Robust Mage in One Piece

Chapter 45: Take Ace back to Windmill Village

The results of the exam were a bit unexpected, but it is not that the papers of Ace and Sabo were beyond Kong Ming's expectations. In fact, Ace's blank papers and the blank papers that Sabo deliberately handed in were all within Kong Ming's expectations. What really surprised Kong Ming was little Usopp. He was only five years old this year. At least in mathematics, he was comparable to a fourth-grade elementary school student.

And this is just the result of Usopp's casual learning with Keya's home teacher while playing with his good friend Keya in Silob Village.

Although compared with the situation in Usopp in the anime, this is unexpected, but it is reasonable.

If Usopp wasn't so smart, how could he invent Nami's weather awesome and such a black technology thing.

But now it seems that some courses of Ace and Sabo and Little Usopp have to be taken separately. Ace and Sabo need to start with literacy classes, while Little Usopp does not use them at all.

Therefore, Karp is completely ignorant of children's education. His sons and grandchildren have all embarked on an anti-social path. This is not a reason.

"So, text is the carrier of knowledge. Since you are both illiterate, we can only start with word recognition and simple mathematics. The official language of the world government consists of the following parts..."

Snapped! A chalk head accurately hit Ace who was wandering.

"You must concentrate on listening in class. This is a respect for teachers..."

"What if I don't respect you..." The awkward Ace twisted his head and his face was awkward.

"It's simple..." Kong Ming smiled mysteriously at Ace and hooked it with his hand, "Come, look here...Petrification!"

Ace's tumultuous body immediately calmed down.

This petrification technique does not turn people into stone, but Kong Ming's self-adapted spell based on the creativity of all petrification magic in Harry Potter. Its basic principle is to temporarily isolate the control ability of the head to the body. The performance is that people who have been hit by this spell can't move except for the facial features.

"You can disrespect me, but you must respect knowledge!" Kong Ming looked at Sabo and Usopp next to him with a gentle smile on his face. "What do you two think?"

Under Kong Ming's gaze, the two cute newbies were trembling...

"Let’s continue the class. Just now, we said that the official language of the world government consists of several parts, one is called hiragana, the other is katakana, the third is kanji, and the fourth is romaji. 2. The fourth part is relatively simple. I hope you can master it proficiently within two or three months..."

"What about the third part?" Sabo asked weakly.

"Chinese characters are the most complicated part. This is a kind of hieroglyphics. There are about two or three thousand Chinese characters in common use..." Kong Ming pondered, "This matter takes your time."

"Then why does the world government have to prescribe such a troublesome language?" Sabo asked weakly.

Because the author Oda is a neon person...

"This is a good question..." Kong Ming said with a smile, "but it is very complicated to explain. Many things are not something that your age can understand. I will leave this question to you now. I hope to wait for you. After growing up, you can rely on your own strength to discover the answer to this question."


Although Kong Ming didn't answer Sabo's question directly, he was fooled.

"Next, I will take you to learn hiragana and katakana first..."

After Kong Ming did not hesitate to take control of the stabbing head Ace, the next course became very smooth. In a morning class, in addition to hiragana and katakana, Kong Ming also explained Arabic numerals and addition formulas. Then after Kong Ming assigned Ace and Sabo homework, he began to give Little Usopp the concepts of fractions and decimals. ...

Seeing the three children doing their homework honestly, Kong Ming seemed to see that in the next time, under his own supervision, the three children finally lived through the books and questions of the pupils of the earth. Happy life.

This made Kong Ming very pleased.

The most effective way to treat bear children is homework, which will not change in any world.

On the morning of the third day, the Aegwynn returned to Donghai Windmill Village.

"Let's go, Ace!" Standing on the dock, Kong Ming said to the awkward Ace, "Let’s go to Dadan and leave a letter to your grandfather Cap, telling him that you are going to my place, lest your grandfather will return. I was worried about you in Donghai."

"How did you know that my grandpa is Karp..."

"Have you forgotten..." Kong Ming stretched out his hand to hook Ace, "I am a magician, in this world, there is nothing I don't know."

Although Ace still didn't believe it, but awkwardly, he got off the boat with a proud face.

"Boss..." At this time, Alrita's head poked out from the cabin, "I am very worried about your safety, do you need to take me with you?"

"I'm just going to Dadan to leave a letter to Lieutenant General Karp, do I need to mobilize people like this?"

"Boss, can't you..."

"You should stay on the boat and watch Little Usopp and Sabo..."

"It's easy..." Alrita jumped out from the door, and waved his hand to the back majesticly, "Okay, come out."

Behind her was the little Usopp wearing goggles, carrying a small bow and arrow, and wearing a white cloak, followed by Sabo wearing a top hat and grinning at Kong Ming.

"Okay, there is no problem now!"

"Okay!" Kong Ming helped his glasses and nodded helplessly.

The place where Dadan's group lives in Fengche Village is not too far away, and judging from the peaceful environment of Fengche Village, Dadan's group should have never robbed Fengche Village.

So, what exactly are these pirates and bandits in the pirate world?

"Boss... that cotton candy looks so delicious!"

"Then you go buy..."

The shameless little paw began to twitch.

Kong Ming reluctantly covered his face with one hand, while the other hand looked like he was in his arms. In fact, he took out a pile of Bailey from Karazhan Kongming's bedroom and patted it on the little paw.

"Oh oh oh... I'll go now, boss!"

"Don't buy it for me..."

"Don't worry, Boss, I will help you eat your share."

Although Yarrita said that it was because of Kong Ming’s safety issues that he followed up to protect Kong Ming, it can be seen from his jumping up and down in the commercial street of Windmill Village that this product was purely on board. The time is too long, so I want to come out.

It's a shame not to be able to get a rope around the neck of this guy who just let it go!

However, this second product still made progress. Kong Ming saw that although she was distressed to divide the snacks out, Alrita still divided the five snacks she bought into three.

It is really a welcome improvement.

As a result, Yalrita was leading the three little ones to go shopping, and Kong Ming is not in a hurry, so he just wandered around behind the four of them, watching Yalrita and the others from cotton Sugar starts to eat, then popcorn, fried squid, octopus balls, tempura, ramen, oden...Wait, isn’t this the Pirate World? How come out Oden!

Where is this Kanto in Pirate World?

Don't ask, ask is that there is an island called Kanto in this world.

Yal Rita took the three little ones to eat in the windmill village from the morning to the afternoon until the three little ones who ate all had a round belly.

This round belly is not a metaphor, but a description of the situation.

The three little guys are also very happy.

Needless to say, Ace and Sabo, living near the trash mountain, occasionally eating a bowl of ramen can be regarded as a rare delicacy. Even Little Usopp’s family background is very ordinary, that is, in the past two years, **** Bu has followed Kong Ming to get better, like today’s behavior of eating whatever you want, unscrupulously full of food, Never before.

Kong Ming, who followed behind, was expressionless. Any one of the four people ate far beyond his ability. Even the five-year-old Usopp had more appetite than the current Kong Ming.

Five-year-old kids eat more than him!

People in this world are real animals.

"Okay, get up and digest when you are full!" After seeing that the four of them were really unable to eat, Kong Ming walked up and said lightly, "There is still a distance from here to Dadan's home."

"Boss, why are you unhappy when you come out to play?"

Humph! You have lost so much time, how could I be happy? I am not envious of things such as big stomach kings, rice buckets, foods, and good health!

"Because I'm thinking about problems." Kong Ming pushed his glasses, "very important issue."

"What's the problem?" A curious face came up, oh oh oh, so white!

"With your IQ..." Kong Ming lowered his eyes, glanced quickly, then calmly walked around Alrita, "I can't explain it clearly to you."

"Oh oh oh..." The curious face appeared again, "Boss, you can try it!"

"Stop dreaming!" With a straight and calm face, "I can't say anything!"

"Oh oh oh..."

"You said, the elder's face is so ugly, is it angry?" Little Usopp got together with Sabo and Ace, whispering.

"Could it be because you didn't eat enough? I don't think the elder of the association had eaten much just now..."

"It's very likely... Ace, what's wrong with you Ace?"

"An Xin, An Xin..." Sabo grinned at Little Usopp. "Ace is full and sleepy, and then fell asleep!"

"Mathaka!" Usopp's eyes widened. "Can you fall asleep on foot?"

"Ace can fall asleep anytime, anywhere!" Sabo gave a thumbs up.

"It's amazing..." Usopp looked envious.

In the whispers of the three little ones, Kong Ming and the others arrived at their destination, the home of Da Dan and his group.

Then Kong Ming coughed, "Alrita, go up and knock on the door."

"No problem, boss!" After Alrita took two steps forward, as if thinking of something, she backhanded her big iron rod out of her backhand.

"Alrita, don't knock like that..."

Before Kong Ming had finished speaking, Yalrita had already thrown out the stick in her hand, and then she saw the big iron stick with the whistling wind, and with a bang, it easily shattered the Dadan family The door, then rotated and smashed in.

boom! boom! boom! what……!