Rising America

Chapter 986: Isn't it worth it?

The dispute was ultimately inconclusive. ? Bayi Chinese W≤WW. 81ZW. COM

But Andrew had the upper hand, and Gu Yi had no temper.

Because Andrew is playing boring, no matter what Gu Yi you say, how reasonable it is, I always say [my lady is only three years old], and Gu Yi is also very helpless.

Think about it too.

Ke Ke is really a child who is less than three years old and only three years old.

It is too much to let her be a hero now.

Besides, there are so many strong people in this world, why do you have to be a cocoa?

Besides, whether to be a hero or not to be a hero will ultimately depend on Coco's own intentions. No one can push Coco into this matter.

What Gu Yi could do was to tell Cocoa some justice ideas, and pray that Cocoa would be a just man in the future to maintain peace in the world, nothing more.

The right to choose is still in the hands of the little guy.

To put it bluntly, Coco will really be a villain in the future, and Gu Yi can't stop it.

Of course, although the little guy is very mischievous, as long as her father Kim Hyun Tae is there, the little guy will still be impossible to be a badass in the future.

After all, Jin Xiantai's three views are still right, so it's impossible for the little guy to be so bad, at best it's just a little bit of mischief.

【Back in Time】

The little guy once again used the power of the Eye of Agomoto to resurrect the human being killed by the alien with [Time Back].

For this reason, the little guy consumed a lot of faith points, which made the little guy very upset.

And this consumption will ultimately be recorded on Gu Yi.

For this reason, Gu Yi was forced to make a small agreement with Kokota, and the consumption of belief points was compensated by some treasures of Kama Taj, which made the little guy feel a little more comfortable.

When using the [Time Backward] skill, Gu Yi also found that Coco actually refined this ability to the extreme, and his very subtle control of power only resurrected the locals who were killed by the alien.

As for the alien warriors who were killed, including the alien queen who was locked into the storage space by Andrew, they are not within the range of the [Time Backward] ability.

Oh my!

Such an ability is only possessed by the magic master in the myth and legend.

Gu Yi, who was extremely shocked, could not have imagined that a child less than three years old would have mastered such meticulous time power.

Because of this, the ancient pair of cocoa is even more valued.

At the same time, she made up her mind that she would not allow Coco to fall into the evil way, no matter what, she must stay with Coco and instill in her the concept of justice and peace in the world and even the multiverse.

To put it bluntly, Gu Yi has to rely on Cocoa.

It is for this reason that when Coco was unhappy, Gu Yi used the treasures of Kama Taj's collection to please Coco.

The locals killed by the aliens were resurrected, and the destroyed buildings were restored.

Those who were resurrected have lost their memories and have no idea what they have experienced.

The deserted and desolate streets returned to the bustle. Coco and his group stood on the street watching the pedestrians, vendors selling goods, children playing on the street, old people sitting in front of their homes smoking local dry cigarettes, and gossiping women gathered together.

Gu Yi lowered his head and asked Coco: "Do you think it is not worth the effort? Look at the smiles on these people's faces, what do you think now?"

Andrew stood aside with a stinky expression. He knew that Gu Yi was beginning to induce Miss again, and Andrew was very dissatisfied with Gu Yi's actions.

But when he thought that he was just a housekeeper, even if he was dissatisfied with Gu Yi's approach, Andrew felt a little helpless.

So Andrew made up his mind, and when he returned, he told Young Master Jin Hyun Tae about the matter, asking him to beware of the woman Gu Yi.

Some people might say that in this case, Andrew had just sent Gu Yi away.

But that's not what it says.

Although Andrew is a little dissatisfied with Gu Yi, Gu Yi still has a lot of benefits for Cocoa by his side. At least Gu Yi can teach Cocoa a lot of magic knowledge, which Andrew cannot do.

It is true that Andrew has scanned a lot of Kama Taj's collection, but Andrew does not understand magic knowledge.

Therefore, around Cocoa, there is a great need for someone like Gu Yi to exist.

This concern was formally taken into consideration, so even though Andrew was dissatisfied with Gu Yi’s behavior, he never thought about driving Gu Yi away. Instead, he accepted Gu Yi as a cocoa tutor and taught the knowledge of cocoa magic in the future. .

Andrew is very light about the importance of things, and will not cause Coco to learn useful knowledge because of his disgust.

Gu Yi felt that when Coco saw the smiles on these people's faces, the little guy should be more or less right, but how did she know that she was a bear child? She couldn't judge it with common sense.

Hearing this, Coco blinked his big eyes, then raised his hand to touch his smooth little chin, and then clicked on his head to confirm something.

"If you don't say that I have ignored them. I saved them. How can these people give me a little benefit? I dare not say that I want them to have all their wealth, but at least I have to give me some gifts. They lived again, and also contaminated themselves with so-called cause and effect."

The little guy didn't want to make a loss-making ‘business’. After Gu Yi asked her what she thought, the idea flashed in Coco’s mind that he had to ask these people for gifts.

Regardless of whether the gift is good or bad, these people have to give it to themselves.

Just like what the little guy said, she gave these people a new life, and she was also contaminated with cause and effect. Wouldn't it be a loss if it didn't have that little benefit?

Little children don't care about justice and injustice.

Especially for the best bear kids among children, what Cocoa cares about is that he can't suffer.

"Uncle Andrew, go ask them for gifts."

After finishing talking, the little guy turned his head and waved at Andrew with a foul expression, motioning him to do this for himself.

Andrew, who was originally very unhappy, suddenly became sunny when he saw the black line on Gu Yi's face at this time.

"Good Le!"

Andrew responded happily, then greeted the liquid metal robots beside him and walked into the crowd, and began to let street vendors and nearby residents bring out gifts.

The people who were asked for gifts by Andrew looked at Andrew with idiotic eyes.

Andrew returned without success, in fact, this is also inevitable.

"Coco, let's go, don't mess around."

Gu Yijue looked ugly, which made her feel very nervous. In order not to let the bear kid do more weird things, she had to beg Coco to leave here quickly.


The little guy hummed, and said to Gu Yi with a gloomy little face: "These people are all white-eyed wolves. I saved them for nothing, but I didn't even give me gifts, and said that Uncle Andrew is an idiot! "

Gu Yi took the little guy's hand and left the place with the little guy.

While walking through the ancient one, I still don’t forget to teach the little guys, “We shouldn’t expect to be rewarded for doing good deeds. For heroes, the bright smiles on the faces of those who get help are the best gifts for us. "

Andrew, who followed Zake Ke's voice, pouted, obviously disagreeing with Gu Yi's view.

In fact, it's not just Andrew, even Coco disagrees.

"Why should I look at their smiles? What does it have to do with me whether they laugh or cry? And why should I listen to you to be a hero? I don't want to be a hero, and I don't like to be a hero, if you tell me later These things, I will let Uncle Andrew chase you away. I don’t like you being my tutor."

Coco is angry.

Seriously, Gu Yi really made Coco very uncomfortable doing this.

Andrew was very happy behind Coco.

Gu Yi had eaten up here in Coco, so just smile and say to Coco: "Okay, okay, I won't say it again." From her attitude, it can be seen that Gu Yi really cares about small Guy, I'm afraid that the little guy will feel disgusted with himself.

If such a problem arises, Gu Yi has to regret his death.

Therefore, at this time, Gu Yi wisely chose not to instill these concepts into cocoa.


Seeing Gu Yi constantly pleasing Coco, Andrew cursed in his heart while secretly cool.

"We won't fly anymore, hahaha, after learning this ability, I am quite convenient now. I can go anywhere I want."

Coco didn't continue to pick up Li Guyi, but raised his hand to create a magic channel in front of him, and then turned back and said with a smile to Andrew.

Opposite the magic channel is the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Although people over there can't see the people like Coco, nor can they notice the existence of the magic channel, Coco and the others can clearly see the situation on the opposite side of the channel.

Through the passage, you can see that the crowd on the opposite Hollywood Walk of Fame is very lively, which also makes Gu Yi's look a lot more agile.

Kama Taj's life is very boring. Most of the time, Gu Yi would go to India to go for a stroll and spend his boring time.

But how can India compare to Los Angeles, USA~lightnovelpub.net~Go! "

The little guy walked into the passage first, and then Andrew followed.

Gu Yi didn't lag behind, and followed Andrew closely.

A group of people suddenly appeared on the street, but the pedestrians around seemed not aware of it at all, which made the little guy very confused and puzzled.

Therefore, Coco asked Gu Yi: "We walked out of the magic tunnel, but it seems that the people around are not surprised at all?"

Gu Yi smiled and explained, "This is the magic of magic power..."

When Coco walked out of the magic tunnel, Annie, who was in Nevada, suddenly smiled, and said to the old butler nearby: "Coco, this child is back, she is now in Los Angeles, you go and take her to me. Here, now her father went to the Northern Dynasties, if no one is in charge of her, maybe the little guy will get into trouble."

Old Nord nodded and then a strange flame appeared on his body. When the flame went out, his figure disappeared in place.