Robust Mage in One Piece

Chapter 321: I, Kong Ming, an ordinary magician.

Just when a certain Erha just chased the cradle around that hill...


There was a gust of wind, and two ivory-like scimitars fell on her head mercilessly.

On the side of Alrita's body, the big iron rod that had long been ready to go fought against the two scimitars that had been cut down.


After a loud noise, the two scimitars that were cut off collided with the big iron rod in Alrita's hand. As the weapons collided, the power contained in the two weapons also began to collide with each other. .


After a muffled sound, Alrita took a step back, her body shook slightly, and the person who attacked her took a step back.

At this time, Yalrita had time to take a look at the person who attacked her.

This is a very strong man with an iron mask on the lower half of his face, muscular knots on his body, dressed as a Viking pirate, and a large brown fur cloak on his back. He also holds two long pieces in his hands. The long one looks like a machete like ivory.


The giant man made a surprised voice, "Your strength is not small, you can actually be equal to Lao Tzu!"

"Don't brag about it!" Certain Erha curled his lips, "The person who can get the advantage of the sneak attack can even make the difference with the old lady, and he still has the face to say that he is evenly divided..."

With that said, a certain Erha had already jumped up, and the big iron rod he was holding against the giant man's head was a Taishan Mountain.

"After taking over this stick of my old mother, it's not too late to brag that you can equalize with my old mother..."

"Am I afraid of you?"

The giant man took a step forward, raised the ivory scimitar in his hand, and dared not evasive.


With a louder sound than before, the knives and clubs fought, and the wind was overflowing.

Three blue beams of light rose into the sky!

Under the blue beam of light, a man in a robe and glasses hovered in the air, with purple light shining out of his hands, continuously injected into the center of the three blue beams.

With the injection of purple light, the three blue beams became stronger and stronger, and finally merged together.

When the three blue beams of light merged into one, at the top of the beam of light, one kilometer from the ground, the blue beams of light once again turned into blue rays of light, like meteors, throwing them down the island.

Just when these blue rays of light were about to land, Kong Ming had already freed his other hand and stretched out his hand to the ground, and then shot a cyan light from the ground.

Then, Kong Ming waved his hands around three times again, and three rays of yellow, red and blue light came out from other parts of the island.

These three rays of light merged with the previous cyan rays of light in the center of the island, forming a light ball overflowing with four colors of light.

Finally, Kong Ming carefully moved the pyramid ring that was floating in the air and formed a blue beam of light into the light ball with four colors of light.

Just as the three pyramids entered the ball of light, there was a bang from nowhere.

After a burst of blue light that seemed to cover the entire island, it turned into a curtain like a stream of water, isolating the entire island.

"what is this?"

After throwing the tricky woman to the barbarian Jack, while panting slightly, he put a biscuit summoned by his own ability into the **** in his mouth and looked at the curtain of water not far away with some stunned eyes. , And then carefully poke a pretzel.


Although the curtain in front of me looked like it was made of water, the Keli frame tried it with a long sword and found that it was actually very hard. He didn't pierce it with half of his power!

Craig couldn't sit still at all, he took a deep breath, and then covered his beloved sword pretzel with a layer of black armed domineering, facing this curtain is a stab.

"Burst Pretzel!"


Sudden burst pretzel is one of the tricks of the cracker. Basically, it uses quick spikes to make air friction generate flames, so that in addition to physical damage when the sword attacks, it also carries some elemental damage.

But facing this side, it seems to be a curtain composed of water, whether it is the physical damage of the cradle, or the bonus of the domineering of the armed color, or the elemental damage has no effect.

He tried his best to make a sword, and he couldn't even leave a trace on this curtain of water flow.

"You can continue to try..."

Kong Ming's voice came from above the crepe frame, and the crepe frame raised his head, just in time to see Kong Ming who was wearing a robe and floating in the air.

"This magic circle is based on the bubble structure of the fisherman island, plus the improvement of the protective water magic enchantment. Don't underestimate it. It took me more than a year of hard work."

Kong Ming gently pushed his glasses.

"Of course, in order to be more in line with the laws of this world, I also asked my mentor to help me make some corrections."

"What are you talking about..." Kelijia's eyes shrank slightly, "Magic Circle?"

"Of course!" Kong Ming nodded very openly, "I, the president of the East China Sea Azeroth Chamber of Commerce, Kong Ming, an ordinary magician."

"Are you joking?"

"Look around..." Kong Ming pointed his hand to the surroundings, "Do you think I am joking?"

"How could there be any magic in this world?"

"There are even such unscientific things as devil fruits in this world. It's not surprising to add a magic, right?" Kong Ming answered naturally.

"..." Craig felt completely speechless.

"This magic circle is the first time I use it, so there is still a lot of data to collect, especially for destruction..." Kong Ming groaned for a moment, and then continued, "Presumably Gibbson also told you what I am people……"

"He said you are a shameless profiteer..."

"For the enemy, shouldn't it be understood from the opposite side?"

Kong Ming stood in the air with his hands on his back, and the pattern on his robe seemed to be twisting strangely against the surrounding curtain like water.

"So Gibbson said I was a profiteer, which just illustrates another point, but these are not the key..."

With that, Kong Ming showed a genial smile at the Keli frame.

"You, Thousand Hands Keli, one of the Dessert General Stars, the backbone of the Aunt Pirate Group, in this world, you are a master at the level of the Four Pirates and Admiral, a biscuit fruit capable person, good at group attacks! "

Then Kong Ming raised his head, and his gaze fell on a certain giant man who was wielding two scimitars and fighting with a certain two.

"He, "Drought" Jack, the big sign of the beast pirate group, is also second only to the four pirate kings and admiral level masters, but he is different from you. He is good at fighting alone, mammoth fruit ability, and powerful. endless……"

With that said, Kong Ming lowered his head and looked at the cracker.

"When you two match up, it can be said that both near and far, with enough destructive power..."

"What do you mean by this?" Kelijia looked at Kong Ming with a vigilant look.

"You will soon understand what it means..."

Then, Kong Ming stretched out his hand gently, and pointed his hand at the "Drought" Jack who was still fighting a certain two Kazakhstan.


A white light shot out from the curtain of flowing water and hit Jack's shoulder.