Romanian Eagle

Chapter 451: Battle of Warsaw (2)

After receiving Tukhachevski's order, the Soviet Russian army immediately launched an offensive to Warsaw, and the Polish defenders in Razimin were the first to feel the pressure.


The commander of the Soviet Russian army looked at Razimin's broken line of defense and ordered another attack.

"Quickly, the Russians are coming up."

The Polish defenders, who had just repelled the Soviet-Russian offensive, dragged their tired bodies and raised their weapons under the command of the officer to fight the offensive enemy once again.

The two sides fought back and forth around Razimin, and someone fell every moment. But this time the continuous attacks of the Soviet Union finally took effect, and the Polish defenders, who could not get a rest, could no longer withstand it.

"The enemy ran away, we won."

In the chanting voices of Soviet Russian soldiers, the Polish defenders finally made a large-scale rout. A large number of Polish troops fled this place of death, no matter how the commander encouraged them, it didn't work, and they fled back without looking back.

Razimin was finally broken by the Soviet Russian army on the evening of August 11, and now Warsaw will directly face the Soviet Russian offensive.

The fall of Razimin made the Polish soldiers agitated, and Piłsudski could only boost morale for the defenders at the bridgehead on the east side of the Vistula at this time. By virtue of his identity as the founder of the Polish army, the morale boost this time worked for some reason, and the soldiers gradually stabilized.

From this we can see Piłsudski's prestige in the army, but he also knew that the morale of the army needs victory to maintain. At present, Poland needs a victory too much, but at present he still needs to wait for strong assistance from Romania.

Admiral Fereit, whom Piłsudski had placed high hopes on, had just arrived in Lublin, when he had just learned from the Polish defenders that Razimin had been attacked by Soviet Russia.

"It's a little troublesome."

Admiral Fereit, who received the news, looked into the distance with some wonder.

"What's the trouble?"

Colonel Dole Caves, the liaison officer who had been following the Admiral, asked nervously.

"Now Warsaw is facing a direct threat from the Soviet Russian army. We must hold on to Warsaw before we can hope to win."

Fereit explained to the liaison officer next to him. Your Excellency, the admiral, has a brilliant vision, he can see the key points of the current battle at a glance. Now Soviet Russia and Poland are like two people wrestling, both discovering each other's weaknesses, but they must first withstand the pressure of each other before they can attack the weaknesses. The common weakness of these two people is Warsaw. Whoever controls Warsaw will take the initiative.

Of course Piłsudski knew this, so he prepared a garrison of nearly 100,000 in Warsaw. Eighty thousand of them were deployed at the bridgehead on the east side of the Vistula River. In addition, in order to increase the firepower of the defenders, he strengthened the place with more than 360 artillery pieces, which is bound to be made into steel and iron bones.

Although Piłsudski desperately increased the strength of the frontal forces in Warsaw, Tukhachevski was not a vegetarian. As long as the 4th and 15th Army crossed the Vistula line, Warsaw's defenders would become a turtle in the urn.

On the front line of the Vistula, Soviet Russian soldiers launched a fierce attack on the Polish Fifth Army defending here.

Located in Płock, thirty-two kilometers west of Warsaw, there is a road bridge connecting the Vistula River. This is also the West Gate of Warsaw. As long as this area falls, Warsaw will face a three-sided siege. And more importantly, there is a railway connecting Poznań and Danze from Warsaw five kilometers away. At present, British and French aid to Poland needs to be transported to Warsaw through this railway, which can also be said to be the lifeblood of Poland at present.

Therefore, the Soviet Russian army attacked Plock the most fiercely, and the commander of the Polish Fifth Army, General Sikorski, also set up the headquarters here.


Under the leadership of the commander, Soviet Russian soldiers launched an attack on Plock.

"Fire and beat them back."

Seeing the Soviet Russia attacked, the Polish defenders immediately attacked the Soviet Russian soldiers shooting. Bullets flew across the battlefield for a time, and people fell every moment. The Soviet Russian commander looked at the soldiers who were constantly hit, and a new batch of soldiers joined the battlefield with a big wave of his hand.

For an army with a large number of support weapons like Germany or Romania, the Soviet-Russian superimposed offensive method has little effect. Because they have many ways to cause reinforcements when they feel too much damage on the front line and the effect is greatly reduced, and for the Polish army, this method is really terrible.

Because most of their soldiers have only been training for a few months, and some are even less than a month. Even if the weapons provided by Britain and France are more, it is useless if they are not used well. So in the face of Soviet-Russian offensive methods that have been tested in the civil war, the Polish army was blind. The Soviet Russian soldiers advanced to the position step by step by virtue of their number advantages.

After finally reaching the charging position, the Soviet Russian soldiers jumped up and rushed towards the position following the command of the leading officer.

"not good."

General Sikorsky, who was observing the battle, gave an understatement and immediately ordered: "Immediately order the reserve team to go to the front line and drive them out."

Following the commander's order, the Polish troops of the three regiments split and rushed to the battlefield.

And a fight is unfolding on the ground.


A Polish soldier rushed towards a Soviet Russian soldier who had rushed into the position beside him, and took advantage of the enemy's unsteady footing to stab at the opponent. Facing the stab of the Polish soldiers, the Soviet Russian soldiers who had not yet stood still had no choice but to watch the opponent stabbing themselves to the ground.

The situation in the position like this Polish soldier is relatively It is more that several Soviet Russian soldiers rushed into the position in cooperation with each other. In the face of these Soviet Russian soldiers who have experienced many battles, Polish soldiers who lacked combat experience could hardly resist and could only retreat steadily. For a time, the position was in danger of being captured by the enemy. Fortunately, the arrival of reinforcements made Su Bo's attempt to seize the ground in one fell swoop was shattered.

Looking at the defeated Soviet Russian army, General Sikorsky let go of the big rock in his heart. The Fifth Army under his command had suffered a lot from attacks by the Soviet Russian army before, and the army had recruited too many new recruits. The defense of the Vistula River is so short that it is too late to train these recruits.

Therefore, in his plan, he intends to let these troops with more recruits feel the atmosphere of the battlefield. Who knows that the Soviet Russian army did not tentatively attack, but rarely launched a direct onslaught, almost causing him to capsize in the gutter.

It seemed that the previous plan could no longer be used, and he felt some subtle changes from the offensive of the Soviet Russian army. But what it is is still unknown.

However, he decided to inform Piłsudski in Warsaw of this situation, which might help him a little. But then he needs to defend himself firmly and not let them threaten the rear of Warsaw.