Robust Mage in One Piece

Chapter 604

That night, on a small island near the G1 base, the remaining six of the world’s top eight recruits, except Aizen and Mermaid Princess White Star, had another challenge.

Although in this world, Guina started to practice swordsmanship with Kong Ming early, and she also had the guidance of the Golden Lion Shiji, Hawkeye Mihawk and other great swordsmen, so her strength was not what she could at the same time. Comparable.

But she was still too young, and her current combat effectiveness was almost on the same level as that of the navy alternate general Taotu, not enough to be among the top group of people in the world.

As for the combat effectiveness of Chlorella head is worse than Guina, not to mention.

So in the end it was still a battle between two people...that is, the battle between Fujitora and Green Bull in the original history.

After a fascinating and well-matched battle, the blind man from Wano Country smiled and relied on the meteorite falling from the sky to make five consecutive streaks, defeating the Green Bull's defense and winning the last admiral's place.

A week later, the Navy announced the announcement of this world conscription.

Ai Ran, Bai Xing, Smile became the new general of the navy, the former general Huang Yuan was transferred to the air marshal, Guina and Lu Niu became the new general candidates, the green algae head and the remaining players in the quarter-finals became the lieutenant admiral, the remaining Players are decreasing in order.

Although after the results came out, some self-esteem guys felt that the Navy's treatment was not enough to match their ‘ability’, so they resigned angrily. But most players with some AC numbers in their hearts happily took over as the Navy.

However, because the Air Force Marshal Huang Yuan took away a group of naval elites to form the air force, the navy's mid-level and grass-roots combat effectiveness was basically equal to standing still after the large-scale recruitment and reinforcement.

But even so, Marshal Akadog was extremely satisfied with the conscription, increasing the combat effectiveness of the four generals in one breath, which can completely make up for the loss of the Warring States, Karp, and Green Pheasant's departure.

Moreover, the Warring States period and Karp are only retired. If there is an emergency, can it be said that Marshal Red Dog can't control the two retired veteran cadres?

In the red dog's complacency, the first meeting between the admiral and the three new generals began.

Among the three new generals, he smiled and continued his original nickname, Fujitora. Princess White Star chose the nickname of Silver Dragon. As for Airan...

"Xia Xia has no opinion on nicknames," Lan Ran said with a gentle smile on his face.

So his nickname became Blue Bull.

"First, let us welcome three generals who have just joined the navy..."


A neat applause rang out in the conference room.

Standing on the main seat of the conference room, Aka Dog listened to the neat applause, and watched the elite soldiers recruited by the large conscription, a moving emotion spontaneously arisen.

It's not easy. After unremitting efforts, my red dog finally drove away the yellow monkey and the green chicken, and became a well-deserved admiral of the admiral, and it is not the kind of commander of the light pole.

"Next, I would like to invite the three admirals to issue an inauguration declaration."


The highly disciplined naval elites once again gave a neat applause.

"Everyone knows that the old man is a blind man..."

Fujitora smiled and stood up.

"But in the eyes of the old man, it is a blessing to not look at things. There are too many dirty and nasty people in this world."

All the naval elites present remained silent, listening to a smile and continued talking.

"A grain of dust raised by the strong may be a high mountain when it falls on the weak."

Yixiao continued to say in a calm tone, "So the old justice is to protect all the weak people. All bullying the weak, no matter who he is, will be the enemy of the old."


After talking with a smile, the red dog...Aka dog stood up, his eyes swept away. The navy elite immediately seized this opportunity very sensibly and gave a warm applause with a smile.

"My speech is very simple..."

Ai Ran stood up, still with a gentle smile on his face.

"Why are there so many pirates in the world? It's simple because there are not enough navies.

Why are there so many gangsters in the world? Very simple, because the navy is not enough.

Why are there so many unfair things in the world? Very simple, because the navy is not enough.

Most regrettable things in this world are because there are not enough navies. "

Ai Ran raised his hand to the navy elite below and clenched his fist.

"All the actions I took after I became admiral can be explained in one word...Expand the army, expand the army, keep expanding the army.

We want to extend the prestige of the navy to all islands, and on any island with more than 10,000 people, there must be our navy.

We have to deal with the gangsters that join the national energy management, and the vicious pirates that the joining country can’t control, even more. Eliminate the pirates, stabilize the place, the royal franchise, and the government endorsement. This is our navy. "


This time, without the red dog standing up and agitating, all the navy present stood up excitedly and gave out applause like mountains and seas.

Having been in the navy for so long, this is the first time I have seen such an admiral that suits my heart.

The justice of this crazy army expansion is more in line with the future of the navy than the justice of all previous naval high-levels.

Including Aka Inu admired Aizen's speech very much.

"Yes, the reason why the sea is so turbulent is because the navy is too small."


Then the last new admiral, Princess White Star of Fish Man Island, stood up.

"I think the two colleagues just now made sense, but there is still a small problem."

Princess White Star seemed to rarely speak in such a crowded conference room, and both cheeks were flushed.

"In the face of powerful pirates, our navy needs to be more familiar with the sea and seamen who can move freely at sea...

Maybe some people have guessed what I mean, yes, I'm talking about murlocs.

Compared with ordinary sailors, Murloc Marines have one of the biggest advantages..."

Bai Xing looked at the navy present with some embarrassment.

"The murlocs are not afraid of the ocean. Even if a shipwreck, they can protect themselves and even attack the enemy from underwater...

This is very effective against some Devil Fruit capable people.

and so……"

Bai Xing also clenched his ‘small’ fist, and said seriously.

"For the peace of this sea, I will vigorously promote the murlocs to join the navy.

My speech is over! "


Although Princess White Star's speech was not as attractive as Aizen's words to the navy elite present, it was not as boring as a smile. In addition, Princess Bai Xing is a standard Bai Fumei, so they did not stingy and gave the applause to Bai Xing.

After the three generals, the new admiral alternates and lieutenant generals also spoke in turn.

When it was Green Bull's turn, I saw this general candidate speaking in a decisive tone.

"I'm very afraid of trouble, so you don't want to find me if you have a problem, let alone find me if you have nothing to do, thank you!"