Robust Mage in One Piece

Chapter 222: Contract more than 1,000 people at a tim

At the moment when Carpenberg signed the contract, Kong Ming felt that his head had been smashed severely. He suddenly turned around, his eyes were staring at Venus, and he was dizzy. If his strength has increased a lot, I am afraid he will pass out due to backlash on the spot.

This is also the reason why Kong Ming and Carpenberger left after a few perfunctory sentences. Kong Ming was worried that if he stayed any longer, he would faint.

Now the backlash of Capenberg's contract is still beating in Kong Ming's mental sea, and every beating will cause Kong Ming's originally well-functioning mental sea to bring undesirable fluctuations.

In Kong Ming's feeling, every fluctuation of that contract was like someone smashing his head with a stick!

However, for the possible backlash from the contract, Kong Ming had made plans and preparations before, so after entering his room, Kong Ming immediately began to meditate and entered his spiritual sea!

Now Kong Ming's spirit sea has become more and more like a cluster of nebula.

After several upgrades, the talent model located in the center of the spirit sea is already very large. The talents and specialties formed by six or seven spell models form a very complex framework, which is slowing down in a very magical way. Rotating slowly, each rotation can arouse the shock of things like stardust in the sea of ​​spirit.

On top of the talent model, the star belonging to Karazhan remained motionless, as if it had survived forever.

On the right side of the talent model, there is a bright and stable star slowly rotating around the talent model. This is the manifestation of the contract that controls Xinduoli and Golden Lion Shiji in Kong Ming's mind.

Below the talent model, there are three small stars that seem to be wandering aimlessly. Kong Ming knows that these three stars correspond to Vinsmok Gage and a certain Tianlong People and Susan on Happy Street.

Finally, in the depths of Kong Ming's spiritual sea, there was a very bright star with a stellar light, which was the culprit that caused Kong Ming's backlash.

It is completely different from other stable contracts. In Kong Ming's spiritual sea, it is like a bomb that will explode at any time, shining extremely unstable light.

Moreover, its size is also changing when it stretches and shrinks. At its largest, it can even expand to the extent of the star of Karazhan. At its smallest, it is not much larger than a stardust in the Spirit Sea. . When its expansion reaches its maximum, there will be countless fragments of star-like spiritual power sputtering from its center, splashing countless ripples in Kong Ming's spiritual sea.

Kong Ming didn't hesitate, and immediately extended his mental power to this bomb-like star, and then tried to start moving its position toward the top of the talent model, where Karazhan was located.

That's right, this is Kong Ming's plan for this kind of contract backlash, using Karazhan's projection in his mind to deal with the backlash damage.

Because Kong Ming was not overly aggressive when formulating the contract, the backlash of the contract was not very fierce. Basically, when Kong Ming's own mental power competed with the mental power of the person who signed the contract, he couldn't completely suppress the other party, causing the other's mental power to run wild in his own spiritual sea, causing damage to his own spiritual sea.

But for Karazhan, an artifact capable of wandering in the Twisting Void, mental attacks are nothing compared to the energy turbulence in the Twisting Void.

Even if there is only a projection of Karazhan in Kong Ming's spiritual sea, it is enough to easily suppress all the spiritual power around the projection.

But there are advantages and disadvantages. If the concrete contract is moved around Karazhan, of course these contract riots will be suppressed, but because of Karazhan’s suppression, Kong Ming himself cannot use his mental power to impose the contract. influence.

Otherwise, Kong Ming would definitely move all his contractual figures near Karazhan.

Moving the concrete form of the contract in the sea of ​​spirit is not an easy task. Every move is a battle between Kong Ming and the other's spiritual power with his own mental power. Coupled with the fact that the current Capenberg contract is still extremely unstable, it took Kong Ming more than two hours to move it under Karazhan.

After approaching Karazhan, the mental power riots of contract backlash, that is, those exploded stars, are often just exploded, before causing any harm to the surroundings, they become invisible under the power of Karazhan.

The biggest trouble can be said to be over!

Kong Ming took a long breath, took out a bottle of meditation potion and poured it into himself, then mobilized the power of the potion to repair his damaged spiritual sea.

When all the injuries had recovered, and when Kong Ming's own mental power began to beat in his own mental sea again, Kong Ming turned his attention to Capenberg's contract again.

Kong Ming is very sure that it hasn’t been a long time since Capimbeki got the fruits of the castle. His trick in the anime turned into a big boss, which is to turn himself into a huge castleman. Now he still uses it. Does not come out.

In other words, the strength of Carpenberg is actually not very strong. Don’t look at him as if he repelled Erha in one round of majestic bombardment, but Erha, who forcibly suffered four artillery shells from him, was equally unbeatable. hurt. What's more, certain Erha's utmost tactics to deal with this situation, such as Moon Step, Charge, Shield Wall, and Overlord's domineering are useless.

Kong Ming originally didn't know why the current Carpenberg could resist his contract without even realizing that he was being recruited, and he also caused himself a backlash! But when Kong Ming relied on the coercion of Karazhan projection to infiltrate his mental power into the concrete form of the contract, he immediately understood the reason!

The one he contracted was not a Carpenberg, but a member of the Carpenberg gang with more than one thousand people! In other words, the contract that Kong Ming drew saw the castleman Capenberg and the more than 1,000 people in the castle as a whole, and then made the contract!

In other words, Kong Ming is using his own mental power to try to suppress the combined force of more than a thousand people.

Although most of the more than one thousand people are ordinary people, their mental powers together are a considerable number. Then, if all the elites of the Capone Gang and Capenberg in the castle are counted, their spirits The strength has actually surpassed Kong Ming's current spiritual strength.

So it caused a backlash!

As the saying goes, gathering arms and sand into towers, even ordinary people with more than a thousand numbers cannot be suppressed by Kong Ming alone. But on the other hand, it is precisely because the other party is more than one thousand people, so that this backlash is not as terrible as I predicted at the beginning!

First of all, because the opponent is basically an ordinary person, the intensity of mental power is very low. Although Capenberg is stronger than the average person, it only has more mental power and has not achieved a qualitative change. This is not the case for Kong Ming. After years of persistent meditation and exercise, the quality of his mental power far surpasses the opponent.

If the opponent is water, then Kong Ming is ice!

Secondly, although the other party has a large number of people, none of them have any understanding of the spiritual aspect. As a result, although their spiritual power is huge, but loose. This can also be seen from the exploded stars. Their power cannot be concentrated. Suddenly broke out together. And all of Kong Ming's mental powers are controlled by himself, which can be said to be like an arm's finger, wherever he points.

At this point, the opponent can be said to be a straggler, and Kong Ming is an elite unit!

The last and most critical point is Karazhan!

With Karazhan's suppression, Kong Ming is already in a situation where he can attack and retreat. He can completely remove the contractual reality when he is meditating, and use the opponent to sharpen his mental power. While doing other things, it was sent to the vicinity of Karazhan, let Karazhan continue to suppress its backlash.

When Kong Ming can completely suppress this contract, I believe his strength will be greatly improved!

This can be considered a blessing in disguise!