Robust Mage in One Piece

Chapter 294: Kirin Lion, come out and talk

"Is this the Crown Island?"

A certain Erha stood on the bow of the airship, looking at the lush island below, with a look of doubt.

"Isn't this just an ordinary island? Where is the crown!"


Kong Ming, who was standing next to a certain ha, drew a circle around the crown island with his hands.

"There is a circle of active volcanoes around this island. When these volcanoes erupt, their smoke and dust will form a white crown that surrounds the island."

"Wow in the temple..."

A certain Erha nodded seriously, without doubting the truth or falsehood of what Kong Ming said.

"But will the volcano erupt together so coincidentally?"

Standing next to Kong Ming, Sabo wearing a top hat probed the bottom of Crown Island with mental strength, and said seriously. "According to the knowledge you taught me, the boss, shouldn't volcano eruptions be ejected from the weakest point?"

"Generally speaking, active volcanoes formed naturally are like this, but have I said that this ring of volcanoes formed naturally?"

"Boss, what do you mean?"

"I can feel that the endless lava below these volcanoes is restrained by some powerful force, and only the steam that is evaporated by the heat of the magma is released."

Kong Ming's hand rested on his glasses, and a faint gleam was flowing on his glasses.

"This is why the crown of Crown Island is only white."

"Once the force that restrains them is removed, the tumbling lava will be ejected, forming a red crown."

Kong Ming took his hand off his glasses.

"Of course, at that time, I am afraid that all the ships on the sea within the scope of the crown will be reduced to ashes under the red crown, and there will be no escape."

"Master, do you mean that these volcanoes are part of the defense measures that the great kingdom did for this island?"

Said a black long straight girl in a white robe.

"Don't leave ten!"

Kong Ming nodded, "I believe that after reading all the Robin sauce on the papers in the Zhenju Island Research Institute, you should know this thing better than I do!"

"There are indeed some vague hints, but they are not very clear."

The black long straight girl nodded seriously. "Regarding the defensive measures of Crown Island, there is not much mentioned in the documents on Zhenju Island."

"Most of them are vague words. For example, when I heard you say this volcano around Crown Island this time, I remembered a word mentioned in those letters!"

"What word?" someone next to him asked curiously.

"Judgement of Crown!"

The black long straight girl replied seriously, "I didn't know the meaning of this word before, but now that I heard what you said, I feel that this word should refer to this defensive measure on the periphery of Crown Island."


Kong Ming nodded, "But if this is the case, only the researchers who have died can know."

"Boss, can't you communicate with the soul..."

A certain Erha blinked his Brinbring's big eyes, "Do you understand if you call out the souls of those researchers and ask?"

"It's not that simple..."

Kong Ming swayed to Bermel, who was standing behind a certain Erha, and then pointed down with her hand, motioning her to let the Aegwynn land in a lake in the center of Crown Island.

"Generally speaking, when a person’s soul leaves the body, his memory as a person begins to be missing. The longer this time, the more serious the memory loss will become. At the end of the day, the soul will have nothing but his deepest obsession. Besides, everything else will be forgotten and clean..."

"Is that so?"

A certain Erha tilted his head cutely, "In other words, even if the undead from the Great Kingdom period were summoned, they would not know anything, right?"

"Yes!" Kong Ming nodded.


A certain Erha turned his head and looked at a certain dark and straight girl, "Robin Chan, you can give up now. Even if those ancient undeads are summoned, they can't tell you anything!"

I didn't expect that a certain Erha would actually be in front of Kong Ming's face, and a certain dark straight who pierced the matter with such a grimace suddenly turned red.

Kong Ming pretended that he hadn't seen anything, standing on the bow of the ship with his hands under his hands, watching the Aegwynn hover, and land steadily in the lake in the center of Crown Island.

"Robin sauce..."

After the airship landed, Kong Ming turned his head to look at the black long straight girl who was still flushed.


The black long straight girl moved her eyes a little embarrassed.

"You and Alrita take people to explore the island, and find me the entrance of the laboratory hidden under Crown Island."

Kong Ming gently pushed his glasses.

"How, can it be done? Historian..."

"Master, please rest assured..."

Speaking of her profession, the black long straight girl agreed without hesitation, "I will definitely live up to my mission."

"very good!"

Kong Ming nodded in relief, then turned to look at a certain Erha.

"Don't worry, boss!"

A certain Erhayi patted his scale far beyond the conscience of a certain black long straight girl.

"Everything is under my control."

"Then I'm waiting for your good news..."

Having said that, Kong Ming took a slight step towards the bow, and then his body flickered, disappeared from the bow of the Aegwynn, and appeared on the lake, and then his body flickered again, appearing in front of the dense forest on Crown Island.

"Alrita, where is Master going?"

A certain black, long straight girl looked at Kong Ming's disappearing back with complicated eyes, and asked calmly.


A certain Ha, who was instructing the crew to change their outfits, scratched his head, "It seems that he is going to talk to the king of this island."


A doubtful look appeared on the face of a certain black long straight girl. "But there are no traces of human life on the surface of this island?"

"Not the king of mankind."

Yalrita said carelessly, "It is said that these rare beasts on this island established a kingdom, and the boss is going to chat with the king of these rare beasts."

"Zhen Beast established a kingdom?"

The black long straight girl looked incredulous, "Although the rare beasts are indeed very smart, is it a little weird if you say that they can actually organize a kingdom?"

"This is normal," a certain Erha shrugged. "Anything can happen on this sea."

When a certain Erha was chatting with Robin Jiang, Kong Ming had already appeared in front of a cave in a rock mountain following the direction of his mental power.

In Kong Ming's perception, the most vigorous creature on the entire Crown Island was in this hole in front of him.

"Come out and have a chat, King of Zhen Beast Kingdom, Kylin Lion!"