Rising America

Chapter 974: Uncle Andrew, let's go!

"This is not a predator. August 1st? The article? WebW㈠W㈠W?. 8㈧1㈧ZW.COM", Andrew told Coco with confidence, "According to what I know, the thing that appears in the video should be Alien species called "Aliens" are more ferocious than iron blood, and are born to be a kind of life that exists for killing."

Since Andrew caught the predator in the UK, he has obtained a lot of relevant information from the unlucky jagged mouth in his own way.

Although it was not possible to obtain high-level information about the Arthurian Protoss, he had obtained information about the alien who was in the same rank as the predators, so he knew better about the alien Andrew.

"These guys are like locusts. Every time they arrive on a planet, they will slaughter all life species on that planet, and then plunder the resources of that planet. When the resources are exhausted, they will go to the next suitable planet, and so on. .

And these gadgets are not afraid of death. They only know to obey the command. In order to complete the order, they don’t care about their own life or even the pain. And they can breed many compatriots in a short time. For many civilizations, Alien is a terrifying civilization. "


The image of a locust appeared in Coco's mind. The little guy felt that the alien image in the video seemed to be far from the locust.

But since Andrew said so, there must be some truth to him.

In this regard, the little guy felt that he didn't need to explore anything.

"Civilization like locusts is disgusting." The little guy told Andrew his senses.

Andrew nodded: "It's really disgusting. They don't know how to build, but only destroy and kill. I don't have a good impression of such a civilized species. At least in terms of civilization, the predator is much better than the alien. It’s just to show off by hunting other civilizations, and it won’t kill a civilization or even a planet so extreme."

It can be heard that Andrew's evaluation of iron blood is higher than that of Alien.

But thinking about it is not without reason.

If the civilization of the Predator was compared with the Alien, the Alien really couldn't be compared with the Jagged.

But from another perspective, the alien's combat effectiveness is much higher than that of the predator.

The predator pays attention to individual killing skills, while the alien is very strong in individual and group battles. If the two sides fight war, the Jagged is obviously incomparable with the alien.

After all, aliens reproduce much faster than predators.

An alien queen can produce thousands or even tens of thousands of alien eggs at one time, and as long as there is a suitable carrier, these eggs can hatch aliens in a very short time.

At the same time, those aliens are good fighters after hatching.

No civilization in the huge universe is more powerful than aliens.

Of course, this is not a comparative discussion based on the level of technology.

If the level of science and technology is added, the technological level of the earth can completely explode the aliens. After all, the aliens follow the path of individual evolution, and they are still a civilized group based on the evolution of the mother emperor.

The more the mother emperor evolves, the stronger the alien form it hatches.

If the mother emperor is weak, of course the alien form it hatches is also weak.

I have to say that Alien is actually very strange.

But anyway, if the aliens came to the earth in different time and space, it would really be a disaster for the earth.

But then again, the earth in a different time and space is different from the earth in a certain time and space, so it is indispensable to have a battle with the alien.

After all, there are mutants, supernatural beings, werewolves, vampires, immortals, monsters, etc. on the earth in different time and space. These existences are not necessarily weaker than aliens, so the earth people are not without fighting power.

At least in this respect, the earth in different time and space is more confident than a certain time and space.

Not to mention that there are alien immigrants like the Kaila family.

Once the Alien Mother Queen came to Earth and there was a conflict, these guys would be enough to make Alien drink a pot.

So there is nothing scary about Alien.

Even if it is terrible, it is for ordinary people on Earth.

Existence like Coco... even less afraid.

"Uncle Andrew, in that case, if you encounter these disgusting guys in the future, there is no need to keep your hands."

Cocoa is very bad for alien senses.

Andrew nodded and said seriously to Coco: "Yes, miss, if you encounter these things in the future, you don't need to keep your hands, just kill them in the most brutal way."

Andrew is also an educating little guy, which makes her wary of aliens.

After all, the alien thing is very dangerous.

If Coco doesn't really know what virtue the alien is, and thinks that aliens can communicate normally, it is still more dangerous.

It is true that with Coco's "abnormal # state", it is difficult for Alien to threaten Cocoa.

But it is necessary to remind Cocoa.

Seeing that Andrew was so serious and serious, the little guy nodded and said: "Okay, I know, I will not relent in encountering these aliens in the future, after all, they look disgusting and they are still silly."

The shape of the alien is very unpleasant, especially the big mouth that drips viscous and corrosive liquid from time to time, so the little guy is right to describe it like that.

At the same time, it can be heard from the little guy's tone that the little guy hates aliens.

Think about it, too, isn't Alien more cute than dogs, even the two funny ones, Cerberus and Fenrir, are incomparable.

Especially for kids like Coco, since they are not cute, cute, and will not be stupid, of course she will not like it anymore.

Disgusting things should disappear!

"Let's go, put the luggage here, I can't wait to catch the so-called predator. If everything goes well, we can rush back to Los Angeles to catch some aliens."

Now that the aliens have come to the earth in different time and space, and have also appeared in the United States, this of course has aroused Coco's interest.

The bear child itself is very powerful, so there is no fear at all about the danger of encountering aliens.

For the bear child, what is terrible about the alien.

You know, she is a god!

"Miss, please wait a moment, I will search for traces of iron and blood."

Andrew immediately opened his storage space, reached out his hand and took it out, and finally took out a small electronic instrument in the style of a metal watch.

After taking a look, Coco suddenly lost interest.

In the eyes of the little guy, this watch is not good at all.

Earlier, Andrew grabbed an iron blood and mastered the genetic signal of the iron blood, so he could use his own equipment to easily lock the iron blood traces that appeared in Kathmandu.

Of course, this takes a little bit of time.

When Coco was bored, he also opened a storage space Andrew gave him, took out a book from it and read it.

As a bear kid who lives under the same roof as Andrew, and of gadgets like storage space, of course Andrew will not be stingy to give a bear kid one.

It’s just different from Andrew’s storage space. The bear kid’s storage space is full of messy things and even a lot of snacks.

Coco, who sits next to Andrew and reads quietly, looks very quiet at this time. If you are not someone who knows the little guy, you can easily be deceived by Coco at this time and think she is a little lady.

There are several black traditional Chinese characters on the cover of the book [Hei Ji Yi Jin Jing], because I copied Ensha’s amplification skills, and I copied the golden bell cover of the O1 Time and Space Green Gang, and I happened to be in my underworld altar mystery store. In, the little guy found the book on the shelf, so he bought it with 8ooo belief points.

Today's little guys, with the source of faith in the o1 time and space, can earn hundreds of thousands of faith points from sitting at home every day, and this number is still expanding.

You know, o1 time and space is half the area of ​​different time and space, and the population base is also half, but it is five times as much as a certain time and space. This shows that the believers of the earth exhibition in o1 time and space will have a considerable income in the future.

As if, now Cocoa is not bad for'money'.

And with the point of belief in hand, most of Cocoa is used to expand the area of ​​the underworld, and of course some will be left as his own "pocket money", so that I can buy something I like in the mysterious store.

The little guy doesn't know exactly what the goods are sold in the mystery store. They just buy them according to their own interests.

For example, the little guy buys a lot of exotic products like "Liu Bei's Tears".

If it weren't for the [Black Ji Yi Jin Jing] that appeared occasionally, and I thought it might be related to my mutated [Golden Bell Jar] skill, which made the little guy interested, the little guy would not buy it.

After all, 8ooo points of faith are not much, but not too many.

You know, many gods are not necessarily like Coco, so it is so easy to master a source of faith, especially when there is no need to war with other gods.

If this is placed in the long past, Cocoa will definitely make many gods envy to death.

To be honest, for many of the contents of the book, the little guy simply can't understand.

Especially the human body meridians depicted in the book, the little guy is even more confused.

But the weird thing is that every time the little guy turns a page, the text in the book and the figures of the human meridian will be engraved in the little guy's mind, and then the last of each page will turn into a little bit of starlight and disappear.

In this way, every time the little guy turns a page, that page disappears.

After flipping a few pages, the little guy curled his lips and complained: "The mystery store is really dark. Is this to buy more books?"

No wonder the little guy would say this, because after reading a book, according to this situation, the whole book will disappear.

Therefore, the little guy firmly believes that ~lightnovelpub.net~ this is the creator of the mystery store, and he is a big profiteer who is trying to sell more books.

After all, it is not cheap to sell a book at 80oo points of faith.

If you can't remember after reading it, you definitely want to buy a second one.

But the little guy knew that everything in the book had already been engraved in her mind.

It's just that the little guy ignored this question.

After all, the little guy is still a child, and his views on certain issues are different from those of adults.

As soon as the little guy's complaints came off, Andrew locked the signal.

"Miss, the signal source has been locked. According to the instrument display, there are a total of five targets."

Throwing the [Hei Ji Yi Jin Jing] that half of the book pages had disappeared back into the storage space, the little guy jumped off the sand and said, "Hahahaha! There are still a lot of them, enough for me to get them back and toss them! I won't be able to get them back for a while! It's boring... Then Uncle Andrew, let's get out!"