Robust Mage in One Piece

Chapter 439: We have reached a consensus, Long XinShu

"Do you want Luffy to join the revolutionary army?"

Monkey D. Long's expression froze for a while, obviously he had never considered this issue before.

Kong Ming is not surprised at this...

It's one thing to carry your head to do the revolution. It's another thing to pull your own son in and follow you with your head to do the revolution.

Anyway, Xiao Lu Fei is the son of Dragon.


It's really a dear, definitely not for charging!


Kong Ming nodded, looking helpless.

"In fact, as long as there are three points, I still prefer to let Xiao Lufei follow Lieutenant General Karp to the navy. Isn't it impossible..."

"No way?" Monkey D. Long looked puzzled.


Kong Ming tapped the table lightly with his hand.

"Because of Mr. Long, your father's abuse of Lu Fei... training has led to a very poor impression of Lu Fei in the Navy. It is very difficult for him to join the Navy!"

Monkey D. Long has a black line, and Kong Ming has a serious face.

That's right, this is definitely not Kong Ming's bluffing. If there is a prestige system, then Kong Ming dares to pack the votes. The relationship between Xiao Lu Fei and the navy must be hostile to the point of hatred.

"Is that so?" Monkey D. Long began to think seriously.

To say that Monkey D. Long has been indifferent to Xiao Lu Fei for so many years, there are indeed factors such as the revolutionary cause, the numerous affairs, and the inability to escape.

But there were also reasons why he was unwilling to contact Lu Fei, lest he, the wanted criminal, would affect Lu Fei's life.

Just like in the original history, **** cloth has been indifferent to his children for more than ten years. The reason is of course the guilt caused by the negligence of his children, but there must be unwillingness to affect their feelings. .

After thinking for a while, Monkey D. Long made a decision.

"Well, now our revolutionary work is developing and growing. When new blood is needed, other people's sons can join the revolutionary army, and so can my son."

"Then this matter has been initially settled..."

Kong Ming pushed his glasses, a cold light flashed.

"However, Lu Fei is a very assertive child, so we directly say that letting him join the revolutionary army or something will arouse his rebellious psychology, so we still have to adopt some methods."

With that said, Kong Ming opened the desk drawer, took out a document, and threw it to Monkey D. Long.

"This is a plan I specially designed based on Xiao Lufei's kind character to ensure Xiao Lufei can join the revolutionary army. You can refer to it, Mr. Long..."

"A plan to ensure Xiao Lufei joins the revolutionary army?"

Monkey D. Long picked up the file and opened it suspiciously, and then looked at it, his face was not right.

"Mr. Kong Ming, your plans are like this..."

Monkey D. Long hesitated.

"Is it detailed enough?"

"of course!"

Kong Ming took it for granted.

"To do anything, you need to fully consider the results and make different responses to different results. This is the most basic principle of doing things!"

Monkey D. Long looked at the two-hundred-page Luffy plan to join the Revolutionary Army, and suddenly felt that the plan of action he usually formulated for the Revolutionary Army was simply killing people.

Should the action plan be written like this?


"Mr. Long, you have no opinion on my plan, do you?"

"No!" Monkey D. Dragon replied blankly.

"Then the first step of the plan is to be put on the agenda quickly. You see when the manpower on your side will be in place, I will arrange Xiao Lufei to do social surveys..."

"I'll call to arrange this in a while."

"Very good, Mr. Long!"

Kong Ming answered seriously.

"I am glad that we have reached a consensus on the first issue. Then the next thing is the second thing..."

With that said, Kong Ming opened the drawer again, took out a thick stack of documents and placed it on the desk, and pushed it in the direction of Monkey D. Long.

"I need Mr. Long, you do yourself a favor, and by the way do me a favor."


Monkey D. Long looked at the thick pile of documents under Kong Ming's hand, and asked a little hesitantly.

"What can I do for you... Besides, Mr. Kong Ming, what are these documents you are pressing?"

"If you say it's helping, it's just your old job."

Kong Ming smiled very easily.

"As for these documents, some of the above are my small suggestions on the future working methods and focus of the revolutionary army, and the following are some information about the participating countries of Paradise..."

Kong Ming pushed his glasses with his hand, a cold light flashed.

"Some information about the participating countries that are very suitable for the development of the revolutionary army."

Monkey D. Long got up and took out the pile of papers from Kong Ming's hand, sat back on the sofa, and turned it over.

After a few seconds, Monkey D. Dragon's expression became serious, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

Kong Ming picked up the teapot silently, poured himself a cup of tea, then picked it up, and began to wait patiently.

After drinking a pot of tea, Kong Ming silently released the hand of a mage, and took a pot of hot water from the stove next to it and refilled it for himself.

When Monkey D. Long raised his head again, the tea in Kong Ming's hand had changed for three rounds.

"Mr. Kong Ming..."

Monkey D. Long's eyes were full of admiration when he looked at Kong Ming.

"I really didn't expect you to have such an understanding of our revolutionary work... No, I shouldn't say that I understand it, I should say it thoroughly, I even feel that you have seen through the future and direction of our revolution."

Kong Ming held the teacup with a calm expression.

The exaggeration of Monkey D. Long did not make Kong Ming feel proud at all.

As a traveler from New China, he may not understand poetry, or how to make glass and soap, and may not have any talents, systems...

But he must know that the countryside encircles the city, the importance of ideological work, and that power comes from the barrel of a gun.

Don't be six!

After more than two hours, Kong Ming finally sent a certain incarnation of 100,000 Why Monkey·D·Long out of Crown Island.

Watching Monkey D. Dragon rise up and fly away with the violent wind, Kong Ming's face gradually became calm.

"Very well done, my apprentice!"

A bearded figure suddenly appeared beside Kong Ming.

"I can feel that the timeline of this world has begun to move..."

"Really, respected mentor!"

Kong Ming was not surprised by the sudden appearance of the bearded man beside him.

"...You mean I succeeded?"

"Yes! Apprentice..."

The beard took out an hourglass from his body and placed it in mid-air, and tapped it gently with his hand. "You reversed the future of this world and hit the will of this world."

"Go on, apprentice!"

There was an approving smile on the bearded face. "One day, this world will no longer be able to prevent you from crossing obstacles and becoming a legend."

"is it?"

Kong Ming calmly pushed his glasses.

"I am very excited……"