Romanian Eagle

Chapter 553: Local conflict in Luosu (6)

The reinforced Lebato position could not be held for long. After two hours, the head of Juto's husband, who was unable to fight, retreated to Ukraine with his few remaining troops.

The first armored division that has completed pulling out the surrounding strongholds is even less likely to give the enemy a rest time to keep up immediately. The Ukrainian card battle started immediately.

However, unlike the battle in the position, the battle in the Ukrainian card is not so fierce. The main reason is that the morale of the defeated soldiers is not high. Although there is a street fighting bonus, the strength and low morale of the street fighting greatly reduce the effectiveness of the street fighting. And the veterans suffered too much before, which was the main reason.

So at four o'clock in the afternoon, the 35th division was expelled from the Ukrainian card.

When the news of the fall of Ukraine Card reached the headquarters in Alexandria, Timoshenko, as the commander, slapped the table angrily.

"How did Dobarev become a division commander? He didn't even block the enemy for a day. Does he know that he is giving the enemy a chance? This is a crime."

Fortunately, Timo Xin got angry. In his plan, it only took the 35th Division to block the enemy for one day, and then reinforcements from Kirovograd could arrive, enough to block the Romanian attack. Then he will launch a pincer offensive on the left flank of the new Bouguer to contain the enemy, forcing the enemy to face his head head-on. At this time, he will rely on the strength of his troops and the superiority of artillery to let the Romanians taste the power of the iron fist.

And now with the defeat of the 35th Division, Kirovograd in the rear was exposed to the Romanian troops. More importantly, the 17th Division and 51st Division of the reinforcements were put into a situation where they were unable to advance or retreat.

Although he did not personally experience the power of an armored division on the battlefield, during the Soviet-Polish War, the First Cavalry Group Army where he was at that time was attacked by an armored brigade, and his power is still fresh in his memory.

The retreat of the 35th Division hurt its reinforcements.

As to whether the two divisions can block the enemy's armored division's attack in the wilderness, Brother Timoshing is not at all optimistic. Although he has a battalion of 1 tank in his hand, how could this Renault 17 imitation be the opponent of the opponent's more than ten-ton tanks, and the difference in fire protection between the two can be seen by individuals.

"Then what should we do now? Know that Moscow is still waiting for our good news."

The political commissar couldn't help asking about Timo Xin, but this battle received close attention from above. If the two mess up, no one will have the confidence to face Stalin's stern look.

"Now I can only think of a remedy."

If Timoshenko faced the political commissar, he could only think of remedial measures first. "Send a report to the 17th and 51st Divisions, telling them to deploy in place to resist the upcoming Romanian offensive."

The political commissar couldn't bear it when he heard Timoshing's words. "Whether it is too casual for them to let them deploy on the spot."

"Otherwise? Let them retreat to Kirovograd. Can they run over the wheels on both legs. Rather than being attacked by enemy tanks in the wilderness, it is better to just let them deploy defenses like this. At least it can help Kirovograd first Block one gear."

Brother Timuxin was so compassionate that he was not in control, and immediately made a choice if he didn't look right. Although this is not good for the reinforcements of the two divisions, this is the best way for now. They are all their own subordinates, it's not that there is no way anyone wants them to sacrifice in vain.

"In addition, the 29th and 37th Divisions are ordered to immediately reinforce Kirovograd, and they must arrive before sunset tomorrow."

Timoshenko is now thinking about Kirovograd's defense. The 29th and 37th Divisions are the closest units to Kirovograd. He originally planned to use the two divisions as flanking forces. But now with the fall of Ukraine Card, Kirovograd is threatened by the enemy, and now he can only invest it in Kirovograd to defend this strategically important city.

And Kirovograd must not be occupied by the enemy, otherwise his command will be under threat from the Romanians. At the same time, the enemy will also cut off the railway line from Kiev to the front line.

And his own troops will also be divided into two unconnected parts. Then there is no need to fight this battle, there is no other way but to retreat.

At that time, it has failed Moscow's expectations, and his fate will be unpredictable.

"In addition, they ordered the troops on the front line of Briquets to transfer the 11th Division back to Alexandria, and ordered the 19th Army and the 23rd Army to transfer the two divisions to form a rapid force, and let them rush to Kirovog on a star-and-night flight. Le."

Listening to Brother Timuxin's words, the political commissar on one side couldn't help saying. "Are you afraid that Kirovograd won't be able to keep it?"

The sad-faced brother Timoshenko did not deny it either. "Yes it is."

As a qualified commander-in-chief, Timuxin naturally knew the truth of losing before winning. And this time the 35th Division hasn't blocked the enemy for even a day, so how terrible the opponent's attack power will be. Now he has some lack of confidence in Kirovograd's defensive ability. Although the 29th and 37th divisions are added, there are three divisions defending here, but he still has no confidence.

Following the order of Timoshenko, the Soviet army also made adjustments with the fall of Ukraine.

As for Lieutenant General Hoffman in Ukraine, he was also melancholy by the news.

"In this battle, more than 30 tanks were destroyed. It seems that the armored division's local attack capability is still much worse."

Hoffman sighed while holding the loss list.

"There is no other way. We have actually done a good job. If we change to an infantry division, it will take at least one day."

Guderian on the side interrupted.

At this moment, a staff officer boarded the command vehicle with a note. "Report, the information just got. Our plane found Soviet troops 25 kilometers east of Ukraine's Kas, with a strength of about 20,000."

As soon as something happened, Hoffman took the note immediately. This is a piece of intelligence discovered by a reconnaissance plane, which shows that between Ukraine and Kirovograd, a large number of enemy forces were found to be around 20,000. The reconnaissance plane that found the enemy hovered over its head for a while and then flew to Ukraine and threw the news down with a barrel. So the staff officer who got the news quickly informed Lieutenant General Hoffman of this information.

Hoffman couldn’t help but laugh when he saw this These enemies should be trying to reinforce the Ukrainian card, but we did not expect that we took this place so quickly, which made these people unable to advance or retreat. . "

Guderian also asked with a smile on his face. "Then you won't accept this gift?"

"Why don't you accept it, since Brother Timuxin is so polite, I can't waste the other party's kindness."

Lieutenant Hoffman turned his head and ordered. "Immediately order everyone to end their rest and march towards Kirovograd. Let's go and eat this enemy. In addition, we will send a report to Major General Fergus, the commander of the Fifth Division, asking him to send two regiments of troops to follow our division. Act together."


The Fifth Division was blessed by Hoffman this time, and the whole division got into the car to follow the armored division and acted together. They did a lot in the battle to conquer the Ukrainian card. And this time eating meat, naturally, we can't forget the other party.

Following Hoffman’s order, the armored division took a short break with part of the Fifth Division, and rushed over the Soviet soldiers of the 17th and 51st Divisions who could not get up. I believe this will be a fun and hearty battle. .