Romance of Dragons and Snakes

Chapter 133: 2 Male conflict

European Union, foreign Chinese society, my organization, American spies! I was finally involved in this right and wrong, and I can't get away, what should I do in the future? "

Lisa is just a little spy, and she doesn't know much about things. It's also impossible for Wang Chao to thoroughly ask Tang Zichen from her mouth. \\\\ w, В. OM \\\\

But even a few short sentences are enough for Wang Chao to infer a lot of things.

Lisa saw that Wang Chao's face was uncertain, and she immediately looked at the gun in the ground. Her fingers moved, but after all she didn't squat down to pick.

Wang Chao has shattered all her confidence just now. In front of this powerful man, she really has a feeling of not being able to survive and not being able to die.

Although the female agent's movements are fast, she has never practiced martial arts. Where is Wang Chao's lightning-like body opponent? If there are two people and two guns, Wang Chao still has some concerns.

But only one person, no matter how clever the marksmanship, can hardly deal with his ghostly martial arts.

"You just ask these things, don't ask anything else? For example, what are the members of our branch and their names? What are the secret bases in Hong Kong?"

The female agent saw Wang Chao not asking, but she was very curious. She is planning some lies and tricks to make him fooled.

Who knows that Wang Chao just asked some leftovers and left it alone, which also has a feeling of miscalculation in her heart, and even reveals a mysterious taste to this man in her heart.

He took a step and picked up the pistol. "You must have made up a lot of lies to deceive people for confidential matters. Why should I waste time?" Wang Chao opened the iron door without looking back and walked out.

"How is it?" Lin Yanan saw the king beyond. Quickly asked.

"I have collapsed her confidence, and now the psychological master of the interrogation should deal with her." Wang Chao shook his head and threw the gun to Lin Yanan.

"I go back and take a quiet rest for a while so that tomorrow I can see the master of Guoan," National Luohan ", the name is really majestic."

"Then take a good rest, I will organize the interrogation." Lin Yanan looked at Wang Chao's background, silently, until Wang Chao's back disappeared outside the high wall. He sighed silently.

Wang Chao returned to his room, took off his military uniform and sat cross-legged on the bed. Closed eyes.

Afterwards, from time to time, from the depths of my heart, they were shown like a movie. From the understanding of Tang Zichen and the practice of martial arts, my destiny changed. After being implicated by Zhu Jia, Zhao Jun was jealous. He was sent to be hacked, and then he was fancy by Cao Yi. He joined the organization and fought all the way. He killed Xu Zhen's disciples, forced Zhang Wei to jump into the sea, killed the Japanese genius young boy Ye Xuan, and caused a riot in Singapore. Being eyeed by the United States, the United States is involved in Shaolin Temple. He killed the great monk of Shaolin Temple himself, and now it seems that he will be involved in the fight in the domestic department.

"Princehood, Japanese martial arts, Xu Zhen, Chen's group, Guoan. Shaolin Temple, the military committee organization. Especially the relationship between Sister Chen and me is already known above. Sister Chen is not an ordinary person, definitely valuable, will it be in the future? Want me to deal with Sister Chen? "

Wang Chao sat quietly cross-legged, motionless, and seemed to stop breathing.

Everything he has experienced, the troubles and grudges of the past five years are in the memory of careful thinking. They all seemed to be a very tough and overwhelming net, tightly binding him, giving him a feeling that his hands and feet were not working, and his heart and mind were tightly bound.

"Thousands of red dust wrapped around me, how can I get rid of it, and be relaxed? I am now in the world, but I am entangled in the world and cannot extricate myself. My heart and mind are bound. I am not entangled in the world, and my martial art There will definitely be no more progress. If I really solve all this trouble. The realm will definitely go to a new realm. "

The ancients cultivated the Tao, firstly they were born to cultivate magical powers, and then they entered the world to cultivate their hearts. If you can cut off the red dust bond at the last moment of joining the WTO, you can truly get the Tao and achieve positive results.

Although this is a mythical metaphor, Wang Chao now wants to come, but it is in line with his current situation.

"How can I get rid of it? Trouble, grievances, love and hatred, chaos. The country, private, justice, interests, affection. All stirred up a congee, I am just a warrior, not a legend, can fly away Fairy, I also want to eat, live, have parents, have a country, have a nation, have ideals, have feelings. There are also old and sick, dead, and can also be shot and killed. "

Trouble is ridden, and the mind is bound, which is fatal to the martial arts.

Zhang Wei was not good at business, his business went bankrupt, and he was forced to come out to compete. Mood, fighting intentions are not the peak

Bondage, this is why he lost.

Since Wang Chao came back from Singapore, he knew Tang Zichen's identity and left a pimple in his heart. And just today, from Lin Yanan's mouth, he knew the relationship between Tang Zichen and himself, which was also investigated above, so the pimples are getting bigger and bigger.

With this pimple, it is very dangerous to compete with the master.

Wang Chao himself realized this, and just came back to meditate. He was also adjusting his mood, tangling the mess around his heart, and clarifying a clue to decide what he should do in the future.

It was when Wang Chaojing sat down to understand his clue. A flight from Beijing to Hong Kong has also taken off. In the first class of the flight, three young people were seated.

These three young people, two men and one woman, are between the ages of 26 and 30. Although wearing casual clothes, the temperament of the body occasionally reveals a distinctive taste.

Two men, one of them, is wearing a white sportswear, with long fingers, white, smooth and jade, especially the figure, very well-proportioned, giving a perfect feeling.

This man also has a very beautiful face. His facial features are upright and his face is smooth, without any wrinkles, but unlike the creamy white face, his skin is red and black, showing extremely healthy.

His eyes were slightly closed, his lips didn't move, and the whole look was full of vigor and handsomeness in the deep.

The other young man was much worse than him. Although he was also good in facial features, he lacked a charm. He also had rough skin on his hands, sturdy body, thick joints, and a sharp feeling, such as a sheathed sword and cold light. Shining, but there is no deep hiding.

The girl has a certain appearance, eyebrows and willow leaves, long eyelashes, good skin on her face, but rough skin on her hands, and brown old skin marks on her joints, but she is tall and has shiny eyes. , Slightly raised lips, showing arrogance and incompatibility,

"Brother Duan, this time when we go to Hong Kong, although we have orders to take over and handle that matter, I'm afraid we won't let people go easily."

The girl was sitting next to the man in the white sportswear, her head dropped slightly, and the neat bangs shook, and she almost audibly said with her ears.

"I know this." The man in the white sportswear opened his eyes slightly, his lips did not move, and a slight voice came from the abdomen: "I heard that they have joined a young master over there. Opening the martial arts hall, this intention is very obvious. Obviously, it is to expand the influence and gradually operate. After decades, I overwhelmed my teacher. This time, my two uncles were imprisoned and one was killed. .Although it is said that my uncle is guilty of something, but the meaning of it ~ ~ is worth pondering. "

It turned out that these three people were the members of the national security department who came to Ti Yongbao to interrogate.

The man in white sportswear is the first master among the disciples of Shaolin vulgars, Duan Guochao, known as the "national Luohan". The other two are his colleagues. The female is Chen Ke and the male is Dong Ling.

"Brother Duan, I said, did you get hurt last time? That mission, you sneaked into Japan and played against the heroes of Iga. How dangerous. It's not that I said, Brother Duan, your arrogance hasn't passed away, old. It ’s because he talked to Minister Wang Ziwen, he did n’t wear small shoes on it, and it ’s strange to let you perform dangerous tasks every time. If you do n’t have a relationship with Shaolin, Wang Ziwen has already got you down. ”Chen Ke said with concern.

"Chen Ke, I'm not arrogant, I am proud. We practice martial arts, there is always this thing, everything is based on it, bowing and kneeling, flattering, that is a puppet." Duan Guochao's eyes flashed, "My injury It ’s good for a long time, the Iga family is indeed one of the best in the martial arts world in Japan. That Iga hero and martial arts have already entered the level of mastery. I do n’t know how his brother, Iga source ’s martial arts is. Also, there is Chen Aiyang, a Tai Chi practitioner in Singapore. I have tried to take over his task several times, just to fight him. "

"Brother Duan, but then again. I don't know who their young master is this time? I was so vigorously trained, I listen to you, and I want to train him to fight against the Shaolin Temple? I think he is Zhang Sanfeng. . It is ridiculous. "Chen Ke's mouth showed a contemptuous smile.

"Maybe there is more than one, we Shaolin, the tree is attracted." Duan Guochao also smiled. "If there is only one, I will do something for the teachers this time to eliminate this potential threat."

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