Rising America

Chapter 973: Ahem, this thing is disgusting

At Coco's request, Andrew took the newspaper and accompanied Coco to the presidential suite on the top floor. After entering the house, Coco couldn't wait to let Andrew show the newspaper to her. ??? Bayi Chinese? Net W? W? W?. ㈠8㈠1㈠Z?W. COM

Although the little guy is not very old, there is no barrier to reading books and newspapers. This is really better than children of the same age.

Andrew handed the newspaper to Coco, and then the little guy took the newspaper and ran to the sand and sat down, and then read the newspaper.

In this newspaper, I described this weird incident in Redondo Beach in Los Angeles in detail, and the author also wrote about my curiosity about it, and expressed my doubts in a questioning tone. .

Why did the Los Angeles Garrison block the Redondo Beach community after arriving at the scene, and prevent news media reporters from going to Redondo from entering the scene to get first-hand information, but instead sent an official spokesperson to declare that it is not painful or itchy , What is the so-called ignited leak is just so much.

This is simply treating the public as idiots, OK?

Gas leak!

Humph, that's a **** excuse.

If it is really a gas leak, why is the security team that surrounded the Redondo community facing the enemy? Well armed one by one? The media are not even allowed to shoot, which is very unreasonable.

And they also carried out air control, so that the media was planning to use remote-controlled unmanned aerial vehicles for aerial photography, but they were unable to do so, and even shot down several unmanned aerial vehicles with weapons.

This can't help but make people wonder where exactly what happened, and the guard forces that just made it are so nervous.

Anyway, everyone inferred that the Redondo community was definitely not the so-called ignition leak, but something else, but the U.S. government did not want the public to know, so it concealed it and found a lame excuse.

Hehe, such a lame excuse, how can you let the public accept and believe it.

Perhaps for official speakers [believe it or not, I believe it anyway], but these alone are not enough.

To be honest, the United States in a different time and space is actually no different from the United States in another time and space to some extent.


When it comes to some secret issues, they will never consider the public's right to know.

This point seems to be the reason why the public is arguing about whether there are aliens or not.


The universe is so big, how can there be no extraterrestrial life?

Only some so-called so-called experts and scholars who are black-hearted will face the camera and brazenly say something like ‘absolutely no aliens’.

Are they afraid that aliens will bring panic and pessimism to the public?

Or maybe there are some other considerations, which we don't know.

But the mutants, supernatural beings, werewolves, vampires, even Huaxia have monsters, and the so-called fairy sects in the myths and legends of the return of Tema’s different time and space. What is the worth of the aliens It was hidden from the public.

God knows what high-level governments in various countries, especially those in the United States, think.

We must know that there are many aliens on the earth in different time and space, especially in the United States, and they live among ordinary people.

Such as the Kaila family, isn't it such an existence?

And this family is registered with SHIELD.

So what's the point of continuing to hide from the public? There is simply no sense at all, and it is not logical.

Of course, the truth is the truth, but after all, all countries in the world in different time and space, including the United States, will not tell the public about aliens anyway. God knows what is going on.

Although there are overwhelming Internet photos taken by some netizens that prove something, but the top officials of various countries don't admit it, and you really have nothing to do about it.

Perhaps, because these high-level officials know something, for example, in the distant ages, there was a war with the alien life Arthur Protoss on the earth, so they didn't want the public to know this cruel truth?

After all, the Arthurian Protoss is immortal in its ambition for the earth in another time and space.

To be honest, this matter is really confusing.

The content written in the newspaper is just some personal guesses of the author, and lacks some pictures to prove it, so what Cocoa looks at is at a loss.

But this couldn't be troubled by Andrew, after all, he was on the hook.

Andrew was also very curious about what happened in the Redondo Beach community in Los Angeles, so he asked the surveillance spacecraft that is also absorbing and transforming heat near the sun to help.

Namek's technology is really not a boast. After long-distance positioning and observation in outer space, after locking the Redondo community, it really made the surveillance spacecraft a reality.

This is not a picture, but a real video image taken from outer space after being locked from a long distance, and it is very clear, and even has sound.

Thor from a parallel time and space or plane Agasd, the battle between him and the alien that appeared in the Redondo Beach community was clearly recorded, including the arrogant and arrogant Thor Funny words.

After getting all of this, the surveillance spacecraft input this video image into a small storage card that is only available on earth, and transmits this storage card to Andrew's hand through long-distance material transmission technology.

When Coco was looking at the newspaper, very inexplicable and even confused, Andrew's flat right hand palm appeared strangely with a bluish halo, which was about five seconds later. Disappeared, and there was an extra memory card in the palm of his right hand.

"Miss, this memory card contains detailed video information of the Redondo Beach community. Although no one outside knows what happened, I can't stop Andrew."

While talking, Andrew handed the memory card toward Cocoa.

The little guy was worried that he couldn't understand this news article, so he quickly took over the memory card.

Although the little guy couldn't understand and couldn't guess what happened to the Redondo Beach community, the little guy was very sensitive to the fact that what happened there was definitely not small.

Video Andrew knows what it is. The Namek has a peculiar racial talent. With this talent, monitoring the spacecraft has already let it know the truth.

The main reason why I made a memory card was to let Coco take a look. Who made the little guy curious about this.

Coco jumped off the sand, ran to his little pink suitcase, opened the suitcase, and rummaged in it, found his tablet, and quickly ran back to the sand.

Sit down, power on, and skillfully insert the memory card into the slot on the side of the tablet.

After the tablet has finished booting up, the player can be called up, the memory card directory is opened and the video file is found, and then click play.

Ugly, fierce and scary aliens appear in the screen.

If it is an average child, it may be shocked.

But not only was Coco not shocked, but he stared wide and looked at it with relish. At the same time, he clicked his mouth and gave his own evaluation of the alien.

"Wow, this guy is really ugly? Is this the thing we want to find the predator aliens? Although it looks fierce, but it's just to scare ordinary children. It's impossible to scare me, oops Yeah, it seems that apart from my dad's anger and scaring me, it seems that I am really not afraid of anything. It seems that I am a brave little girl."

While watching the video of Alien vs. Thor, Coco even took out a pack of potato chips and ate it as if he was watching a blockbuster science fiction action.

"Hey, it's disgusting, this thing is still drooling! Well, its saliva is corrosive, and the ground has been corroded and there have been several holes."

The alien in the video was pressed and beaten by Thor, and transparent or green liquids were constantly thrown out of the beating mouth. These liquids are extremely corrosive, and when they fall on the ground, the ground will corrode a pitted hole.

The little guy's eyes are so good, this phenomenon made her show.

"Uncle Andrew, is there any way you can prevent us from being corroded by its saliva? Although I am not afraid, I find it disgusting."

As a little girl who inherited the Godhead of Hades, she is certainly not afraid of this kind of corrosive saliva in the alien form. You must know that the Styx in the underworld is also corrosive, which is more corrosive than the saliva in the alien form.

But Coco is not afraid of the river water of the Styx, and it can even be said that she is immune, how can she be afraid of the corrosive saliva of the alien.

The reason why the little guy asks this is mainly because he is worried that his clothes will be corroded by the disgusting saliva.

Andrew has been behind Coco, watching this video with the little guy.

When the little guy raised this question, Andrew quickly leaned down and said to Coco in a low voice: "I have a few sets of clothes that use Saiyan civilization technology. They have strong defenses against physics and corrosion, and according to my Observe that the corrosive liquid of the puppies in the video can hardly cause any damage to Saiyan technical clothes."

"The clothes produced under Saiyan civilization technology? Does it look good?" the little guy blinked his eyes and asked.

Andrew smiled and responded: "Really, it's not very good-looking. This kind of combat uniform that is not enough for Saiyans has an advantage, that is, it can only change the style of the clothing based on the user's interest~lightnovelpub.net~."


"Give me a set."

Now that the style can be changed according to the user's interest, there is nothing to worry about whether it looks good or not.

Anyway, I can do whatever I want.


Black Gothic lace dress, coupled with black eye shadow big smoky makeup, black lipstick, non-mainstream gothic style...the trendy people will appear!

"By the way, miss, this thing is not a predator."

Just when Coco was thinking about it, thinking that he would change the Saiyan civilization's combat uniform to his favorite style and style, Andrew suddenly said this, interrupting the fantasy of Coco.

The recovered little guy looked at Andrew: "Ah, isn't it a predator? Then what is this stuff? By the way, Uncle Andrew, why do you call it a puppy?"