Robust Mage in One Piece

Chapter 660: What is the real air force


After a loud noise, a certain dog's head turned and fell like a windmill, pia hit the wall, and then a trembling hand stretched out...

"Holy light flashes!"

After a golden light, a certain dog head who had taken a bite of him immediately jumped off the wall, clenched his fist, and the black armed domineering cleverly wrapped around the fist like a snake.

"The old man is back again, Eim, take the old man's iron fist!"

In the next moment, Lieutenant General Gouto had appeared in front of Yim, and without mercy, he smashed Yim's face with a punch.

Opposite him, Yim's face under the veil appeared impatiently.

For Yim, the strength of Lieutenant General Karp is the same, even she can easily win before, not to mention that her strength has skyrocketed recently.

But the problem is that this old immortal thing is too entangled...

No matter how many times he flew him out, the next second he would rush back alive again, even if he had a heavy hand, he could also use a strange ability to heal. And if he goes all out, he can also use the ability called Divine Shield that Ace has used just now to defend.

And this old guy doesn't speak martial arts, every punch is directed towards his face, he can't care about it!

Insufficient attack power, but extremely insulting!

Seeing Karp coming up again, Eim frowned and tapped his right hand lightly. Suddenly Karp felt the left side of his body lighten, as if it was about to float, while his right side suddenly became heavy, as if being caught. Pulling tightly...

It's broken, it's been calculated!

Karp, who had been fighting for a long time, immediately understood his current situation, and then quickly adjusted sideways, but when he adjusted, he had already exposed flaws that shouldn't be there.

Im slightly on the side of his head, avoiding Karp's punch, then leaned close to Karp's body and punched it up.


Without exception, before Yim's fist hit Karp, the golden shield that seemed to be cheating once again appeared on his body, blocking all the power on Yim's fist from the Holy Shield.

After the next moment, he saw Karp fly out sideways again, along with the other side's nasty laughter.

" about it, be silly, the old man has a shield!"

After hearing Karp's voice, Master Yim took a deep breath and suppressed the irritability in his heart.

If he had known that this old thing was of this kind, he should have been killed when he first entered the navy!

Then, Eim turned sideways and glanced at the battlefield below...

The navy has all been on the scene, Qiwuhai and Kaido are also there, and the CP is almost there... Well, the black cavalry should be the troops of the foreign invaders that the world reminded itself!

Very good, now that these invaders have entered the battlefield of their choice, it's time to put them in one pot!

"Five old stars..."

Yim turned sideways and looked at the five old stars next to him.

"Notify the Air Force, immediately start the execution of the slaughter of demons, and kill all the black cavalry for me!"


The Wu Lao Xing wearing a wig hesitated.

"Master Yim, there are still many people of the world government in the dock now, if we start to slaughter the demon..."

Before he finished speaking, he was defeated under Yim's cold eyes.

"Eim, eat the old man's iron fist!"

A certain dog-head lieutenant rushed over again and hit Eam's face with a punch.


Eim didn't even look at it, and pointed out with a finger, hitting Karp's fist, staring at the five old star wearing a wig with no expression on his face.

"Are you teaching me to do things?"

"Subordinates dare not!"

The five old star wearing a wig did not hesitate to persuade him, and bowed to the ground.

"Subordinates execute immediately..."

As he said, he immediately took out a golden phone bug from his arms and pressed it firmly.

"Are you planning to start an air raid?"

After seeing Wu Lao Xing take out the phone bug, Kong Ming gently pushed his glasses with his hand.

"Then I will turn over another card!"

With that said, Kong Ming also took out a golden phone worm from his body that was exactly the same as the phone worm in Wu Lao Xing's hand, and pressed it down almost at the same time as Wu Lao Xing.

The next moment, a harsh sound came from the airship above the new Marin Vando.

"The silver phone worm received a signal..."

An Air Force messenger wearing a uniform similar to that of the Navy ran out of the airship's liaison room and called to a man in a yellow striped suit standing on the airship's deck.

"The Demon Slaying Order was launched, and the five old stars instructed to immediately launch the Demon Slaying Order on the square of the Naval Headquarters, New Malin Vandor!"

"Ah la la la..."

The man in the yellow striped suit shrugged his shoulders and gave a helpless smile.

"Is it still this far?"

"Yes, Lord Marshal!"

The herald stood still and saluted the man in the yellow striped suit.

"Please arrange and coordinate the airship as soon as possible to bombard the targets below..."

"It's not good to do this..."

The man in a yellow striped suit, the current Air Force Marshal Huanghou scratched the back of his head with his hand, showing an awkward smile.

"Look, now there are all navy and CP comrades on the pier below. If we shelled it, basically our own people died. How do we say that our air force is selected from the navy and CP, brothers and sisters. It’s better to avoid it or to avoid it, you’re right!"

"Marshal Polusalino!"

The messenger saluted the yellow monkey again with a serious face.

"Please act according to Wu Lao Xing's requirements immediately, even if you are a fellow, but since Wu Lao Xing has made such a decision, then there must be his reason..."


Before he could finish his words, a golden light shot from the yellow monkey's fingertips and directly penetrated the herald's forehead.

"It's really long-winded..."

Polusalino glanced coldly at the corpse on the ground, then kicked the corpse off the airship.

"A little captain, dare to teach me how to do things!"

"Report, Lord Marshal!"

A man in an air force uniform ran over from the side of the airship.

"One-third of the airships have already begun preparations for bombardment..."

"Well, that can't be helped."

Huang Yuan scratched his cheek with his hand and said helplessly.

"Anyway, the world government is the highest authority in the world. How could they not plant some of their own people in the Air Force!"

"Then what shall we do, Marshal!"

The man in the air force uniform leaned closer and asked softly.

"Do we need to take action to knock down those airships that are going to fire?"

"no need!"

Huang Yuan took another step toward the edge of the deck, holding his hands in a lazy look.

"What the guy Kuzan told me is that I just need to wait here and don't have to do other things."

"No need to do other things..."

The air force glanced at the battlefield below and said worriedly.

"But if those ships opened fire, it would also cause a lot of casualties."

As he was speaking, Huang Yuan suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky, and then the indifferent smile appeared on his face again.

"Don't worry, those ships are no longer a concern, the opposing force is on the stage..."

After hearing Huang Yuan's words, the air force followed Huang Yuan and raised his head to look towards the sky, and then his whole person was shocked.

At this time, a large airship several hundred meters long had appeared above them, and judging from the color and lustre, the airship was entirely made of steel.

Hundreds of small airships are surrounded by the steel airship, and blue electric lights are still shining on these small airships.

A beautiful woman with wine-red hair stood on the bridge of the steel airship and waved to the bottom.

"All the fighter formations are dispatched, let the local turtles of the world government take a look at what is the real air force!"