Robust Mage in One Piece

Chapter 681: Careless, no flashing xiNShUHaiGe.COM

At this time, the crowd on the New Malin Vandor Pier had stopped fighting and divided into two opposing camps!

One is led by the former navy marshal Sengoku Kazora, and is supported by the admiral Fujitora with a smile, and the other is headed by Qiwuhai **** cloth, which combines the three plagues of the beasts and pirates and wears a suit. The Black Blade Knights in black robes didn't look like a camp of good people.

"So that's it..."

Warring States looked at the faintly surrounding the navy team, and sighed in his heart.

"Not only the White Star Princess, even the Golden Lions are yours?"

"Others say that the Marshal of the Warring States Period is a famous wise general..."

Jesus tilted his head and said lazily.

"Do you still have to ask about this kind of thing? Anyone with eyes can see it!"

"It's unbelievable..."

Zhan Guo shook his head and made a look of surprise.

"Any pirate emperors like the Golden Lion and White Beard are willing to subdue to your Qiwuhai's command?"

"Okay, Marshal of the Warring States Period, you don't have to be crazy testing here..."

Jesus Bu said with a smile.

"The golden lion and the white beard are not under the command of our Qiwuhai, but our Qiwuhai, the golden lion and the white beard, oh, and the pirate group of beasts, they are all in our leader's boat!"

"Your boss?"

The Warring States period was still shocked.

"The boss you are talking about is..."

"That's right! It's just like what you think of the Warring States Period."

Jesus stood up straight and said proudly.

"The boss I'm talking about is the chairman of our Qiwu Maritime Chamber of Commerce, Kong Ming!"

Even if it was the Warring States on the opposite side, they actually had some speculation in their hearts, but after **** gave such a fair confession, they still felt unbelievable.


You said that you Qiwuhai, plus the white beard, the golden lion, and Kaido, have all surrendered to the businessman Kong Ming...

how can that be?

We admit that it was really surprising that Kong Ming suddenly flew in front of Yim just now. If you want to say that he hides his strength, we also believe it, but you want to say that his strength is enough to impress you big pirates...

Are you proud of being a strong man in this world? What about your self-esteem? Did you feed the dogs the honor of the Pirate Emperor?

"Don't you understand? Jiehahaha..."

The golden lion put his arms around his chest and let out a signature laugh.

"Since we admit that Kong Ming has become our captain, it is naturally because his strength, measure, and wisdom are above us."

After hearing the words of Golden Lion Shiji, Sengoku and Lieutenant General Crane looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

They had never thought before, that Kong Ming, who had always looked gentle and seemed to have no wickedness at all, could actually make the golden lion Shiji so rebellious that even Pirate King Roger could not surrender.

It seems that before, they all underestimated the "merchant" hidden behind Qiwuhai!

Unlike the Sengoku group, after Shi Ji finished saying this, a certain Erha who was in miamiamia instantly raised his head and looked at the golden lion Shi Ji.

No, what was said just now was actually made by Skee, isn't it an illusion?

As the veteran of the Azeroth Chamber of Commerce, the experience of Golden Lion Shiji joining the Chamber of Commerce, and what he has learned over the years...

A certain Erha couldn't imagine the arrogant Golden Lion History Club speaking out such a thing.

Based on what a certain Erha knew about the golden lion, even if the other party had already succumbed under the wrist used by Kong Ming Enwei, this arrogant lion would not admit it.

‘My uncle happens to be in a good mood, so I’ll do him a favor here with Kong Ming. ’

This is just like the words of the Golden Lion Shiji, and the words that Shiji said just now are more like...

A certain Erha's sharp eyes started to touch the surroundings.

There is no doubt that that guy must be somewhere nearby!


Just when a certain Erhu was groping around, there was a soft noise from the sky, and then I saw a hole in the sky under the floating sea water.

A woman in a white robe came out from the hole, blood sprayed from her body, like a blooming flower!

In the air opposite her, a man in a robe and glasses slowly emerged.

After seeing this man appear, a certain two Hammer nodded silently.

She knew that the words that Golden Lion Shiji praised Kong Ming absolutely were uttered through someone else's mouth by a bragging guy.

"To the effect..."

Although he was out of the mirror space, Yim, who had already had a scary wound between his chest and abdomen, was no longer able to stand in the air with the rapid shaking of his toes.


Yim's body fell from the sky and fell to the ground. His two slender feet directly crushed the stone and sank into the floor. The blood gurgled down her body and soaked into the gravel.

Kong Ming's body also fell from the air along with Yim.


Yim coughed twice and looked up at Kong Ming who appeared in front of him.

"You have been hiding outside the mirror space? Just waiting for me to sneak out when I rush out..."

"It's a bit too much to say a sneak attack..."

Kong Ming pushed his glasses with his hand and said sincerely.

"It's just that you appeared too suddenly, Lord Yim, and I really don't have time to say hello to you. I can only act first to be better!"

"Since you can control the space and cause such serious harm to me..."

Eim lowered his head and gasped for a few times, and then said.

"Then why don't you join forces with Kaido and the phoenix, defeat me upright, just like you said, why do you want to do this..."

"Because I would certainly win by doing that, but I still have a 0.3% chance of being dragged by you and hurting both sides. The safety factor is a bit low."

Kong Ming cautiously kept a distance from Yim that he could react no matter how the opponent attacked, and said with a smile.

"I'm a bit obsessive when doing things, no matter how small the risk factor is, I won't gamble!"

"I'm dragging you to lose both?"

There was an incredible expression on Eim's face.

The guy in front of him had many shields that could be used as fireworks, and he was actually worried that he could hurt both sides.


Kong Ming nodded silently.

"Although I found out that you may only have a charm skill in the use of mental power, this is not absolute. In case you have some other mind control skills besides charm, then we will It is very likely that both will suffer."

The corners of Eim's mouth twitched, not knowing what to say.

"It's unimaginable, a strong like you, actually..."

While Kong Ming was talking to Yim, the former admiral Sengoku also took Fujitora with a smile and they rushed towards the place where Yim fell.


Before the Warring States and the others approached, they saw a sword aura that had fallen from the sky, drawing a deep sword mark in front of the Warring States and others. Immediately afterwards, the golden lion Shiji with two swords in his hands fell from the sky and stood in front of them in the Warring States Period.

"Sorry, Marshal of the Warring States..."

Kong Ming turned his back to the Warring States and others, with a calm tone.

"The next thing has nothing to do with you guys. I hope you can honestly wait on the pier square, don't come near casually, and cause me trouble!"


The Warring States had not spoken yet, Karp had already jumped out with his sleeves rolled up.

"Xiao Kongming, what do you mean by this? Are the old man and the Warring States both in trouble?"

Facing the provocative Karp, Kong Ming didn't mean to answer at all.

"Jesus cloth, clear the field, within a hundred meters of Master Yim, I don't want to see a living person!"

"Okay, boss!"

After **** made a promise, he brought in people like Qiwuhai and the white beard and golden lion, and stopped the navy of the Warring States and Kapu a hundred meters away.

"I believe now, you are really cautious!"

Yim wiped her wound with her hand, trying to use the ability of life return to force her to control her wound and prevent blood from flowing out, but there seemed to be a special force in the wound that prevented her body from healing itself. ability.

"But my ability to control others is rarely used. How do you know that my ability is within a hundred meters?"