Romanian Eagle

Chapter 383: Intervention in Hungary (1)

Of course, Romania can receive the news that the Hungarian revolution seized power, and so can the representatives of the Allied powers who negotiated in Paris. In fact, in the evening of the same day, the news of the Hungarian revolution was known to all countries. The U.S. Secretary of State Lansing gave advice to President Wilson, demanding that military measures be taken immediately to eliminate the Hungarian Soviet Republic.

Countries also do not recognize the Hungarian Communist government, and impose a strict economic blockade on Hungary. Grain is embargoed, the supply of industrial raw materials such as iron ore, coal, and petroleum has ceased, and the trains to Hungary and merchant ships on the Danube have been suspended. At the same time, through Austria under the rule of the Social Democratic Party, intelligence personnel were sent to Hungary, and money and weapons were delivered to the opposition forces in Hungary.

However, these methods can only be used as a response plan to prevent its expansion, and the real decisive factor is to send troops to intervene. Regarding the dispatch of troops, the US delegation proposed three plans to deal with the Hungarian Soviet regime.

First, the troops of the United States, Britain, France, and Italy occupied Hungary.

Second, with the assistance of the Romanian, Czech, and Serbian armies, they organized armed intervention in the Hungarian Communist regime.

Third, with the assistance of right-wing Social Democrats, prepare to respond internally and counterattack.

Faced with the three plans, the United States, Britain, France, and Italy decided to intervene first with the Romanian, Czech, and Serbian armies around Hungary after discussing them. Because the Czech Republic and Serbia have a series of problems of their own, the troops they can send are limited. Romania, which currently has an army of 600,000, is of course the object of their reliance.

So in order to let Romania contribute, Bretianu once again received a separate call.

This time, Bretianu, led by his attendants, walked into a parlor in Versailles. After he walked in, he realized that compared with the last time the Big Three, there was more of the Italian Prime Minister Orlando this time. However, Orlando's complexion is not very good. It seems that he is not happy to obtain the rights of Fiume Harbor and Daruma, and he has a look of lively.

As a promoter of intervention in the Hungarian revolution, President Wilson said to Prime Minister Bretianu after entering the door: "Your Excellency, Hungary is currently being occupied by evil communists, and the local innocent people are suffering. We invite this time. You are here to ask you how Romania, as its neighbor, views this brutal matter."

As soon as President Wilson came up, he asked Bretianu's views on the outbreak of the revolution in Hungary. In fact, Bretianu wanted to say that I wanted to move a chair to sit and watch. However, it is better to say less of such cold jokes, so as not to anger the few big people in front of them.

Although President Wilson asked a little bit suddenly, Bretianu, who had done his homework a long time ago, replied with justification and evidence: "Everyone, our country is very indignant about the Communist riots that overthrew the government in Hungary. The people in neighboring countries have suffered. We are also deeply sympathetic to the suffering."

Bretianu first expressed his sigh of the misfortune of neighboring countries, and then changed the conversation: "However, we are currently not prepared for the unrest in Hungary, so we are still discussing specific measures to deal with it."

When everyone heard Bretianu's words, they felt that the shrewd Romanian Prime Minister was not a simple figure. Speaking full of words, it turned out that Romania did not say what it thinks about it. Moreover, the words are always discussed after the discussion, it is intended that they will not express their views on this until sufficient benefits are obtained.

This is unpleasant, but as a qualified politician, isn't this what it should be like?

But despite Bretianu's good performance, but who is not a talented person, how could it be so easy to give conditions. I saw Clemenceau smile and said after he finished speaking: "Actually, these Hungarians rebelled against our will under the leadership of the Communist mob. However, after leaving Austria-Hungary, Hungary has always been a small country and is not a threat to us. It’s just that the armies of various countries are far away. When our armies are assembled in place, it will not be difficult to destroy them."

Clemenceau's words, everyone present nodded and admitted that this was the truth. It is not difficult for them to eliminate the Hungarian revolution. This is also a warning to Bretianu not to think too much.

Regarding Clemenceau’s words, Bretianu replied with a smile: "Your Excellency the Prime Minister is right, the Hungarians are really not a concern. But we all know that the most powerful thing about communism is not their armed forces, but also their ideas. They are very easy to spread like a plague, and their ideas are fatal to the lower people, so this is the real threat."

No one denies what Bretianu said. It is true that the lives of the people in the major European countries participating in the war have dropped too much, which has caused many people to feel grievances. And this kind of violent Marxism from Lenin is too threatening to countries, and it is very easy to spread at the bottom of the country. This is also the main reason why countries are hostile to Soviet Russia.

Everyone is a capitalist country, and suddenly a foreign country built by workers emerges. Not only that, he also claimed that workers from all over the world should unite to establish a new government. Isn't this taking the lives of capitalists? We did not immediately send troops to attack, and thanks to this war, everyone was unable to fight.

Seeing that the French prime minister was also refuted, President Wilson suddenly said: "Then your Excellency Bretianu, under what circumstances do you think the Romanian army can speed up the preparation time?"

This is to allow himself to make the conditions, Bretianu's mind is spinning quickly, and his heart is thinking about what conditions are good. Do you want to try?

Bretianu tried to say: "I think if Miskolc and the Fund, which Hungary belongs to, are brought to two places and promised to be owned by our country, then our preparations must be very fast."

"This is impossible."

As soon as Bretianu finished speaking, he heard Clemenceau's unceremonious rebuttal. The French Prime Minister said with a look of anger: "The border of Romania can only be east of the Tisza River. This is a condition that cannot be continued. If you really do not make changes, you can only wait for the arrival of the French army. Intervene. We are confident to let these Hungarians know that the majesty of Faziland cannot be provoked."

Seeing Clemenceau's reaction so much, Bretianu was shocked. At this time, Prime Minister George also said: "This is also our British attitude. The Romanian territory cannot cross the Tisza River. And I forgot to say that Kidakin has been assigned to the Kingdom of Serbia, and it is no longer possible to give You guys."

When Prime Minister George finished speaking, President Wilson also said: "Our country agrees with this."

Seeing that the Big Three had expressed their views, Bretianu knew that it was impossible to claim the territory of Hungary. So he put forward another condition: "We require that after the intervention is successful, we will have the same rights as you. In addition, the territory east of the Tisza River must be put under our country in the form of a treaty after the intervention ends."

Faced with the new conditions proposed by Bretianu ~ After the Big Three had some eye contact, Prime Minister George said: "Sorry, for your country’s request for equal rights in Hungary, we don’t Probably acceptable. As for the confirmation of the territory east of the Tisza River in the form of a treaty you mentioned, we can agree to this."

After hearing Prime Minister George's words, Bretianu said loudly: "This is not fair to us in Romania."

"Sorry, there is no fairness in this world."

"We in Romania are not weak and cannot accept such a decision."

After ten hours of negotiations, Bretianu did not receive much Hungarian interest from the United States, Britain and France. However, in order to appease Romania’s emotions, the three countries stated that in addition to confirming in the form of a treaty that the territory east of the Tisza River belongs to Romania, they will also prevent Poland from making further territorial claims against Galicia.

But Bretianu had no choice but to agree in the face of the hard and soft persecution of the three countries. Because Romania is currently inseparable from the support of the three countries, but in his heart he can feel a trace of the guard against Romania from the United States, Britain and France. It seems that it is not the right time to make a territorial claim.
