Romanian Eagle

Chapter 625: March to Sophia (4)

As Edel entered Bulgaria, the situation reached a climax.

Among them, the opposition party headed by the chairman of the People's Party Bolidoev has severely criticized its entry into Bulgaria. "The monarch of one country entered the territory of another country without permission. This is a violation of Bulgaria’s dignity. The cause of all this is caused by the traitorous party headed by the Social Democratic Party, if it weren’t for them to provoke it. In this dispute, it is impossible to have such a thing."

Then he turned the subject and pointed his gun at the military. "Our army defending the country has nothing to say about this kind of thing. Isn't it true that the army can't ask at all about this, can the army protect national security?"

Faced with Bolidoev's remarks, the military did not respond at all. But Kelsteff, the chairman of the Social Democratic Party, is not at all polite. "I am very disappointed by Bolidoev's remarks, just like the Bulgarian parties that have come to power over the years. They only know how to criticize and only know what to do to their advantage, and they do not take into account the feelings of the people of all classes in Bulgaria.

He is like a high moral person, demanding this and that, but there is no way to deal with the current plight of Bulgaria. Unlike them, I have, I have a way to pull Bulgaria out of the quagmire. Although this approach sounds a bit uncomfortable, it makes it uncomfortable for people with moral and cleanliness like Bolidoev, but it is the best choice for Bulgaria. Then I am willing to work hard for this and do my best to let the Bulgarian people live a good life. "

The scolding war between the two sides still did not stop Edel's advancement. After entering Bulgaria, he passed through Veliko Tarnovo to Pleven. During his stay in Veliko Tarnovo, Edel also met with many local celebrities and politicians, in addition to workers and peasants, he also met many.

And Edel knew very well that being in Veliko Tarnovo was the first step to open up his reputation in Bulgaria, so he smiled at everyone he met and asked him about topics that his visitors were concerned about.

For example, whether your family’s grain harvest is high this year, and whether your family has any difficulties.

Whether the business is good or not this year is mainly because of those aspects that make you feel difficult to do.

These topics not only narrowed the distance between Edel and these people, but also gave him a more intuitive feeling about Bulgaria. After all, the information and reports are just cold words, so how can one understand them face-to-face more thoroughly.

Of course, for the parties that oppose Edel's entry into Bulgaria, every step he takes towards Sofia is a torment for them. So in order to block his pace, Hu naturally uses some other means.

On the road from Veliko Tarnovo to Pleven, a group of people are opposing Edel’s entry into Bulgaria’s flag and are busy setting up roadblocks.

This time, the leader of the operation is from Topkov, the head of the People's Party, who is instructing everyone to set up roadblocks.

"Move that barricade to the road. Others are ready to cut the road. We can't let the Romanian king pass."

At this moment, a young man who had been arranged by him to investigate the situation rushed over with sweating profusely.

Topkov asked, looking at the young man running towards him. "What's wrong with Ge Fulin."

I saw the young man named Ge Fulin shouting at him from a distance. "They are coming soon."

This sentence made Topkov's heart hesitate when he heard it, and he quickly greeted him. "How many people have come and where have they been?"

"I have arrived at Wall Village, less than five kilometers from our side. They drove here. I saw a long convoy that was out of sight. It is estimated that the number of people is at least three thousand."

"How come you come so fast."

Topkoff couldn't help complaining after hearing what Gefflin said. There is no way that in the north, the Bulgarian People’s Party has fewer members than the Social Democratic Party, and there are even fewer people willing to come and do things. This interception operation only started after receiving support, but the reinforcements from the south have not yet arrived, and now they can rely on themselves.

"What should we do, can't we stop it?"

Asking from other people around him made Topkov feel big. He gritted his teeth and said, looking at more than a thousand people in front of him. "Block. Let everyone be prepared, but don't use weapons, we use fists."

Since Topkov said that he wanted to stop, it didn't say that everyone muster the courage to prepare.

Without letting them wait any longer, the team soon appeared in front of everyone. The slogan welcoming Edel to Bulgaria was erected on the long convoy, and it was full of people.

The convoy saw the obstacles on the road and the menacing Topkov and his group in front of them, but they didn't know what they wanted to do.

After the convoy stopped, the supporter of Edel got out of the car. The person in charge of the team couldn't help but laugh when he saw this posture.

"Topkov, you guys want to stop us too, isn't it too trivial."

The person in charge of the team seems to know this Topkov.

"Folkes, you Romanian running dogs actually led wolves into the house, and our People's Party will not bow to them."

Facing Topkoff calling himself a running dog, Fulks was not angry at all.

"It's better than you let the people suffer. If you don't have the ability, you can blame this and blame all the time. You can't solve the problem by yourself, and it's interesting to talk about others. I think your People's Party is just talking about it."

What Fulks said made Topkoff very angry, and he waved his hand without much words. "Bring these Romanian running dogs"

Facing these People's Party people who came to him showed disdain and roared. "Shoot these stubborn people away."

The battle between the two sides started immediately, representing two different concepts but the same Bulgarian team, and a melee began.

It’s so lively when you come and go from both sides, but on the whole it is the Social Democrats with yellow armbands that have the upper hand. After all, if more than 3,000 people beat more than 1,000 people, is there any advantage?

In fact, fighting with fists like this has not been interrupted after Edel entered Bulgaria. Because his arrival made the situation more intensified, but this is important to him. As long as Edel can control Bulgaria, then nothing matters. Therefore, battles like this will continue to happen unless Edel takes complete control of Bulgaria.

So to these people fighting each other, they are fighting together for their own ideals, it seems so...

And the final result, like the current situation in Bulgaria, ended in the victory of the Social Democratic Party.

As for Edel, he successfully entered Pleven under the protection of the guard.