Romanian Eagle

Chapter 477: Changes in the situation

After the signing of the Washington Treaty, Romania was silently fighting for its naval dream.

   On the Peninsula of Asia Minor, there is also a group of people who are fighting for their own country, and that is the Turks. As a punishment for the defeat of the Ottoman Empire, Britain, France and other countries gave confirmation in the Treaty of Sefer.

The content is as follows; the west of the Chatalga Line was ceded to Greece, and the sovereignty of Suike to the west of Buhaniya was temporarily returned to Turkey. Five years later (1925), a referendum was adopted to decide whether to merge with Greece; Xinjiang, west of Mu Shi, Bitlis, and south of Lake Fan returned to the newly formed Armenia.

   As the strait area connecting the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, it will become a demilitarized zone, but the Allied Powers have the right to military operations in this area. The six countries of the United States, Britain, France, Italy, Japan, and Romania form the "Strait Management Committee", which is responsible for regional shipping, lighthouse management, and navigation.

   The Arab and Iraqi territories that were originally Ottomans were ceded to Britain and France, and new protected areas were established. Among them, Karatash and Mardin are south of Syria, and Mosul is south of Iraq.

   The Ottomans must abolish the conscription system. The national strength must not exceed 45,000, and there must be no heavy weapons, air force, navy, and large merchant ships.

   The taxes earned by the Ottoman Empire are given priority to pay for war compensation and the expenses of the Allied occupation army.

   Restoration of extraterritoriality. Even if any regime inherits the Ottoman Empire in the future, extraterritoriality still applies. After the Turkish people are naturalized in any of the Allied countries, they are protected by extraterritoriality and no longer need to pay taxes to the Ottoman government.

   If the implementation of the terms does not conform to the intention of the Allies, Istanbul will be occupied.

   This clause can be said to restrict the Ottoman territory to Asia Minor, and it no longer has the right to manage the Black Sea Strait. The coast of the Aegean Sea has also been assigned to Greece, and a new country will be born in its east (the newly established Armenia includes Rize, Erzurum, Mush, Va, and many other provinces in present-day Turkey, and the territory is in November. 10,000 square kilometers or so).

   Its territory has also been reduced from directly to 540,000 square kilometers. It is necessary to know that the territory of the Ottoman Empire was about 2.1 million square kilometers before the First World War. This was alive and clean.

   However, in the face of pressure from the Allies, Sultan Mohammed VI immediately convened a cabinet meeting, and the agreement was passed. The face of such harsh terms has aroused strong opposition from nationalists and the bourgeoisie. They established the Turkish Grand National Assembly in Ankara, with Kemal as its leader.

   Facing the fierce resistance that broke out in Turkey, Britain, France and other countries instigated Greece to wage war against it. As his king, Constantine was originally exiled for opposing Greece's accession to the Allied Powers, but he took the throne back after his son Alexander I died (he died three days after being bitten by a monkey), and immediately mobilized after receiving support from the British and French. The army launched an offensive towards Ankara.

  The Greek army once pushed the front line to the line of the Sakarya River, less than 30 kilometers from Ankara. However, as its leader, Kemal, in a critical moment, personally took command of the front (King Constantine of Greece also took command of the front).

   In the Turkish counterattack, the Greek army was defeated. 250,000 people suffered casualties in this war, which is an unforgettable fiasco for Greece.

   At the same time, this defeat also caused Constantine to lose the throne, and six people including the former Prime Minister Gunaris were sentenced to death.

   After the defeat of Greece, Britain, France and other countries saw that they could not force the Turks to accept the Treaty of Sevres, and could only renegotiate.

  In Lausanne, Switzerland, the two parties renegotiated. After some bargaining negotiations, the results of the negotiations were finally recognized by all countries (mainly Turkey).

   There are 143 treaties, the main contents are:

  ① Announcing that peace between the Allied Powers and Turkey will be officially restored from the date of entry into force of the treaty.

②The Allies recognized Turkey’s independence and territorial integrity within the mainland of Asia Minor, and confirmed Turkey’s borders from the Black Sea to the Aegean Sea, the Mediterranean Sea to Persia (now Iran); Eastern Thrace and Izmir returned to Turkey, Armenia and Some ethnic minority areas such as Kurdistan are still owned by Turkey; the ownership of Mosul, the oil producing area, is left to be resolved later (the 1926 Anglo-Turkish Agreement assigned the Mosul area to Iraq under British escrow).

③Turkey abandons the territorial claims of Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya and other places that were part of the Ottoman Empire, which were divided by Britain, France, Italy, and other countries, and recognizes that the United Kingdom has against Cyprus and Italy has against Zoze Kanissos (now Yugoslavia). Uzes) the annexation of the islands.

④For the losses caused by the First World War and the Allied intervention in Turkey, the two parties waived their claims for compensation; Turkey repaid part of the foreign debts of the former Ottoman Empire; the contracting parties announced the cancellation of all extraterritorial rights and fiscal and tariff supervision rights in Turkey. Turkey Implement customs autonomy.

  ⑤The strait area is demilitarized, and the contracting countries declare that they agree to the principle of freedom of sea and air passage and navigation in the strait area; the strait area shall not be fortified or stationed with armed forces, and shall be supervised by the International Committee (also known as the Strait Commission).

   The newly signed Lausanne Treaty made Turkey the only defeated country that dared to resist.

   And when Edel looked at the signed treaty, he thought of another thing in his mind. That was when the British and French ambassadors visited him after the defeat of Greece, deliberately testing whether Romania was willing to send troops to Turkey. Facing the temptation of Britain and France, Edel asked about the price of sending troops. After hearing that Britain and France were unwilling to assign the Strait area to any country, Edel lost interest in continuing to talk about it.

   Yes, Edel had secretly traded arms to Turkey before, but this was based on his ambitions for the strait Since Romania can’t get the strait area, why would I get involved in it? If you really treat Romania as a thug, you must also give a price tag. Romania is not before the First World War, and will help out for a little profit.

   In fact, he is more concerned about the agreement reached between Germany and Russia in April. Because the place of signing was in Rabarlo, Italy, it was also called the Treaty of Rabarlo. The most important thing in this treaty is that Germany recognized the Soviet Russian government and was the first country to recognize Soviet Russia.

   In addition, both countries agreed to cancel all debts before the war and abandon the demands made during the war. In return for recognition by Germany, Soviet Russia and Germany also signed a very favorable trade concession.

   This makes the representatives of the countries preparing to negotiate with the Soviet Union in Genoa feel a little overwhelmed. Because the content of the Genoa talks was that Soviet Russia recognized and repaid the foreign debts borrowed by the Tsarist government before and during the war. In return, all countries will recognize the Soviet Russian government.

   And now Germany is the first to recognize the Soviet Union, so that the countries cannot form a unity, but for the current German actions, countries do not know what to do. France has made severe criticisms of the agreement reached in private by Germany, and its actions are offensive to all countries and believe that it should be severely punished. The United Kingdom disagrees with this, and who would not know how careful France was. As long as Germany is involved, severe penalties must be imposed.

   The disagreement between Britain and France made this discussion about the private actions against Germany a hastily ended.

   In the end, the Genoa Conference failed to reach any results, and the talks between the countries and the Soviet Union broke up unhappy.

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