Rising America

Chapter 975: The track of fate

Walking on the streets of Kathmandu, you can see people who believe in India #教# faction all over the street, with white powder smeared on their faces, a little cinnabar on their foreheads, naked torso, and only some people wearing a pair of pants similar to shorts. Eight? One Chinese? Net? W ㈠ W? W. 81ZW. COM

And the weird dressing of these people makes the little guy find it interesting.

Although Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal, its domestic economy is not good enough, so even if it is a country, it looks shabby, and even the streets in the city are extremely small.

There are many European and American backpackers on the street. They are not very interested in Coco. Andrew whispered to Coco on the side: "This place is very mysterious to Europeans and Americans, so every year it attracts many European and American backpackers to travel. , And even come here to learn yoga or something, so it’s not surprising to see Europeans and Americans here."

Cocoa listened to Andrew's introduction and felt very disapproving in his heart.

Suddenly, a guy with weird behavior appeared in the crowd. He kept pulling the pedestrians around him and asking what, and when he couldn't get the answer he wanted from the crowd, his face would show disappointment. And sad look.

This is a middle-aged white man who is over 40 years old. The clothes he is wearing look a little shabby. He hasn't been washed for how long, and he is still shabby.

Gradually, when Coco and his party walked into the man, Andrew was grabbed by him and asked: "Sir, do you know where Taj Kama is?"

At this time, Coco and Andrew only discovered that the man's hands were full of scars, as if he had been severely injured, especially Andrew, who was pulled by him, felt it. The man pulled his hands and there was no power at all.

"Sir, do you know where Taj Kama is? Please tell me if you do, I need to find this place."

The man looked at Andrew hopefully, and he could see that he was hoping to get the answer he wanted from Andrew.

It's a pity that Andrew doesn't know where Kama Taj is in his mouth.

So Andrew shook his head: "I'm sorry, sir, I don't know this place."

The hand holding Andrew's sleeve was put down, and the man's face once again showed a complex expression of disappointment and sadness.

At this time, Coco was very curious and looked up at the man and said, "Sir, what are you looking for Kama Taj? It seems that you have asked a lot of people, right? Those locals don’t know this place, then I wonder if you have found the wrong place."

Hearing this, the man shook his head and said, "No, I won't find the wrong place. Taj Kama is here, but I haven't found it yet."

Coco turned his head and asked Andrew: "Uncle Andrew, is there a place called Kama Taj here?"

Because of Andrew's racial talent, he already knew the geography of Kathmandu very well through the map, so Ke asked him.

But Andrew had already responded before, and even he didn't know where Kama Taj was.

"Miss, I really don't know this place. Although I have heard some rumors, in fact this place is only a place of legend, it does not seem to be real."

Andrew likes to surf the Internet when he has nothing to do, so he has really seen some descriptions of ‘Kama Taj’, and those descriptions portray this place very mysteriously.

Andrew was very scornful of this.

In his opinion, this is simply a place people have imagined, and it does not exist in reality.

Before Andrew’s words were over, the middle-aged man retorted excitedly: "No! Taj Kama is real. This place is definitely not just in the legend. I firmly believe this, but I haven’t found it yet. This place is all."

The excited appearance of the man aroused the little guy's greater curiosity.

"Mr., what are you doing looking for this place?" the curious little guy asked.

The man raised his trembling hands and responded with a pained expression: "I was originally a skilled surgeon, but because of a car accident, my dexterous hands became like this, and I became a completely useless person. .

But I am not reconciled!

So I want to find Kama Taj, I want to find the power to heal my hands in this mysterious place, and I want to restore my hands to their former appearance. "

[Just look for Taj Kama? Uncle Andrew can heal you too. 】

Coco thought it was something. The purpose of this man who dares to seek Kama Taj is to heal his hands.

To be honest, this kind of thing can be completely ignored by the little guy.

But I don't know what's wrong, but Coco suddenly became kind.

"Uncle Andrew, this gentleman is so pitiful, how about you help him?"

"Miss you let me heal his hands?"

"Yeah, I think this gentleman is quite poor, why don't you help him."

The man looked at Coco with a look of uncertainty, because he could hear from Coco's words that he seemed to be the British old man next to the little girl, who seemed to be able to heal his hands.

You must know that even the top medical institutions and doctors can't help the problem of his hands, otherwise he would not hope to find the legendary land of Kama Taj.

If this British style old man can really heal his hands, then what else is Kama Taj looking for?

He has been in Kathmandu for more than three years. Basically every day, he would go out on the street to pull people to ask Kama Taj, but he was disappointed every time.

Even the locals don't know where Taj Kama is.

So much so that he himself began to wonder if there is such a mysterious place in this world.

If it hadn't been for the belief that he could heal his hands supporting him, he would have collapsed long ago.

At the same time, the man could see that the old man (Andrew) who was questioned by the little girl didn't look embarrassed, as if he was confident and confident in curing his hands.

This feeling made the man excited again.

"Sir! Do you really have a way to heal my hands?"

The man interrupted Coco's conversation with Andrew. Although it seemed very rude, Andrew and Coco understood the man.

Andrew nodded: "Your hands are seriously injured, and you have missed the best treatment period, and now such a long time has passed. Under normal circumstances, there is no hope, but this injury is not for me. It’s nothing, it’s just a trivial matter."


No one thought that this middle-aged man would kneel in front of Andrew like this.

Unexpectedly Europeans and Americans will do this too!

"Please, heal my hands. As long as you can heal me, I am willing to give everything I have, even if you are your slave."

Andrew helped the man up and looked at each other dumbfoundingly: "Seeing you are so miserable, you definitely don't have a lot of money, so don't talk nonsense about it. Now it is a legal society, and slavery has long been It’s past tense, I don’t want to break the law."

Originally Andrew was ridiculing the other party, but to the man, it seemed to be rejecting himself in disguise.

So the man quickly said: "Sir, what I said is true, as long as you can heal my hands, then I am willing to do anything for you."

Of course Andrew would not believe this, let alone Andrew, even Coco would not take it seriously.

"Uncle Andrew, promise him quickly. It's not a difficult task for you anyway. Beat him away, and then we have to do business."

The cocoa on the side seemed a little impatient.

The reason why he asked Andrew to treat this man was on a whim and felt that the man was very pitiful.

And for Cocoa, she has more important things to do.

Well, catching a piece of iron blood is much more important than treating a poor looking fool.

Hearing this, Andrew nodded, then took out a small iron box from his pocket, and then opened the box in front of the middle-aged man.

The iron box was filled with transparent blue ointment, and Andrew scraped it out with his fingers, then motioned to the middle-aged man to pass his hands to himself.

The expression on the middle-aged man's face changed.

She was a little nervous at this time, because Andrew acted like a magic stick.


Just this thing can heal my hands, do you want to be so nonsense!

The above is the subtext of the middle-aged man whistling inside.

"Hey, what are you still trying to do, hurry up and stretch out your hand, if it wasn't for my lady to pity you, I won't take care of you."

Seeing no response from the middle-aged man, Andrew also urged impatiently.

Obviously, Andrew saw the man's hesitation.

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth, thinking that he had no hope at all, so he might as well give it a try, he wouldn't suffer anyway.

Thinking of this, the man finally stretched out his hands.

Andrew applied the dark blue ointment to the opponent's hand, the palms of the palms and the backs of the hands were spread very evenly. After the application was completed, Andrew put the small iron box back in his pocket, and then looked at the middle-aged man with a smile.

"There will be a reaction after five seconds. You may feel a little itchy, but don't be afraid or worry. It is because the necrotic nerves and muscles in your hands are regenerating. Your hands will be able to fully recover in about twenty seconds."

As soon as Andrew's voice fell, the middle-aged man really felt that his hands appeared in the situation Andrew said, and his hands became very itchy...

Twenty seconds later, the man clenched his hands tightly and stretched out his hands. The fingers continued to move flexibly with his own will. He could feel that his hands really returned to the state they were in when they were not injured before~www.mtlnovel. com~Gosh!


Looking down at his hands, the middle-aged man looked surprised.

"Let's go, Uncle Andrew, we are going to catch Jagged."

Now that the man was cured, Coco began to urge Andrew and himself to leave, and he had never thought of letting this middle-aged man pay for medical expenses.

In Coco's view, he didn't need to do this at all.

Occasional kindness is enough to prove that you are a good boy.

Andrew nodded, then turned around to follow Coco, and did not respond to the surprised man.

And not far away, a somewhat mysterious guy in a black robe looked at Coco and the others and said to himself: "Has the trajectory of fate changed? Poor guy, he doesn't know what he missed Chance."