Rising America

Chapter 984: Infinite fantasy field? No, the field of

Alien is very shrewd. This time he didn't go out to kill people indiscriminately. Instead, he chose to arrest humans secretly, then occupy the building to hide, and quietly build an alien army. August 1?? Chinese W=W≠W=. ≤81ZW. COM

Tema, what are these aliens going to do!

Is it going to be an alien wave on the earth?

Although people like myself are not afraid of this event that is likely to happen, ordinary humans can't resist the alien tide.

Once Kathmandu falls, Nepal will be very worried.

And according to the alien reproduction method and degree, after Kathmandu falls and Nepal is occupied by aliens, the whole world will be in trouble.

Thinking of this, Andrew turned his head and said to Coco: "Miss, you leave first. It seems that what we are going to do has changed. Although these aliens can be solved, they are more troublesome, so I plan to take extreme measures to turn this place into flat ground. .

In order to avoid hurting you by mistake, I ask you to leave first, so that I can do something next. "

Andrew and Cocoa spoke in a negotiable tone.

While talking, Andrew's signal meter had been buzzing for a while, which indicated that the alien had begun to hatch and walked out of the building where it was hidden to the outside world.

Time is pressing!

"Miss, you don't want the earth to fall, please leave first!"

Andrew couldn't wait, and quickly contacted the surveillance spacecraft, ready to use the space gun to lock this area.

But unexpectedly, Coco blinked his eyes and said, "What! Want to occupy this king's earth!"

These bastards, the earth is mine, have they ever asked me! I want to kill them all!

Are you worried these guys will run out?

Don't be afraid! With this queen, these scum can't get out. "

In the next second, the originally clear and blue sky became dim, and several tornadoes connecting heaven and earth appeared strangely on the horizon, and the surrounding space was distorted by naked eyes.

The Mana Flame Wheel resuspended in mid-air with cocoa.

Andrew and Gu Yi stared at the little guy with dull faces, their eyes moving with Coco.

When Coco was in midair, he waved, and the magic spear that penetrated the abnormal shape in the pit flew back to her hand.

Cocoa hovered in the air, in a tender and crisp voice, with a serious tone, as if talking to himself: "The stage is as big as the heart is, and the place where my heart burns is the battlefield. , Come out... an endless fantasy realm!"

[Obviously, the signal meter only detected an alien shape, how come it suddenly became like this now, it's just hell. 】

Andrew looked up at Cocoa, but he was puzzled by what happened.

After thinking about it, Andrew gave a fierce body, as if thinking of something.

Immediately he turned his face to ask Gu Yi: "You said that the use of [Time Backward] skills will produce cause and effect. I don't know if this cause and effect is good or bad, right?"

After hearing this, Gu Yi retracted his gaze looking at Coco, and then nodded to Andrew.


No, this is the cause and effect brought by Miss's random use of [Time Backward], right?

After getting a response from Gu Yi, Andrew smiled bitterly and began to analyze the possibility of this, and the more he analyzed, the more likely he felt.

At this moment, Coco floating in the air suddenly laughed arrogantly: "Wow ha ha ha, these aliens can't run away. They can't escape in my endless fantasy realm, and this realm is under my control. Yes, I am the only master here."

As Coco whispered strangely in the surroundings, a strange black vortex appeared in the sky.

Well, Andrew is no stranger to such a whirlpool.

Because before he remembered what creature Cocoa summoned, there would always be such a whirlpool.

It's just that Andrew couldn't remember for a while, what kind of creature Cocoa summoned.

But it doesn't matter, I don't have to worry about this.

Anyway, the summoned creature appears after a while, isn't it clear about everything?

At the same time, Andrew noticed that the Cocoa domain was shrouded in a radius of one kilometer, and there were some mysterious and strange powers in this domain, which caused him to be disconnected from the surveillance spacecraft.

And there is also a vague power that is constantly suppressing his own racial talent.

In fact, not only Andrew felt this way, even Gu Yi was aware of the suppression of such strange mysterious power.

The magic master Gu Yi secretly tried to mobilize the magic energy in the body, and found that she could not even use a small magic flame, and she felt that not only the magic energy in the body could not be mobilized, even the external magic energy could not be communicated. Absorbed, those magic energies are still repelling her.

And both Andrew and Gu Yi felt that their brains were not so easy to use, and the whole person became confused.

The cocoa spirit in mid-air is also extremely arrogant.

"In the Domain of Endless Fantasy, all creatures except me will become brain-dead. Originally, this domain was called [Brain-Dead Domain], but the name was not good and it was too frustrating, so I changed it to the current [Infinite Fantasy Domain]. Then Andrew Uncle, do you think this field is strong?"


Andrew, who was questioned by Coco, was struggling inside, because when Coco asked him, he suddenly had an urge to pay him back!

In fact, it wasn't just Andrew, even Gu Yi began to be eroded and influenced by the mysterious power in the [Brain Disabled Domain], and now this [Infinite Fantasy Domain].

And Andrew and Gu Yi raised their heads and stared at Cocoa. Now Cocoa's body is surrounded by a faintly colored halo, which looks very surprised.

In this dim and weird realm, Cocoa wrapped in colored halo appeared very eye-catching, and made people involuntarily want to approach and prostrate on the ground in front of her, as well as the urge to kowtow.

In this regard, while resisting his inner impulse, Gu Yi also felt very inexplicable.

Only Andrew said with a struggling look and dumbfounding: "No, in the [brain-depleted domain] of the young lady, now she has entered the [Aotian] state, and we are all scum now."

What [Brain Disability Domain], what [Aotian State], these inexplicable words Andrew said, Gu Yiquan didn't quite understand.

But these words made Gu Yi sound a little unclear.

"Andrew showed up, I don't quite understand what you mean, but it sounds amazing to me. Is this state of Cocoa unusual?"

Gu Yi confronted the inexplicable impulse and asked Andrew.

As Kama Taj's only magic master, how could Gu Yi succumb so easily.

Therefore, both she and Andrew were able to resist the impulse of their hearts, and would not be affected by the domain and various strange halo powers, so that they would pay attention to the cocoa in mid-air.

But then again, this resistance is temporary.

As time slowly passed, the invading forces in the domain would become stronger and stronger, and in the end Andrew and Gu Yi could no longer fight.

This is the [Brain Remnant Domain]...Uh, now the [Infinite Dream Domain] and the powerful mysterious power of the halo constructed by the mysterious elements released from Cocoa's body.

Especially Andrew has not said that Cocoa is absolutely invincible in this field, especially Cocoa who has entered the state of [Aotian] is even more incredible.

Gu Yi doesn't understand the online novels of another time and space, so he doesn't know how powerful the protagonists are.

So, how would she know what cocoa looks like in this state.


A sigh echoed in the space.

The sigh was cocoa in midair. At this time, the little guy had a melancholy expression on his face. He raised his right hand to cover half of his face. What a melancholy girl...

"How lonely is invincibility."

The next moment, Coco spoke a word.

Gu Yi wanted to laugh.

Upon seeing this, Andrew hurriedly stopped Gu Yi in a low voice, "Don't laugh, it will cause trouble." Seeing Andrew said this, Gu Yi forcibly suppressed his smile.


There was the sound of something rubbing the ground when it was running, and it sounded like there were still a lot of them.

Andrew raised his hand, raised his index finger to his mouth, and made a'shhh' gesture to Gu Yi. Gu nodded and did not move.

As the voice of ‘Shushasha’ grew louder, the instigators finally appeared.

The appearance is fierce and ugly, and the aliens that can scare the crying children at a glance are formed in groups, pouring out from the streets in all directions, and it is very scary to see the dense crowds.

A rough count, the number of these aliens is at least 10,000.

Gu Yi was very surprised. She did not expect that these ugly and ugly things appeared in Kathmandu without Kama Taj's awareness, and killed so many locals, which made the guardian of the earth Gu Yi, who claimed to be himself, was surprised, but also very guilty.

Andrew rolled his eyes and thought of the appearance of so many aliens, there must be an alien queen behind this situation.

Otherwise, these aliens who only know about killing, how can they be so smart and know to hide themselves and slowly build an army.

I have to say that the temptation behavior of Arthur Protoss is getting stronger and stronger.

Alien formed a situation of encircling the people, each of them grinned fiercely, but did not attack.

Just as Andrew and Gu Yi wondered why these aliens did not attack, there was a very unpleasant roar behind the alien encirclement.

The dense aliens on the main road are separated like tides, revealing a passage, and as these aliens give way to the passage, one is four or five times taller than the others, and it is several times stronger, with a similar opening. The alien shape of the head like an umbrella slowly moved over here.

Alien Queen!

Seeing the figure that appeared, Andrew blinked his eyes and said the other person's name.

Coco, who was in an arrogant state in mid-air, stared at the alien queen, handed the mana spear in his right hand to the left hand holding the mana Spadun buckler, and then stretched his right hand to point at the alien queen.

"Kneel! You scumbags! In front of my proud cocoa, all of you scumbags surrender to me!"

The surrounding space began to twist, and mysterious power swept across.

Under the dumbfounded gaze of Andrew and Gu Yi, the dense group of aliens, including the last alien queen, actually knelt down like this, or it would be more appropriate for them to all lie on the ground.

"I! Aotian Coco! Declare that you are all guilty. Except for the one who will lay eggs, go to death. You must use death to redeem your sins!"

Gu Yi's look was very bright~lightnovelpub.net~ Andrew burst into tears in his eyes, choked up and said: "Our young lady is invincible! Invincible is really lonely! I don't want to say these things, and the aura of brain damage makes me uncontrollable. live!"

Gu Yi is also impulsive, but fortunately she can stand it, so she is not like Andrew.

Hearing this, Gu Yi asked Andrew: "Can these things really die as Coco meant?"

There were tears in Andrew's eyes, but he still responded to Gu Yi by saying: "Facts are better than everything, you can take your time." After that, Andrew said again, "No, I'm affected again."

Then, under Gu Yi’s surprised and funny eyes, Andrew raised his hands with exaggerated expression, and sang in a loud voice: "How lonely is Invincible, how emptiness is Invincible, alone in the summit, the cold wind keeps blowing. Before, miss, who can understand your loneliness? How lonely is Invincible..."

In the singing, the aliens began to kill each other, and only the alien queen continued to crawl on the ground.