so he relaxed.

As for Kim Hyun Tae, whenever he has any questions, he will call himself to ask for advice and discuss him.

This shows that Jin Xiantai did not treat him as an outsider, and was very close to him.

This is a good thing!

In the future, if Kim Hyun Tae becomes an American elite and holds power, then by virtue of his relationship with Kim Hyun Tae, the George family will be able to flourish for decades.

And once he gets old or dies, there will be no big problem with Jin Hyuntae's protection of his unworthy son.

Old George, who was holding the phone, had a big smile on his face. He walked to the chair beside him and sat down slowly.

Jin Xiantai talked about his idea of ​​establishing a mercenary company in detail to Old George.

When the old George finished listening, he asked Jin Xiantai: "William, in this industry, the reputation is not so good. There is Solomon in Israel, and its main business is these. Although it is very profitable, the reputation is..."

Because there is no such company in the U.S., Old George can't see through the benefits that can be brought, and he can't blame him for such a thing.

After all, no matter how old George was a mature and sleek old fritters politician, he couldn't see through some of the things behind the fog.

But Kim Hyun Tae is different.

Although he used to be a diaosi, he came to this time and space through the tunnel of time and space, and knows many things that people don't know about this time and space.

At the moment, Kim Hyun-tae pointed out to Old George how great it would be to have such a company, and slowly let Old George see everything clearly.

"Uncle George, it’s not a good reputation to be a company like this, but it has great benefits. Needless to say, money can definitely be earned and a lot of money, but the most important thing is that we can hire those generals who have retired. Master their relationship, this is something that money can't buy."

Old George is neither stupid nor stupid. Hearing what Jin Xiantai said, he immediately reacted.

Because of the telephone line, Jin Xiantai couldn't see how excited George was at this moment, and how bright his eyes were.

[How does this little guy's brain grow! How can he always surprise people! Compared with him, my son is simply an idiot. You said he would be my son! 】

Old George was full of emotion for a while.

And also saw what this company brought by analogy.

"William, you have to admit that you, a little fellow, are really not bad. You can always think of what we people did not expect. You are right. Those retired generals have their own relationships. If you can use it, of course it is the best. Ok.

And the benefits are not only so many. Once you do it, the generations of retired generals will be mastered by you, and you will be able to bring you decades or even hundreds of years of glory, enough for you to create A glorious family. "

I have to say, old George is really smart.

He saw what Jin Xiantai did not see either.

Kim Hyun-tae saw only the present, but Old George saw the future.

As long as there is a group of generals working for Jin Xiantai, then there will be a second group of people next, which is obvious.

What about the third batch, the fourth batch, and after the fifth batch?

The relationship between Kim Hyun Tae and the military will get better and better.

And with the military's friendship, and his old George's political #治# resources, Jin Xiantai is equivalent to the military # politics takes both worlds, especially the military relationship can be maintained through batches of retired generals.

When the time comes, how can the King family not become the top family in the United States?

You know, those generals are also **** and weak, and they need to find a job for themselves to make more money after retiring.

People, there is no one who is short of money.

The generals are the same~lightnovelpub.net~ Just when Old George was very emotional, Kim Hyun-tae said a word, causing Old George to tremble like a swing.

"Uncle George, I plan to give Little George a 10% stake and let him run this business together with me. I am just worried that there is no precedent in this industry in China. Which direction should I start with?"

"Leave all the questions about the license procedures to me, and I will solve them for you. You only need to be responsible for persuading some key generals to do it with you."

1o% is quite a lot. The most important thing is the identity of the partner and the relationships obtained from it.

So the old George stopped some questions on himself, and he didn't need Jin Xiantai to speak.

More importantly, that 10% of the shares are given to his son George Jr.

As an old man and a father, of course old George will also consider problems for his son.

Poor parents in the world...