Rising America

Chapter 985: dispute

Under the influence of the reversible and weird realm, more than 10,000 fierce aliens were wiped out. Only one alien queen was left unkilled. Thanks to Coco for leaving her to do the slicing experiment, otherwise Then the alien queen didn't run. W ㈧ W? W?. ㈧ 8? 1? Z? W ㈠. ㈧C㈧OM

Of course, even so, the alien queen may not escape the fate of death. After all, the outcome of falling into the hands of the bear child and having to be sliced ​​for experimentation, obviously cannot be any better.

This batch of aliens controlled a radius of half a kilometer, and killed all the humans in this range, or captured the hidden buildings as a host, used to incubate adult alien fighters for the ‘face-holding bug’.

In this way, tens of thousands of humans have been injured by aliens.

Alien has no compassion and no emotion. They have been killing and fighting machines from the moment they were born, and they are cruel, cunning and cold-blooded.

In the multiverse, the name of aliens is not small, and it is even used to scare children in many civilizations.

Regardless of the aliens, this race is now only the lowest level vassal civilization under the Arthurian tribe, but anyone who thinks that the aliens are very weak is a big mistake.

Although Alien doesn't know how to develop technology, it follows the path of individual evolution, relying on the strength of Alien Queen to determine the standard of the entire ethnic group.

But Alien has an ability that is also very against the sky.

That is when the alien warrior is hatched through the host, it can absorb the genes of the fusion host to improve itself or optimize its own genes.

Once a powerful civilization species falls into Alien's hands, Alien can use this way to improve the genes of the entire race and become stronger.

Of course, this is not without weaknesses.

Because such abilities are useless for mechanical intelligent life.

Therefore, the Arthurian Protoss is also very jealous of Alien. Although it allows Alien to be vassalized under the wings of its own civilization, it also controls Alien very powerfully, and at the same time constantly seeks opportunities to limit the growth of Alien Race.

Therefore, the alien group now only exists as the vanguard of a certain civilization history in the invasion of the multiverse under the Arthurian tribe.

Like the war between civilizations and species, the Arthurian Protoss would not allow aliens to participate.

After all, considering the abilities of the alien group, if it is allowed to participate in such a war, wouldn't it be convenient for the alien to obtain a large number of genes to optimize itself?

Arthur's Protoss is not stupid, of course he took this into consideration.

But this time the alien has appeared on the earth in a different time and space. Could it be said that the Arthurian Protoss has forgotten this?

Do not!

Of course, the Arthurian Protoss will not ignore it. Their main purpose is to test whether the alien planet should have ancient military power.

Therefore, it put a few alien queens on the different time and space earth, including one in Kathmandu, but they were defeated and captured by Cocoa.

What storms will be caused by the remaining alien queens, that is not an issue for Coco to consider.

A large number of alien warriors died. Due to the influence of the mysterious power of the domain, the alien warriors broke away from the control of the alien queen and killed each other. In a very short period of time, these alien warriors who had no IQ and only obeyed orders would fight each other. Fight against each other.

There is no war!

No **** killing!

Coco only used a little bit of his own abilities to solve the existence that scared many civilized species in the multiverse.

There was a weird smell in the air, and those were the questions of the alien warrior's body splashing body fluids, which was extremely ear-piercing and unpleasant.

"Uncle Andrew, is there any way to purify the air? The stuff flowing out of these ugly monsters smells too disgusting."

Cocoa fell from mid-air, and the pungent smell made the little guy frown.

There were tears in Andrew's eyes, and it was obvious that he had not escaped the influence of the domain yet.

"Miss, accept your magical powers."

Constantly resisting the urge to kneel and kowtow, Andrew begged his own lady with red eyes.

Coco blinked his eyes, and looked at Andrew with some unknown reason. The little guy obviously didn't understand why Andrew said that.

However, looking at Andrew's ‘pain’, Coco can only use his mind to control the residual aura to a certain extent, at least not covering Andrew and Gu Yi.

The mysterious power faded, and Andrew let out a breath.

To be honest, it felt really uncomfortable to be affected by that mysterious power.

If it were not for the fierce confrontation in my heart, I would be embarrassed.

At the thought of kneeling and kowtow to Coco, Andrew couldn't help shivering.


I can hardly imagine the picture.

In fact, it wasn't just Andrew who thought so, but Gu Yi was also a little afraid of it.

She is here to be a private teacher of cocoa. She wants to teach Coco to become a righteous magic mage, to maintain world peace and justice in the future, to be a defender of love and peace.

So she kneels down to Coco, what does this seem like.

Fortunately, Gu Yi was strong and determined in his heart, so he was not affected by the mysterious power like Andrew, otherwise the fun would be great.

However, Andrew and Gu Yi are very fortunate, because both of them are very clear that although they have been able to constantly fight the influence before, this is only temporary.

That kind of mysterious power is too strong, if it takes too long, it is definitely impossible not to be affected by suppression.

After Andrew took a breath, he immediately ordered to go down, and then the liquid metal robot bodyguards got busy.

Under Gu Yi's surprised gaze, the cool liquid metal robot bodyguards dressed in black suits with sunglasses, their hands turned into two iron pipes with nozzles.

And these guys walked to the dead alien bodies and started spraying white water mist on these alien bodies, and then the alien bodies quickly melted and finally turned into a pool of water stains.

As the alien corpse was processed, the air slowly improved a lot.

Coco's frowning brows finally relaxed.

"Miss, what do you plan to do with that alien queen?"

Andrew asked at this time.

Gu Yi couldn't talk about this topic, so she stood quietly aside.

Coco showed a thoughtful look. After thinking about it, he tilted his head and said to Andrew: "Uncle Andrew, can you lock up that alien queen? I plan to take home to the laboratory for experiments."

Andrew nodded, raised his hand to the distance and was still crawling on the ground. Under the influence of some brain damage, the alien queen shot out a light, and the alien queen disappeared in place in the next second.

"I put her in my storage space."

After doing all this, Andrew told Cocoa.

Coco nodded with a serious expression, then turned and stared at a mess of nearby destroyed buildings in silence.

Gu Yi walked to Coco at this time and said to Coco: "I feel a lot of feelings in my heart?"

Coco nodded: "These aliens have killed a lot of people. I saw them all after I rushed into their hiding buildings. There were also many old people and children."

Although cocoa played a lot in O1 time and space, he never saw a dead person with his own eyes, so this time when he saw the alien killing so many people, the little guy was really shocked and uncomfortable.

It is true that in o1 time and space in Shanghai, many people who went to the Warlord’s Mansion to challenge the little guy were killed and their bodies were still hung on the Huangpu Beach Pier.

But these things are not done by the little guy himself.

She just defeated the challengers.

But these defeated challengers were all killed by Andrew and ordered.

So, this is the first time the little guy has never seen a dead person.

But the little guy is still very strong, at least not scared.

You know, Coco is just a child less than three years old. Generally, children of this age must be scared enough to see so many dead people.

But Cocoa does not.

It can be seen that the little guy is really extraordinary.

"In fact, you can change their destiny because you have this ability."

Gu first guided Cocoa.

"A person who has mastered the Eye of Agomoto can turn a bad thing into a good thing. Although there will be some cause and effect, it will have a bad influence on themselves, but it depends on whether that person has the public in mind."

Coco tilted his head and looked at Gu Yi, blinking and blinking his cute big eyes.

The little guy heard what Gu Yi meant.

As an average child, you may not understand what Gu Yi is talking about, but Coco is so clever and clever.

"You let me use the power of this pendant?"

Gu Yi smiled and nodded.

"A great person, a hero, should have the great sentiment of self-sacrifice..."

Since he was already Coco's tutor, Gu Yi would certainly not let go of any opportunity to promote justice concepts and ideas to the little guy.

It's not that there must be something to teach Cocoa at a certain time.

The conversation between Gu Yi and Coco was not quiet, and Andrew heard it clearly.

When the ancient couple of Cocos said, "There must be self-sacrifice"~lightnovelpub.net~ Andrew's face suddenly became cold, and then he walked over aggressively.

Before Andrew came over, Coco twitched his lips and responded to Gu Yi: "I don't want to be a hero. The heroes in film and television dramas are too frustrated. I still think being a badass is more interesting."

Gu Yi could only respond with a wry smile when he heard the little guy's answer.

And Andrew also came over at this time, and seriously said to Gu: "Please don't instill such views into my lady. Why should my lady sacrifice herself? Is it just because she has a strong power?"

Gu Yi glanced at Andrew who was a little angry, and said: "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Shouldn't you be the strong and protect the weak?"

Andrew sneered and said: "My lady is only three years old, don't you think this is too much? And you have to respect my lady's personal choice, you are now inducing my lady."

Andrew and Gu Yi quarreled.

Coco on the side watched the quarrel between the two, watching with relish...