Robust Mage in One Piece

Chapter 196: Talk about how vulgar money is, just giv

Albany Moran is right. He has weapons all over his body, and for different attacks, he also specifically designed different ways of shooting black guns. For example, now, while using the back roll to avoid the opponent's attack, he can use the gun fixed on his back to conspiracy against the opponent.

In previous battles, his skill is also tried and tested!

But this time seems to be different. Just when his body just jumped out backwards, he saw the blond woman stepping on one foot back in the corner of his eye. After an air burst, she turned out to be very unhappy. With the second acceleration of science, he caught up with the rolling back, and the iron rod in his hand still smashed against him.

Facing this unavoidable stick, Albany Moran could only rely on his advantage of lying halfway on the ground, holding the other hand with the revolver fixed to the blonde woman. The mace greeted him!


A loud noise!

Obani Moran, who turned into a human bear, felt a sharp pain in his arm at the moment his arm touched the big iron rod in the woman's hand, as if it was about to break.

Although he barely blocked the opponent's attack, his whole person was also shot to the ground by the force of the counter shock.


A certain Erha who did not take advantage of the victory and chase let out an awe-inspiring voice, "Although you have something like a shield hidden on your arm, you can actually take a stick that is close to 80% of my strength. Your strength is very good. !"

"You actually have such a strong strength. How much did that little dog like Carpembeki cost me in order to ask a master like you to count me?" Albany Moran, who got up from the ground, moved the activity and was still in pain. Arm, looked at the blonde beauty in front of her with dreadful eyes.

"It has nothing to do with Carpenberg..." A certain Erha replied sternly, "You gangsters actually fired in the downtown area. This is simply a great disrespect for the people's lives and property, and for the people. The psychology has caused great trauma, and I am here to settle your wrong behavior on behalf of the people!"

Albany Moran blinked, he understood what the other party meant, but he couldn't believe it at all!

Although before the start of the fight, this beauty also put on a look of blackmailing herself, but Albany Moran still did not believe it. He always felt that the other party must be the puppies of the Capone gang who invited him to deal with him!

In this world, are there people who come to blackmail the gang just because of trivial things?

He → Albany Moran, with extraordinary intelligence, Cicero is known as the Cunning Bear, the most knowledgeable. But Albany Moran dared to swear that he had never seen anyone who dared to blackmail a gang in his entire life!

"Are you really not the rescuer hired by Capenberg?"

"Didn't you guess what I mean just now?" A certain Erha put an iron rod on his shoulder, stretched out a small paw, and rubbed it with his thumb and index finger. "You are right. The people’s psychology has caused great trauma, don’t you want to compensate? Or do you think I am not a member of the people?”

"So, you really came to blackmail?" Albany Moran asked again in disbelief.

"Don't say it so ugly!" Mouerha stared.

Super fierce!

A certain little paw shook in front of Albany Moran, "I just came to you to talk about the compensation of psychological trauma on behalf of the people..."

"How much?" Albany Moran admitted without hesitation.

The blonde beauty in front of me is hard to deal with! Behind her there was a woman with a cold face holding a sword. It's hard to say how strong she is, but from a few hands tied to the ground by chains made of ice and snow, she can also know that she is not a good crop.

What can be solved with money, why should we fight for life?

"Talk about how vulgar money is..." A certain Erha's little paw gestured a number, "Look at it!"

Obany Moran was shocked again after seeing the number of a certain two-habi stroke.

It's not that this number is too much, but that it is too...less!

He couldn't believe it, the woman in front of him was inexplicable, and indiscriminately ran over to beat herself up, actually for the money!

Are you crazy?

After Albany Moran's transformation, the bear's head was stunned. The corners of his mouth twitched twice. He looked at the gentle-looking person next to him, and shouted in a deep voice, "Give me money!"

"Yes!" After the gentleman agreed, he took out his wallet.

"Oh..." A certain Erha's eyes narrowed, "Originally, there is a mistake in my meaning. You can correct it. You see, you have to be so polite, how embarrassing it is!"

While talking, a certain Erha quickly snatched the purse of the gentleman next to him, opened it quickly, and closed it with satisfaction. "Not bad, that's it!"

"The money in my wallet is at least twice the number you said..." The gentleman retorted subconsciously.

"It's okay, give it to him!" Albany Moran answered without hesitation.

"Well, since you are so sincere, then forget about it..." A certain Erha turned around and took two steps, then turned around and said something to Albany Moran, "Remember, do something. It’s your job, don’t disturb the people! Otherwise, I won’t be the one who talks to you like me next!"

"Is the eldest sister really ruining the money?" Little Usopp looked at Arrita with a smile, holding the purse and waving at herself and others, her face dull.

"What's wrong with the money," Sabo next to him pressed his top hat, "Obviously it is a reasonable and justified mental damage fee. What nonsense are you talking about, Little Usopp? Be careful that the big sister cleans you..."

"So that's how you make money..." Lu Fei nodded seriously, feeling that he had learned it.

"You don't make money like that, Luffy!" Ace tried to correct Luffy's wrong perception.

"Little ones..."

With a bright smile on Alita's face, she waved to the little guys, "I'll treat everyone to a big meal soon!"

"Long live eldest sister!" A certain blond doggie shouted!


"Boss Albany," the gentleman moved his head closer to Albany Moran when he felt that he couldn't hear them anymore, and compared his head to the second boy, and said in a low voice," Shall we..."

Albany Moran looked at his back to them, as if he hadn't defended them at all. At first there was a touch of emotion in his eyes, and then he thought of the bullet after he shot the woman. The miraculous appearance of sliding over her body finally shook his head.

"Don't make any extravagance! We still follow the original plan, it is important to deal with the Capone Gang..."

Just as Albany Moran had just finished saying this, a joking voice suddenly came from behind him. "Oh... I seem to have heard something amazing!"

Albany Moran turned his head and saw a Mediterranean with a white suit, black vest and a huge three-barreled machine gun standing behind them, with a cruel smile on his face. The gun was aimed at them.

"If you want to deal with us, you die first!"

When Albany Moran saw this man, he had already recognized his identity.

"It's you, Gotti the Killer..."