Romanian Eagle

Chapter 320: Battle of Bulgaria (1)

It took only ten days for the Germans to take down the military town of Suceava, and the news of the defeat of the defenders spread to everyone's ears like the wind.

This news has saved a lot for the Allies, because the disadvantages brought about by the loss of Transylvania also surprised Edel, who has been paying attention to the situation.

"Your Majesty, Admiral Courtois has sent a telegram to explain the defeat in this battle. The main problem is that we underestimate the enemy, and that we are somewhat inadequate in using the mobilizer."

In a room of the royal palace, Admiral Pule was explaining to Edel the gains and losses of the battle of Suceava. Apart from His Majesty Edel who can listen to the report of the Chief of Staff, only Prime Minister Bretianu has this qualification.

Faced with Puleshan's explanation, Edel could accept, no one could win every battle, but he was still a little bit strange in his heart.

"Then what are you going to do next?"

The inner strangeness did not affect Edel, and now he is concerned about the military's next response to this.

Facing the king's inquiry, Preshan immediately brought out the response plan that he and Admiral Courtois had already studied.

"Your Majesty, we have some insights about the German army's next battle plan. If it does not surprise us, then their next target must be Homan, and we intend to use this city to hold the enemy's footsteps. The specific countermeasures are Let the sixteenth and sixteenth divisions that have arrived rush to Homan as the core of our defense. Let the mobilization divisions that have already gathered here help to hold the enemy's footsteps, and then fight the attrition war with the enemy here."

Hearing this negative military plan, Prime Minister Bretianu knew that even if he didn't know much about the military, he was prepared to temporarily abandon the territory occupied by the Germans. Thinking of the people in these territories, Bretianu could not help asking as the head of government. "Then you have no plans to counterattack?"

"Yes, but I don't need it."

Preshan knew what the Prime Minister meant when he asked this. But the problems exposed by the Battle of Suceava prevented him from coming up with a way to keep the Germans at the border. That is the saying that the troops are insufficient, because there are too few elite troops capable of fighting.

As a country with a population of 10 million, Romania can guarantee that 400,000 well-trained soldiers have done their best. This was done with the help of the developer Edel. In history, Romania had only 130,000 army before the war, and it was short of guns and artillery. Under the leadership of the foresighted Edel, the ability to have 400,000 well-trained troops before the war is also a manifestation of his ability.

However, under the conditions that the war broke out even worse (in history, Romania participated in the war and Russia relied on it), Prieshan had to make a trade-off. Transylvania is too important to be lost. The Bulgarian campaign is even more important for Romania to change the external environment, so the second line mobilizes soldiers and the Germans to fight each other. These second-line soldiers showed in the battle of Suceava that there was a big gap between their combat effectiveness and the German army. Then the best way to use them is to use the fortifications and the Germans to fight and consume them, and they need to have standing divisions as support. This is also the lesson from the Battle of Suceava.

Moreover, in the hearts of the military such as Puleshan, the German commander Marshal Markenson was also a person who made them jealous. Even less dare to use some aggressive tactics, lest you get caught the loopholes and make the battle impossible. Therefore, in the plan formulated by Plesan and others, the emphasis has been on steady and steady combat, which also caused a somewhat rigid image of the Romanian army in Moldavia.

In the face of Preeshan, Edel knew that this was the most appropriate method the military had made, so he could only support it. Thinking of this, Edel turned to look at the Prime Minister and asked. "Does your government still support the army?"

Edel's words made Prieshan look at the prime minister expectantly.

The concerned Prime Minister Bretianu shook his heart. He knew that this was the king's plan to increase the government's support for the army. Thinking of this, he felt distressed in his heart, knowing that participating in this secret meeting would not have a good result, and it was indeed verified.

It seems that I have to show some sincerity from the government, and sort out what else the government has that the army would like to see.

"Your Majesty, we plan to organize some celebrities and well-known entertainers to come to the front line to give condolences, and then launch a public war fundraising. Another thing is to let the government vigorously promote the patriotic movement and cooperate with the army's recruitment work."

Prime Minister Bretianu spoke out various government measures, while Edel and Puleshan still listened quietly. Even if the Prime Minister had finished speaking, no one answered them. This made Prime Minister Bretianu feel a little discouraged. It seemed that these could not satisfy the appetites of the two in front of him. Thinking of this, the Prime Minister decided to use a tactic of killing the enemy with one thousand and self-defeating 800.

"Our government can issue another war bond."

Prime Minister Bretianu said here to pause for a while, watching Edel asked deeply. "Your Majesty, do you think the number of 1 billion lei is reasonable?"

Edel, who was asked by the prime minister, couldn't help but feel a little dazed. He didn't expect that his prime minister was so bold that he actually got the idea of ​​the royal family.

But Preeshan's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he couldn't help but also looked at the king. Edel, who was watching the two for a moment, felt a little as he lifted a stone and hit him in the foot. He didn't expect the Chief of Staff to be a traitor in front of 1 billion lei.

"Ahem, is this too much?"

The unwilling Edel couldn't help but bargain with the Prime Minister. Because the war bonds the royal family has bought no less than twice, and the amount spent has reached 1.2 billion lei. It can be said that 40% of the Romanian war debts were purchased by the royal family.

"Your Majesty, that's not much at all."

Edel said to reduce the quota, and the Chief of Staff took it before the Prime Minister could answer. "Now we spend a lot of money, the newly occupied Transylvania needs to spend a lot. Moreover, we are fighting in three directions, and these materials and ammunition cannot be less at all. Moreover, we also need to recruit troops to supplement the losses on various fronts. Training costs, ordnance equipment, etc. need to be spent. In addition, in Moldavia, it is necessary to build fortifications and help refugees."

After Preysan finished speaking, he looked at Edel eagerly at and he was a little embarrassed.

"Well, the government is issuing 1 billion lei war bonds, but this is the last time."

When Edel agreed to issue bonds, both of them nodded quickly. It's pitiful. As the government issuing war bonds, it should put the people who buy them on the people. Why does it remember the royal family? The reason is simple. Romania's previous booming economic growth relied on the needs of the Allies.

And now the war with the Allies has disrupted the desire of those capitalists who want to continue to make money, so war debts are not easy to sell among these people. Without the purchase of capitalists, how can we rely solely on the savings of ordinary people on Weibo, so the richest royal family must fill this gap.

After Edel agreed to pay the money, he talked to Puleshan who was worried about the situation. "As for the Battle of Bulgaria, you need to make preparations as soon as possible, and you cannot let us face the three enemies alone."

"Your Majesty, please rest assured, I have already sent a telegram to Lieutenant-General Fereit, and I believe the battle will begin soon."