Romanian Eagle

Chapter 328: Turbulent Bulgaria (Part 2)

噺⑧一中文网ωωω.χ⒏1zщ.còм哽噺繓赽捌㈠Fiction 蛧

In the early morning in the city of Sofia, the news of the military riots made everyone panic. Many people are worried about the army's refusal to obey the government's order to make its own voice. However, some people are very happy, but no matter what their attitude is, for the current Bulgarian government, quelling this incident has become a top priority.

As the prime minister of the government, Rudoslav bears the brunt and needs to come up with a solution to this matter.

In the prime minister's office, Ladoslav looked at the mayor of Vasili, who had succeeded in nothing but failed in his office. The mayor, who was somewhat fat, kept wiping the sweat from his forehead in front of the Prime Minister. It’s hard for the Lord Mayor to sweat in the early winter morning without strenuous exercise.

"Mayor Vasily, you really broke the king and me."

Sitting behind his desk, the lanky Prime Minister Ladoslav said with a cold expression on the mayor of Sofia in front of him.

Radoslav’s words made Mayor Vasily wipe his sweat more frequently. Looking at the greedy and stupid pig in front of him, Radoslav felt how he had chosen him as the mayor of the capital.

I don't know the criticized Mayor Vasily, and now he doesn't care about the prime minister's ugly face, and speaks bitterly. "I didn't expect this to happen either. I thought it was General Triyev himself who needed it."

"So I should comfort you!"

Hearing the Prime Minister's voice soaring from low to high, Vasily didn't know where this was a sign that the Prime Minister was about to get angry, so he quickly changed the subject. "My lord, I think I need to comfort the soldiers first. I'm asking people to send meat, tobacco and alcohol to the barracks to comfort them."

"no thanks."

Looking at Vasily who was a little unidentified, a trace of disgust flashed in the eyes of Prime Minister Radoslav, and he spoke directly. "I have arranged for people to send things to the barracks and hand them over to General Triyev. Now the troubled soldiers have been temporarily appeased in the barracks."

Hearing what the Prime Minister said, Mayor Vasily asked with some delight. "Great, these soldiers don't make trouble anymore."

"What are you thinking."

Faced with the optimism of Mayor Vasili, Prime Minister Ladoslav continued to speak after a rebuke. "Now we are only temporarily stabilizing these troubled soldiers, but we can't agree to their demands. Now we need to let Admiral Zekov rush back to Sofia. Only he can calm the soldiers' emotions."

After Prime Minister Radoslav finished speaking, he continued to explain the matter to Mayor Vasily. "In addition, you immediately prepare another batch of supplies and give it to General Triyev, and tell him that I can openly supply him with food, tobacco and alcohol, but I must not let the soldiers go out of the barracks and make trouble in Sofia."

Mayor Vasily knew that this was the last chance to save himself, he said immediately. "Prime Minister, please rest assured, I will definitely give General Triyev sufficient supplies and will not make it difficult for him."

Prime Minister Radoslav waved his hand after listening to him. "Go ahead."

After the mayor of Vasili left the office, Prime Minister Radoslav called in his secretary. "Arrange the car immediately. I need to go into the palace to meet the king."

The secretary who was ordered replied immediately. "I'm going to arrange the car now."

After he was left alone in the office, Prime Minister Radoslav immediately looked very ugly. Years of political experience tells him that all he has done so far can only be regarded as remedial measures, even if they are successful, it is only to make himself decent when he steps down. But as a qualified politician, Radoslav knew that remedial measures were the best way for Bulgaria to withdraw from the war in a respectable manner.

If the news of the soldiers' riots were made known to the Allied Powers, then the price Bulgaria had to pay would be too great. And he also knows that the soldier riot this time is too weird. According to his investigation, there are many political influences in it, but now he is powerless about it, and now he can only stabilize the situation.

However, Prime Minister Radoslav wanted to temporarily conceal the efforts of the Allied powers, but it was in vain. Even the people of Sofia knew that, of course, the hidden spies would also send this important news back to the country, so the news was leaked that morning, and the first thing to know was Romania, which was at war with Bulgaria.

"Your Majesty, the latest news is that the Bulgarian soldiers rioted in Sofia."

In the Royal Palace of Bucharest, Edel, who was accompanying his wife Sophie Marie, heard the head of the bodyguard Carust carrying a telegram, screaming congratulations.


The commander's words made Edel anxious immediately. "The Bulgarian soldiers are rioting, show it to me quickly."

After receiving the telegram in the hands of the Chief Guard, Edel immediately checked it, leaving the Chief Guard alone to endure Queen Mary's grievances caused by being disturbed.

The telegram was very simple, just what the chief guard said, but it still made Edel excited.

"Great, even God is helping Romania."

Seeing that Edel was happy because of the telegram, Queen Mary was a little curious, because she had never seen her husband so excited before the army seized Transylvania, so she asked a little bit puzzledly. "My dear, why does this news make you so happy."

Facing Queen Mary's question, the excited Edel was of course willing to share his joy with his wife. "This news is too important. Bulgaria triggered an army riot. It can be said that they are only one step away from defeating and surrendering. As long as Bulgaria is taken, the passage between us and the Allies will be opened. At that time, a steady stream of reinforcements and military supplies will be sufficient. We calmly faced the German and Austrian attack. Even saying some arrogant words, we are already invincible."

Listening to Edel's explanation, Queen Mary, a person who does not understand military affairs, also understands that this is a major event that has changed the situation in Romania. "In this case, our army will feel much better on the front lines."

"Yes, my dear, you are right, so this news needs to be made known to Lieutenant-General Fereit."

At this point, Edel asked Carust immediately. "Did this news inform the Chief of Staff?"

Facing the king's question, Carust answered immediately. "Your Majesty, we have already sent it to the Chief of Staff at the first time."

"Very good, well done."

Lieutenant General Fereit, outside the city of Pleven, also received a telegram from the Chief of Staff. He was very excited about the news on the telegram, and saw that he immediately called the staff to give orders. "Now I order the onslaught of Pleven not to stop, tell the officers that the Bulgarian soldiers in Sofia have refused to continue fighting, and we must let the enemy know this news to disintegrate the opponent's will."

So under the order of Fereit, a new offensive by the Romanian army was launched, but unlike the past, the defending Bulgarian soldiers also heard the shocking news that their reinforcements had refused to continue fighting in Sofia.

"These are all fakes and conspiracies by the Romanians."

Faced with this situation, the Bulgarian officer who led the team desperately explained, but it also made them look a little hysterical. Moreover, the news about reinforcements is not mentioned above, which also makes the soldiers a little confused. Is it true that what the Romanians say is true?

In the face of this situation, the morale of the Bulgarian army has been reduced a lot, which really made the commander's Lieutenant General Kudingchev somewhat helpless. Now the reinforcements are indeed gone, and I still can't let the soldiers know, otherwise a big defeat is just around the corner.

Admiral Zekov in Thessaloniki also felt the same way as him. On the afternoon of the same day, the Allied Forces outside Thessaloniki, like taking the wrong medicine, launched a fierce offensive against them. Moreover, like the Romanian army, they propagated that the army that had arrived in Sofia to reinforce Pleven had already been rioted and refused to continue to listen to government orders.

The sudden attack and this shocking news made the troops defending the first-line positions unprepared, and fierce hand-to-hand combat took place in multiple locations. Thanks to Admiral Zekov being in danger, he immediately arranged reinforcements against the enemy's artillery fire, and denied that this was the enemy's rumors, so that the enemy was attacked back.

However, the Allied powers were not discouraged and continued to attack the Bulgarian position. This made the Thessaloniki defense line, which was transferred to nearly 100,000 elite troops, a little shaky. Now Admiral Zekov did not dare to leave, he could only stay here to maintain the stability of the front.

This made Prime Minister Radoslav’s response measures immediately lose their effect. Now Bulgaria’s politicians know that this is the moment when a decision must be made.

PS: Today I will talk to the editor about a new idea of ​​mine, and I plan to write a different novel about World War II through Japan. Plan to cross after the Tokyo earthquake, and then rely on chaebol and naval forces to climb to the top of Japan, gradually become the spokesperson of the navy in the 26th Incident, and then do everything possible to prevent the 77th Incident from happening, open the Pearl Harbor incident in advance and take down Hawaii, and capture Panama Canal. At the same time, they launched the Nanyang Raiders and won the British, French and Dutch colonies. At the same time, he used this record to seize the power of the prime minister and lead the Japanese people in battle. Then log in to India, sweep the British forces, and use it as a war ration. And use this time to log in in California or Mexico, and then use the Rocky Mountains and desert to block the U.S. military team, and finally lead Japan to destruction. It's a pity that this brain hole theme was suppressed by the editor Mouya. She only said one thing, don't drag her to death. So I will tell you this brain hole, I hope some warriors can write it??????

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