Robust Mage in One Piece

Chapter 189: Have something to say...

In the world of One Piece, the pirates and the navy are opposed to each other like black and white, while Qiwuhai is a gray existence between black and white. They have the legal right to plunder, but they also have the responsibility to fight the pirates. . But there is another gray profession in Pirate World, which is a profession that makes a living by catching pirates offering rewards ~ bounty hunters, or pirate hunters.

Although these people are hated by pirates and called jackals by the navy, their profession is full of dangers. But in the east, west, north, south, and the first half of the great route, there are still many free pirate hunters who have a conscience but are not willing to be restricted by the system.

As the number of pirate hunters increased, organizations that provided services and support for the pirate hunters appeared naturally.

The Pirate Hunter Association is such an intermediary organization that is responsible for issuing rewards, providing job opportunities and target information to the Pirate Hunters.

At this time, in the conference room at the headquarters of the Pirate Hunters Association of the Chambord Islands, a dressed maverick, with iron chains on his body, and a man with a moxican head, was patting the table and pointing at him. A guy in a suit and tie on the other side.

"Felix, I ask you, is it the reward quest you sent out in the Pirate Hunter Association to the president of the Azeroth Chamber of Commerce, Kong Ming?"

"it's me!"

"Sure enough, it's you!" Moxi slapped his head on the table and slapped his white teeth, as if biting a human. "Why are you **** posting this reward? Can't you refuse it?"

Although the person in the suit did not understand why the other party was so emotional, he still gave an explanation, “That’s a big task for a bonus of 30 million Baileys, and the person who paid the bonus is the underground world’s tycoon hider Gibbson. You said, I have any reason to refuse!"

"I'll give you no reason to refuse..." Hearing Felix's explanation, Moxi went mad, picked up a bottle of ink on the table and smashed it. "You **** before offering a reward. Can't you ask me about the other party's details first? Do you know how much this thing you did has pitted me?"

The man named Felix in a suit didn't even escape because he was sitting on a chair. The ink bottle hit his shoulder directly, and half of his body and face were splashed with blue ink in an instant.

"Tim, what are you doing?" The man in the suit stood up quickly, "Do you want to fight?"

"Fight?" Moxi brushed his head and drew a short gun. "I don't want to fight with you, I just want to kill you with one shot..."

With that, Moxigan pulled the bolt on his head and pointed the muzzle at Felix, as if he would shoot the next moment.

"Tim, calm down, calm down..."

Seeing that Tim’s emotions were completely out of control at Moshe Gantou, a man in a cloak sitting next to him suddenly hugged Tim’s hand with a gun. “We are all colleagues of the Bounty Hunter Association. , Is there anything I can’t say?"

At this moment, the other person sitting next to him also rushed up and hugged Moxigan's other hand.

"Yes, Tim, calm down! Let's have something to say..."

"Why should I tell him, this **** is offering a reward to our big man in the East China Sea, why didn't he tell me when he was the president of the Azeroth Chamber of Commerce..." Mo Xigan complained in tears while pressing hard. Struggling, looking at his expression, if he was allowed to free his hands, he would definitely kill the opposite Felix with one shot without hesitation.

"This **** offered a reward, but I ended up blocking the knife for him! Do you know that the Azeroth Chamber of Commerce has swept 90% of my branches in the entire East China Sea in the past two days, even the arrest tape, and prying me away With 70% of the manpower, I, the director of the Pirate Hunters Association who is responsible for managing the East China Sea, is now almost a polished commander..."

"Ninety percent?" The person holding his hand exclaimed, "Then the forces of our association in the East China Sea..."

"It's all over..." Moxi Ganto Tim wept bitterly.

"Even so, you can't shoot a colleague directly!" Another person continued, "At most, we will let Felix compensate you for your loss, so that you can come back in the East China Sea. Anyway, you have connections, ways, and simplicity. The loss of property is not a big problem."

"I want to, but it can't..." Moxi Ganto Tim said with a nose and tears. "The cadre of the Azeroth Chamber of Commerce, **** Bu, called me and told me that because we dare to offer a reward for their meeting. Long, so they decided to expel our Pirate Hunter Association from the East China Sea. From now on, no one in our association is allowed to enter the East China Sea. If I dare to go back, they will arrest me and mine!"

Moxi dry head Tim can't help crying when he talks about his sadness.

"Then you don't want to go back, you find a close friend to go back and change your name..."

"It's useless," Tim choked. "Now the East China Sea Navy has no plans to cooperate with the Bounty Hunters Association. Yesterday, when my subordinates went to the East China Sea Naval Branch to receive the latest reward list, I heard from the navy branch that they are now Azeroth. The Chamber of Commerce has signed a joint defense agreement with them, and we won’t need us skirmishers in the future."

"Joint Defense Agreement, what is that?" Another cadre of the Pirate Hunters Association asked strangely.

"It is said that it is a cooperation agreement signed between the Pirate Hunter Chamber of Commerce and the Navy. What I don’t know is very specific..." Tim sniffed twice. "But roughly it means that the Azeroth Chamber of Commerce paid for it in the East China Sea. The joint defense team is organized and managed by the governments of various countries. The navy is responsible for dispatching manpower to train and command the joint defense team. From now on, ordinary pirates will be handed over to the joint defense team to solve the problem. Those who are eligible for the reward will be solved by the navy. The reward is 8 million. The above pirates will be handed over to the Azeroth Chamber of Commerce to solve!"

"Isn't this tantamount to establishing an army belonging to the Chamber of Commerce?" Another cadre said sharply, "If they do this, will the world government agree to it?"

"It should be agreed," the cadres of another association put forward a different opinion. "Although the Azeroth Chamber of Commerce does control the finances of the joint defense team, the joint defense teams are still managed by the governments of various countries, and they are trained and commanded. The navy is still in charge. Although the Azeroth Chamber of Commerce has paid for it, it does not have the qualifications to manage the joint defense team. There will be no problems."

"The world government has agreed..." Tim replied with a sob.

"Then this chamber of commerce just pays for nothing?" the person holding Tim's hand asked questioningly, "what are they doing?"

"The president of the Azeroth Chamber of Commerce is said to have been killed by a pirate..." Tim took two shots. "People are willing to pay for the pirate's life, and the Chamber of Commerce is TMD rich!"

"There are still such people in the world?" The cadre of the Pirate Hunter Association who was speaking looked at Tim with sympathy, "Then your job in the East China Sea will be difficult..."

"I will use it later?" Moxi Ganto Tim's tears were like fountains. "Now I can't go back to the East China Sea, and if this joint defense team is really engaged, all of my men will be unemployed. I'm all over... "

"No..." Hearing these news, the person in the suit couldn't care about the half-length ink splashed. "How could he do these things? Isn't that the head of an ordinary chamber of commerce?"