Romanian Eagle

Chapter 340: Kazan Gold (4)

"Have you heard that the frontline army has been defeated, and many people will not be able to return."

"Yes, I heard someone fled back and said that the provisional government has hundreds of thousands of troops and it seems that they can only hide in the countryside."

"But I heard that someone from the government told everyone to evacuate toward Moscow."

"This seems to mean not only giving up Kazan, but also Cheboksary. My brother's family lives there, and I plan to take my family to go to him. Unfortunately, I just bought a piano in my family. It was bought at a low price by a nobleman."

"Don't think about it, it's important to prepare to escape now."

The news of the approach of the White Russian army made the people in Kazan panic, and there were all kinds of opinions. At this time, however, the Kazan government and the garrison had no longer taken care of these. They now have an even more important need to do, which is to collect vehicles to prepare for evacuation.

Contrary to what the city dwellers said, Mozhlov, as the commander of the garrison, knew more.

In Perets, 40 kilometers away, nearly one hundred thousand Red Army was attacked several times by the White Russian rebels. The heroic Red Army was outnumbered, and now they can only move to the rear. Therefore, his task is to make the defeated Red Army be able to get supplies in Kazan.

As for the task of defending Kazan, it has now become impossible with the defeat of the frontline army. So Mozhlov now needs to recruit supplies, so this needs manpower and must be strong manpower. After all, there must be resistance to expropriation of the few residents' supplies. Therefore, currently the few defenders have become Mozhlov's first choice.

Mozhlov, who knew the priorities of the matter, immediately called the guards. "Send this order to all subordinate units and let them cooperate with the work of government personnel."

"Yes, Comrade Commander."

The guards received Mozhlov's telegram and immediately distributed it to the various troops. With the transmission of the order, there was a flurry of jitters in the city of Kazan. Under the leadership of government staff, the garrison troops in units of squads immediately began to collect supplies from residents' homes. For a while, the city of Kazan caused a commotion due to the collection of supplies.

This made Christo overjoyed, who was preparing for the action. He directly summoned the personnel and held the last meeting before the action.

In the secret and dark basement behind the tailor's shop, it is very lacking in popularity. The musty air and the peeling walls all show its characteristics that no one has used for a long time.

But today, this place is full of people. Only through the still heavy dust in the corner, it can be seen that this was a temporary cleaning, but the cleaning was not thorough enough.

And Christo, as the commander of this operation, is standing in front of a blackboard hanging on the wall, explaining the main person in charge who is about to start the operation.

"Everyone should have some understanding of the purpose of our operation this time, but I still want to say it here. According to the information we have learned, the Tsar transferred to Kazan due to the war, which was stored in St. Petersburg and Moscow. More than a hundred tons of gold and a small amount of jewelry. After the Soviet government took over here, only nearly a hundred tons were found in the Kazan Reserve Bank. According to our intelligence, the rest is currently in the secret vault of the Kazan Reserve Bank. We currently have enough knowledge of the location of this vault, so our goal this time is the remaining 500 tons of gold in the Kazan Bank."

Christo's words made many people who don't know the specific situation take a breath. More than 500 tons of gold is such a wealth that many people present have never even heard of it. According to the current value of gold on the market, this is a wealth of nearly one billion US dollars, which can completely enable Romania to create a high seas fleet that can make the British sleepless and wealthy.

Of course, this is strictly in accordance with the gold standard, issuing banknotes on a one-to-one basis. In fact, no country will implement this standard. Countries that can issue banknotes at a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4 are already very conscientious, such as those in the major countries currently at war.

And Felidrich was among those who breathed in. As the main person in charge of preparing the retreat tools, he was also fortunate to participate in this secret meeting. Like others, he also kept in mind his own arrangements in the action plan, which is not difficult for intelligence personnel.

Christo waited for everyone to digest what he said before continuing. "According to our understanding, at present, because the Kazan Bank is deemed evacuated by the Soviet Russian government, its defensive forces have also been drastically transferred to collect retreat materials. At present, the bank's defensive force is only 70 or 80. People around. The task of capturing the Kazan Bank will be carried out by Shirka and Varisi."

At this time, the somewhat slutty-looking Hilka and the stubborn Vasily stood up and signaled to everyone.

Christo waited for the two to sit down and continued. "As soon as Hilka and Varisi seized the bank, the transport convoy you were in charge of Millet must keep up. I have already prepared a cover for you. It is the material retreat convoy of the municipal government. I will I'll give you a certificate. This is enough to protect you from being interrogated by patrolling soldiers."

I saw a middle-aged man dressed as a government official, nodding to Christo, indicating that he had understood.

Christo went on to talk about it. "The job of the rest of you is to create chaos and keep their defenders away from the Kazan Bank to the shipyard. I will talk about your specific arrangements next."


Christo pointed to a horse-faced man and said. "You bring your own manpower to take charge of the sabotage work at Loveli Bridge. The movement should be a bit louder. It is best to make the defenders think that someone wants to stop the retreating army."

Before Andes could answer, Christo pointed to a round-faced man with a dark complexion and traces of wind and sun. "Niels, you are responsible for the destruction of the railway station."

Christo couldn't help asking more when he said this. "The railway station has always been a key area for the defenders to deploy control. How about your problem?"

Christo also aroused the interest of other The railway station has always been a tightly guarded area in the war. If you want to destroy it, you may have to explain it here.

Niels, who was questioned by Christo, still did not change his face under the attention of everyone, and replied with his own low voice. "The problem is not too big, I can solve it, as long as you send someone to bring explosives over."

Facing Niels' answer, Christo nodded. He knows this guy's style very well, as long as he agrees, he will be able to do it.

Then Christo talked about some related matters, as well as precautions. When the meeting was about to end, Christo called Felidrich. "Felidrisi, the boat you prepare must be guaranteed to be usable, and nothing goes wrong."

Facing Christo, Ferrydrisi promised. "Don't worry, I am the best skilled worker in the shipyard, and I will definitely not let the ship break down halfway."

Seeing that everything was arranged in order, Christo said to everyone. "Then everyone prepares. Tomorrow's actions are related to the future of Romania. Let us create this future now."

"All for Romania."