Rising America

Chapter 968: Coco's skills have changed

In the face of Cui Hyun-joo who was very bright, Kim Hyun-tae was very helpless. W? W? W (i.) 81ZW. COM

As long as he asked something, he would use that righteous and powerful tone in front of Choi Hyun-joo, so Kim Hyun-tae would simply stop being boring.

The next hour or so was very boring, and Jin Xiantai could only spend time by observing the desolate scenery passing by through the car window.

And Choi Hyun-joo was also happy that Kim Hyun-tae was so quiet, and to be honest, she didn't want to talk to this imperialist capitalist.

For Choi Hyun-joo, people like Kim Hyun-tae should be knocked to the ground!

Then let the people step on ten thousand feet, spurn him, and judge him!

Capitalists do not have a good thing!

Jin Xiantai didn't know the thoughts in Choi Hyun Joo's heart. If he knew Choi Hyun Joo would think so, he would be even more depressed.

After more than an hour's drive, they arrived at Jinchuan Air Force Base.

A military officer with the rank of colonel received them and their group. After a brief conversation and Cui Xianzhu showed the corresponding documents, the colonel took them directly to the place where the helicopter was prepared.

Here, the fifteen soldiers who followed along the way will be kept, only one driver and Choi Hyun-ju will accompany Kim Hyun-tae to Pyongyang.

Listening to the meaning of the big colonel's words, Li Baoying had already informed the base, and had prepared them for the helicopter early, no wonder they were brought here without any words.

Like Choi Hyun-joo, the colonel had a cold face when facing Kim Hyun-tae, and he looked like [people from imperialist countries are bad guys].

Perhaps in this country, only Li Baoying would not think of herself like this.

Kim Hyun Tae thought silently in his heart.

After boarding the helicopter, Cui Xianzhu exchanged a few words with the colonel before boarding the plane. As Cui Xianzhu settled down, the helicopter slowly started and began to lift off.

At this time, Choi Hyun-joo raised his right hand and looked down at the watch on his wrist, and then coldly said to Kim Hyun-tae: "It is 13:00 in the afternoon. We are expected to arrive in Pyongyang in 12 hours. There will be four fuel stops on the way. If you don’t object I suggest not to rest."

Cui Xianzhu's meaning is obvious, that is, the helicopter should not be so troublesome except for refueling and landing.

Kim Hyun Tae didn't care much about this.

So he nodded: "No problem, I also want to get to Pyongyang soon."

Seeing that Kim Hyun Tae agreed to his proposal so cooperatively, Choi Hyun Joo was very satisfied.

In her opinion, Jin Xiantai, the capitalist, might not be able to stand the hard work and asked to stop and rest at night, but in the end she did not expect that Jin Xiantai, the capitalist, agreed to her proposal.

Since Kim Hyun Tae agreed, Choi Hyun Joo had nothing to say.

After all, she didn't think she had anything to say with Kim Hyun-tae. As a socialist female fighter, can she still have a common language with the capitalists of imperialist countries?


So Choi Hyun Joo nodded, moved her body and closed her eyes, and stopped talking to Kim Hyun Tae.

Kim Hyun-tae didn’t find it boring either, and had to talk to Cui Hyun-joo, so when Cui Hyun-joo ignored him, Kim Hyun-tae didn’t get along.

The speed of a helicopter is much faster than that of a car.

And because it is a military helicopter, its flight rate needs to be signaled by civilians, so it will arrive in Pyongyang 12 hours later.

Turning his face to look outside through the machine window, the lush green beauty below is unobstructed.

It is true that there was no heavy industry in the Northern Dynasties, the development of agriculture was relatively backward, and the domestic economy was not good, but the natural environment was still very good.

After watching for a while, Kim Hyun Tae became bored again.

Glancing at Choi Hyun-joo, who was still closing his eyes and resting, Kim Hyun-tae also lay down to take a nap.

Fortunately, the cabin of this helicopter is covered with thick military blankets, so lying down like this will not make people feel uncomfortable, and there are carefully prepared green military pillows and thin quilts on the side.

When Kim Hyun Tae lay down, he fell asleep soon.

After he fell asleep, Choi Hyun-joo, who had been keeping his eyes closed, opened his eyes and stared at the sleeping Kim Hyun-tae for a long time.

It took about four hours, that is, around 17 o'clock in the afternoon, the helicopter landed on a military base for the first time, and when the first refueling started, Jin Xiantai woke up.

After seeing Kim Hyun Tae wake up, Choi Hyun Joo brought the prepared dinner.

The dinner was not too hearty, it was just a bibimbap with a little minced pork, but the taste was very good, so Kim Hyun-tae was not picky.

Choi Hyun Joo is still so cold.

[I don’t know if Andrew left Korea with his daughter? 】

Kim Hyun Tae, who was eating bibimbap, couldn't help but think of his daughter.

------split line------

When Jin Xiantai thought of his daughter Coco, the little guy had left Korea with Andrew and was on his way to Nepal.

Andrew told the little guy that there are aliens in Nepal, which aroused the little guy's strong interest, so the little guy can still stay in Korea there.

During the voyage, the little guy was very excited, and kept asking Andrew various questions about aliens. If it were an ordinary person, it would definitely be annoying, but Andrew was very patient.

"Uncle Andrew, what is the form of the aliens you are talking about, do they look like us humans?"

"No! Those guys are disgusting, but they are the same size as adults, but they are bigger, stronger, and more aggressive than humans."

"Uncle Andrew, according to your description, I can think that those aliens are malicious to us humans?"

"Miss, if you think so, there is nothing wrong. As far as I know, Nepalese aliens came to the earth with some very malicious purposes."

"Hey, Uncle Andrew, you seem to be familiar with the appearance of these aliens. Don't you know them well?"

"Um...I understand, I have met someone in the UK, and I caught one back and sliced ​​it."

"Hahahaha, I really envy you, I also want to take a slice to study. Then Uncle Andrew, can you do me this favor?"

"Miss, don't you think this is too cruel? Especially for a child like you."

"Uncle Andrew, you can do this, why can't I? And you also said that those aliens came to Earth with malicious intent, which means that they are all bad guys, so why can't I be cruel to bad guys? ."

"Well, I really can't refute it, miss."

"Hehe, I'm right. Then Uncle Andrew, you must help me."

"Well, miss, I'll just help."

"By the way, Uncle Andrew, what do these aliens call them?"

"They call themselves'interstellar hunters', while creatures of other civilizations call them'predators'. These guys are very combative and like to show their bravery by hunting creatures of other civilizations. Creatures called'alien' are deadly enemies."

"It turns out that they are like this, so I don't think they are pitiful anymore, hahahahaha, I want them to know that the earth is not a place where they can do whatever they want. This is my cocoa playground, and there is only one king. , That's my golden cocoa!"

The a38o was flying very smoothly. At this time, it had entered China's airspace, but the little guy's destination was Nepal, so he didn't intend to stay in China. At most, he might stop and refuel once.

"Pitro and Wanda have gone back, Keira has also returned home, Ensha went to West Point to take the dog, and now I don't have a reliable subordinate by my side, so everything depends on me when I arrive in Nepal."

Since O1 time and space returned to different time and space, the friends around Coco went home.

Even Ensha, who had become a cocoa maid, was arranged to take Cerberos and his cousin Fenrir back to West Point to take care of the house in West Point.

So there is really no one around Cocoa.

Andrew is not a cocoa person, strictly speaking he is Kim Hyun Tae's person, and the little guy thinks so too.

"Without subordinates, there is no pomp, and without pomp, I cannot show my strength. As the Boss of Hydra, I don't want aliens to look down upon it. Uncle Andrew, what can you do?"

The little guy is a person who likes ostentation. He likes to have a lot of subordinates to follow wherever he goes. God knows why she likes this style at a young age.

But as for Andrew, since this is Coco's distress, he must be resolved.

So Andrew thought for a while and responded: "If you don't dislike it, use liquid metal robots? Although their combat effectiveness is not good, they are still very good as a tool for setting the stage, and they are also very good cannon fodder."

Faced with this proposal, the little guy thought about it and accepted it.

Andrew asked the little guy at this time: "Miss, what did you gain from the o1 time and space trip?"

Andrew has always wanted to ask this question, but there is no chance.

There was finally a chance now, and of course Andrew would not let it go.

Because he knew what kind of abilities Coco had, Andrew felt that in the o1 time and space, the little guy could not copy a few native skills in the o1 time and space.

Sure enough~lightnovelpub.net~ the little guy replied with a grin: "I only copied one [Golden Bell] skill. I don’t like the other skills. I heard that Yuan Xiangcheng’s kung fu is quite good, but I haven’t seen it before. He, so there is no chance to copy it, which is a pity."

Well, o1 time and space line, Coco only got a [Golden Bell] skill.

But the little guy has a very indifferent attitude.

Obviously she was a little bit down on those martial arts skills of the O1 time-space natives.

"Miss, is the golden bell good?"

Andrew asked again.

"Not very good." Coco shook his head, "After this skill is activated, he can only stand there stupidly and be beaten." Then he said his views on this martial arts.

After that, Coco looked at Andrew mysteriously and continued: "However, this skill is a bit mutated. It seems that I copied Ensha’s [Ability Amplification] skill. The [Golden Bell Jar] icon has now actually changed. [Black Ji Yi Jin Jing] icon."