Rising America

Chapter 960: Cheap tricks

Kim Hyun-tae wants to get a company like Heishui, and he has several advantages. August 1 Chinese W≥W=W. 81ZW. COM

Needless to say if you have funds, you must have a large amount of financial support to do this kind of company, and Kim Hyun-tae is definitely not short of money.

So he can afford all kinds of equipment.

And he also has the status of a West Point student, which makes it easier for him to be accepted by the generals who are about to retire. You must know that most of these generals are also West Point or graduated from other military schools.

If you are not a graduate of West Point or other American schools in the United States of Time and Space, then you have no way to gain a foothold in the military.

In the United States and China, West Point is the best.

The reason is simple. The number of people who graduated from West Point and served in the army is the most.

Therefore, as a junior at West Point, it is of course easier for Kim Hyun-tae to get in touch with those generals, gain their favor, and even draw them to work in his own war company.

These people have been in the army all their lives. They are definitely not accustomed to letting them be ordinary people after they retire.

And there is such a place where they can use their abilities and make money. Of course, this is a good thing for those generals.

It can be said that this is good for everyone.

Old George knew very well that if this thing was done, both Jin Xiantai and his George family would benefit from it.

So it's no wonder that he was so excited before.

Then the old George and Jin Xiantai discussed in detail what should be done by Jin Xiantai and how he should do it.

For example, to find those retired generals is what Kim Hyun Tae himself should do.

After all, he has the identity of a West Point student, doesn't he?

Therefore, Kim Hyun Tae is obviously more able to talk to those generals who are about to retire than others.

If you change someone else, you have to face the cold **** of these generals.

These people are very arrogant.

These are the original words of old George.

He said that those generals were arrogant and hard to deal with.

But after hearing this, Kim Hyun-tae felt very puzzled, because he felt that General Scott was not like this. He and General Scott had a very happy chat.

In fact, Kim Hyun-tae knew that the reason why Scott was so enthusiastic was not only because of his little selfishness, but also because Kim Hyun-tae was a pastry little brother.

Yes, General Scott is also a West Point graduate.

So Scott and Kim Hyun Tae are not without intersection.

Being an alumnus is enough to prevent Scott from treating Kim Hyun Tae like an outsider.

It's just that Kim Hyun Tae himself didn't figure out this joint.

"I will compile a list of the generals who are about to retire, and fax it to you at that time, so that you don't have a black eye."

Old George on the phone told Jin Xiantai that he would sort out a list.

Kim Hyun Tae did not refuse this.

Because he knows very well that the list compiled by Old George must be those generals who have mastered real power and key departments, and only such talents are more helpful to him and have a larger network of relationships.

And this will save him a lot of trouble. After all, Jin Xian Tae is not clear about who the generals who are about to retire are useful and who are useless.

With the help of old George, it all became much easier.

With old George's cleverness, it is obvious that he can't put ‘trash’ on the list.

"Well, all this will trouble you Uncle George."

"Haha, don't be so polite, this matter is good for you and me, isn't it? Looking at the 10% of the shares, I also have to give my strength."

Old George reminded him vaguely that Jin Xiantai was very clear and could understand.

Those people from the US CIA in South Korea have not arrived yet. God knows how they are so slow, but there is still more than an hour before the agreed time 11 o'clock, so Jin Xiantai is not in a hurry.

He and Old George talked for a while. As the topic deepened, Old George reminded Kim Hyun-tae: “In order to prevent possible troubles, you must be psychologically prepared. Once you grow up, there will be a lot of People jealous, and then stepped into this line.

At that time, how can you protect your own interests and maintain military relations and friendship? This is particularly important.

In my opinion, the most critical issue in this industry is whether you can achieve a monopoly and control all resources in your own hands. This is the most secure.

If everyone gets involved, then we will not be able to enjoy greater benefits.

And the problem I can predict is that some people will use the antitrust law to target you. These are some of the methods and discussions that some people often use.

Do you have any solutions at that time? "

While talking, Old George mentioned a serious problem that is likely to arise in the future.

Hearing this, Jin Xiantai thought for a while, and felt that Old George was not alarmist, but something that might happen.

Come to think of it, no one has done this in a different time and space.

Once Kim Hyun-tae does it, and others see the huge benefits in it, no one will be jealous.

When it comes to wealth, families such as DuPont and Jp are also wealthy.

One is an arms-starter, and the other is an American banking giant, with stronger relationships and connections than Jin Xiantai.

When they are going to enter the venue, what do you tell Kim Hyun Tae to do?

Obviously, this piece of cake is so big. The key is who has many military relations. Of course, it is best to eat alone, but this is bound to arouse the resentment of those guys.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai must consider this possible situation.

If someone plays antitrust with you, then you have to obediently admit it.

Fortunately, Jin Xiantai quickly thought of a solution.

"Uncle George, you are right to worry. This kind of situation is likely to happen, but because of the great benefits contained in this, I don't want to let this cake out.

I will talk to Annie and ask her to establish a company of the same nature, and then let her also control some of the military's resources.

At the same time, I will use my daughter's name to establish a company of this nature. By that time, we will have three companies to control the military's network resources and be able to deal with the threat of antitrust.

In addition to avoiding troubles in this regard, doing so can also control this piece of cake to the greatest extent, and block the coveting of some greedy predators, and also make the meat rotten in its own pot. "



If you really want to describe it, the above two descriptions are the most appropriate.

Once the three companies came out, it was not a monopoly.

After all, it is not an enterprise under the name of Jin Xiantai alone, and no one can fault it by then.

Well, some people may say that Annie is Kim Hyun Tae’s ‘Papa Papa’, but it is Kim Hyun Tae’s daughter, so these three companies are still one!

This is the truth, but the monopoly rules don’t look like that.

In theory, these three companies are independent.

Because it is not owned by a natural person.

Annie is an independent individual, and Coco is also an independent individual.

Therefore, the anti-monopoly law cannot find itself.

It's just true that doing so will make people criticize and disgusting. After all, everyone is not a fool.

But as long as Jin Xiantai doesn't care and can use this method to protect his own interests, what does it matter if he feels sick?

The old George's expression on the other end of the phone was very wonderful, and he was obviously shocked by Jin Xiantai's mean thoughts.

To be honest, if Kim Hyun Tae really did this, he would indeed avoid being troubled by some people picking up the anti-monopoly law, but he would be criticized for being so cheap.

But after thinking about it again, Old George felt that this approach seemed to be good.

How can the three companies have more resources than one company, and they can also receive more retired military personnel, and it will be easier for the three companies to join forces to deal with those who want to enter this industry.

So are the methods criticized? Does it matter?

Obviously it is not so important anymore.

The important thing is to be able to earn the maximum benefit and to protect this benefit.

Besides, the capitalists in the United States don't all play like this.

For example, the Clofele family has played this routine.

Therefore, these people will have no excuses to talk about Kim Hyun Tae.

As the first to enter this industry and grasp the resource of retired military generals, Jin Xiantai will become the biggest beneficiary.

Of course, with the 1o% shares given by Kim Hyun Tae, the George family will also become one of the beneficiaries.


In a short period of time, Old George had already thought very thoroughly, and even silently praised Jin Xiantai's idea from the bottom of his heart.

"I think your idea is very good. This can indeed maximize the benefits ~lightnovelpub.net~ and can prevent some people from coveting this piece and resorting to tricks."

Old George complimented the idea.

"I'll tell her about Annie, I don't think she will reject this project." At the same time, the old George also told Jin Xiantae, and Annie was notified by him.

In this regard, Jin Xiantai would not object. Since the old George is willing to talk to Annie, it is of course the best, and Jin Xiantai will save trouble.

Now that Anne was mentioned, Old George couldn’t help but ask a question that made him somewhat puzzled, because he received a call from Anne asking for help, which seemed to say that Anne was going to buy a barren desert land in Nevada. This makes old George very puzzled.

What's so good about that place where birds don't shit? Where does Annie buy the land and what does it do?

Old George was puzzled by this.

So he asked Kim Hyun-tae: "By the way, Annie is going to buy desert land in Nevada recently. As far as I know, that piece of land is very barren. So if Annie does this, it's totally a waste of money. You know what's the matter. Are you?"