Romanian Eagle

Chapter 550: Local conflict in Luosu (3)

The conflict in Luosu has gradually decreased over time, and the gunfire on the border has gradually subsided. But both sides knew that this was just the last peace before the storm.

Lerkov, one of the Ukrainian defenders of the card, can also feel this. However, as a glorious soldier in the Soviet army, Lerkov has the obligation and responsibility to guard this land.

So today, his company will become the guardian of the Soviet Union's national defense, defending the front line. This position is located just behind the border and is part of the Ukrainian defense fortifications. After the conflict broke out in Helmek, his 35th division took three days to reinforce it. The entire position is composed of three lines of defense, distributed around Ukraine, protecting this border town.

The company he was in had today’s turn for the guard, so Lerkov was on guard at the No. 3 post with a weapon. Post No. 3 is close to the border line west of Ukraine. There is an open area here, and you can monitor the entire area as long as you stand on the outpost. It is also at the first level of eyes and ears on the border, especially now when the war clouds are full, it is necessary for someone to observe the movements of Romania at any time.

But observing trends is sometimes boring, and Lerkov's comrades can't help but speak. "Lerkov, when did you say we Romanians start fighting. It's too uncomfortable to keep tight like this."

"How do I know this? It is estimated that the superior will notify it at that time."

"These Romanians are so hateful, I will let them know how good I am when I have a gun on my hand."

"Sikov, can you be quiet, listen to the old Mosov in the company, these Romanians are very powerful, watch the movements around you, don't be touched by them."

Lerkov's words narrowed Sikov's mouth, and he said disdainfully. "That old guy knows that he brags that he has fought the White Bandit army before. Isn't that just because he was injured in the fight with the Romanians. Besides, we have developed so fast in these years. We have long been different from what we used to be. I am not afraid. What about the Romanians, and these hateful Romanians still occupy so much of our territory. If it weren’t for the government’s consideration of peace, they would have been attacking them. These Romanians would dare to provoke the Soviets without knowing that they are grateful, wait for me"


Lerkov suddenly interrupted the chatter of his comrades.

"What's wrong, Lerkov."

Lerkov said seriously. "Listen carefully, is there any sound?"

"Where is the sound?"

"Do not talk."

Trying to listen carefully, Sikov heard a rumbling sound at this moment.

"It's kind of like the sound of a tractor, I can't hear it clearly."

"I heard it too."

"Hurry up and report to the platoon leader."

Sikov, who didn't dare to neglect, crawled off the sentry post.

Lerkov, who was on duty at the sentry post, opened his eyes wide and looked in the direction of the sound, but due to the bad weather, he couldn't see what was coming from.

After a while, their platoon leader Bekonov took the telescope and went to the sentry post. It was obvious that Sikov had informed him. And the binoculars in his hand were not assigned to him, but the standard equipment of the sentry, which was used by anyone who was on duty.

"Which direction did it come from."

The platoon leader didn't talk nonsense at first, and asked Lerkov directly.

Lerkov spoke in the direction from which the voice came. "It's coming from here."

But Lerkov's words made platoon leader Bekonov a little bit inwardly, that this direction was in Romania. He quickly raised the telescope in his hand and began to observe the movement in this direction.

After all, the telescope is convenient, Lerkov can't see the situation here, which is different in the eyes of platoon leader Bekonov. He saw hordes of tanks and armored vehicles heading towards this side. Depending on the situation, these Romanians are going to call.

"No, the enemy is coming."

After Bekonov screamed, he immediately yelled at the bottom. "Hurry up and call Ukraine Card. The enemy is about to fight. There are hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles."

There is a direct phone call to the Ukrainian card in the post, which is also to convey military information in time.

After the call was over, Bekonov immediately retreated behind with his platoon. The role of the sentry is to play an early warning role,

Fighting is not a requirement, so Bekonov's platoon commander's order is not at all faulty.

When Bekonov retreated with his own men, a large command vehicle followed behind the armored tank they found. In this command vehicle, Lieutenant General Hoffman was talking with a German police officer.

"Major Guderian, I think you seemed to have something to say to me before. Are you confused about my attack?"

"Yes, general, such an attack without artillery preparations, isn't this reducing the intensity of the attack."

That's right, Lieutenant Colonel Guderian is the one who will be famous all over the world in the future. Now he is already preaching his concept of mechanization, and tanks will become the new view that dominates the ground battlefield.

However, unlike in history, Romania's use of tanks is now ahead of Germany. Hoffman formed the world's first armored division, which made Guderian very interested in Romania. So in 1929, Guderian successfully applied to become an exchange officer and came to Romania for military exchanges. With his insights into the use of his tanks, he successfully attracted Hoffman's attention, so he had to go to the armored division for further exchanges.

Of course, during this period, Guderian, who is still inexperienced, learned a lot from Hoffman. And his unique speech sometimes can also inspire Hoffman's use of armored forces. The two of them were very bright in the armored division. There are even rumors that this Guderian lieutenant colonel can fully play the role of deputy commander. Because Lieutenant General Hoffman trusted him very much.

And this offensive against the Soviet Union, Hoffman took him with him.

So in the face of Guderian's question, Hoffman explained his arrangement.

"You're right. The first attack without artillery is indeed against common sense on the battlefield. But what is our mission this time?"

It's Guderian in the end, that's all right. "It's speed. This task is to quickly break through the defense line of the Soviet 35 division stationed in Ukraine. If according to the previous tactical arrangement, the artillery attack will take at least several hours, and this time the artillery attack is cancelled, it is to use tanks as The main force breaks through the enemy's position."

Hoffman was very satisfied with Guderian's answer. "And we are not without artillery, Jackal self-propelled artillery can also do this, and can keep up with our speed."