Robust Mage in One Piece

Chapter 670: I propose to reorganize the world govern

"After the judgment of the World Conference, the identity of the so-called creator of the world government, Yim, is in doubt. All countries participating in the World Conference will not recognize her identity!"

As the black cat Crowe made the following judgment at the World Conference, in Kong Ming's eyes, the gleaming light on the body of Lord Yim in front of him suddenly became much dim.


Kong Ming said in a low voice, then pushed his glasses with his hand, and a cold light flashed.

"Everything is under my control!"

"Is this what you want me to see?"

Lord Yim seemed unaware of what happened to him. He turned his face and said to Kong Ming in a contemptuous tone.

"You don't think that if you win over the kings of a few franchise countries, you can really influence the world government!"

"Please wait a moment, Lord Yim!"

Kong Ming said politely.

"This world conference has just begun..."

Just when Kong Ming was talking to Yim, the black cat Klo in the live broadcast room reached out his hand and compared two fingers.

"Now let's start the second topic. How should we respond to the deliberate weakening of the navy by the world government today and the fact that the world government's Yim controls the Marshal of the Navy to become a puppet?

Please start speaking freely...King Cobra! "

King Cobra of the Kingdom of Alabastan, who was the first to stand up just now, stood up again.

"I think this thing is intolerable..."

After first expressing his attitude firmly, King Cobra began to state his reasons.

"I just said that the world government can be established by the belief that countries are equal to each other. That is to say, the world government is only elected by the participating countries to coordinate and fight against pirates. In other words, the world government should seek benefits for the member countries, not find ways to weaken us."

With that, Cobra raised his fist.

"But now the world government has issued an order to kill the distinguished Vice Admiral Ace, and directly controls the admiral Sa, because it knows where it came from. Kaski.

I think this approach of the world government has seriously affected the interests of the participating countries..."

"I'm very sorry, King Cobra, I must remind you..."

The black cat Crowe knocked on the table with the hammer in his hand, interrupted the other party, and said in a pleasant tone.

"The topic of our discussion is how we should respond to the world government that has done damage to our member countries. It is not discussing whether the world government has harmed our interests. I believe the latter is obvious!"

"I see, Lord Speaker!"

King Cobra nodded in the direction of the videophone worm, and then continued.

"In view of the fact that what the world government is doing this time is very bad, coupled with the stupid laws issued by the world government in the previous decades, so I have to doubt the position of the world government head..."

"Please be brief, Your Majesty Cobra!"


Cobra, who was interrupted again, nodded and said straightforwardly.

"I cast a vote of no confidence in the current world government. I personally feel that the position of the current five old stars is not for the betterment of the world at all, but for some personal desires.

Here, I propose to reorganize the world government and re-elect the five old stars! "

Following Cobra's words, whether it was the kings of the franchise countries present or the people watching the live broadcast all over the world, they were immediately taken aback by his bold statement.

"Oh my God..."

Suddenly, since the black cat Cloo began to speak, the voice of the host Lafitte, who had been in a silent state, came out.

"All the bricks who are thinking of me with tears, a truly amazing news has appeared. King Cobra of the Kingdom of Alabastan actually proposed to reorganize the world government. This is really a bold proposal!

Can the world government be reorganized by the world conference of the heads of states? "

As Lafitte repeated Cobra's words again, no matter on the live screen or in the real square, there were whispering voices.

"Re-elect the world government..."

"Oh my God, is this also something that the franchise country can decide?"

"Aren't the participating countries subordinate to the world government? How can they re-elect the world government..."


"Please be quiet, quiet!"

Black Cat Crowe knocked the gavel in his hand again.

"Your Majesty, please pay attention to your demeanor, pay attention to your demeanor, don't whisper, is there anyone else below who wants to express your opinion?"

Although Black Cat Crowe asked the opinions of the kings present again, these kings seemed to have begun to think seriously.

"Well, in view of the importance of the matter, then I announce a five-minute suspension, please think about it carefully."

"Ha ha…"

Master Yim looked at Kong Ming and laughed mockingly.

"Reorganizing the world government, you really think about it, but have you ever thought that the power of the world government is never based on the so-called ‘support’ of the participating countries!"

"Of course, power can only emerge from the barrel of a gun..."

Kong Ming pushed his glasses with his hand and said with a pleasant smile.

"I know this very well, Lord Yim!"

While Kong Ming was chatting with Yim, the battle on the new Marin Vandor Pier below was drawing to a close.

As Lieutenant General Crane said, each of the four knights of the Apocalypse of this mysterious Black Blade Knight Order possesses the strength of the four emperors. Not to mention Whitebeard Newgate, the Golden Lion Shiji has also been with Bai The beard and the Pirate King Roger are the same famous big pirates, not to mention Oz, the country, even hundreds of years after his death, his name still circulates in this sea.

As for the leader of the Four Horsemen, Cinto Li, not to mention, with the support of Kong Ming, and the help of a certain licking dog Huo Cubagu, now she has truly stood at the top of the world.

"You know? I wanted to kill five of you twenty years ago..."

The corner of the golden lion world’s mouth was with a happy smile, and the hands in his hands were waving quickly, and the sword aura crisscrossed around him, forming a lion’s head, killing a certain five old star dressed up in the country of Japan. It's locked inside.

"Now I finally got what I wanted!"

"Facing the anger of the undead...cuckoo la la la..."

Baibeard punched the lanky five-star in front of him, and the white shock wave rolled in front of him.

"This is a greeting from Underworld, Five Old Stars!"

On the other side, the youngest five-star star is desperately shaving and shimmering everywhere. On top of his head, a giant several hundred meters high is stretching out his big hand, patting like a fly.

As long as the Wu Lao Xing's movements are a little slower, it will be his turn to end the Wu Lao Xing with the wig just now.

Near Wu Lao Xing, the CP0 chief wearing a white cloak puts on a defensive posture just like the enemy, standing in front of him is the mysterious plague knight Xin, who has just slashed a Wu Lao Xing with a sword. Dolly.

"Is CP0 Chief Executive?"

Xin Duoli said in a cold tone.

"Congratulations, because you are a devil fruit capable person, so you can survive, thank you!"


Hanging in the air, Kong Ming lowered his head, glanced in the direction of the dock, and then turned to look at Yim.

"Master Yim, are you really not going to help them? Those five old stars under you seem to be killed by the Four Apocalypse Knights of the Black Blade Knights!"

"Kill all, kill all..."

Facing Kong Ming's question, Yim's face didn't move at all.

"I said that I am the world government. After these people are dead, I can naturally find someone willing to replace them."

"It's calm and cruel..."

Kong Ming calmly pushed his glasses.

"But I think I probably understand some of your behavior patterns, Lord Yim!"