Romanian Eagle

Chapter 651: Cooperation with Jews (Part 1)

Latest website: Of course it is the famous atomic bomb that makes Edel so tempted.

But it is pitiful to say that there are no well-known nuclear physicists in Romania. Einstein, whom Edel had been coveting before, did not know why, and refused to come to Romania.

However, according to the gossip, the history of Romanian anti-Jews led by Edel was known to the Jews. However, this news has not been confirmed, but the fact that Einstein will not come is certain.

Since this great **** is not coming, Edel can only find another way. After Zhang Butcher is dead, does he still have to eat a pig with fur? Then Romania sent invitations to many nuclear physicists, such as Fermi, Heisenberg, and Boll. However, these well-known scientists may not lack funding, or Romania has no status in the scientific community. They refused to face Romania’s invitation. Only two or three kittens responded to Romania’s invitation.

Since these well-known scientists are not tempted by Romania's invitation, they can only dig inside. Fortunately, there are no nuclear physics scientists who are too well-known in Romania. In other respects, Edel has found several. One of the most famous is Schrödinger, who is currently working at the Institute of Advanced Physics in Bucharest. He established wave dynamics on the basis of De Broglie's matter wave theory.

However, although Schrödinger is also a physicist, he cannot preside over nuclear physics research because his profession is not right.

And Edel can only lift himself up from the dwarf and choose the Romanian scientist, Polksba from Buzau.

Become the head of Romania’s nuclear test.

Polksbar once studied at the University of Iasi and then at the University of Munich. He studied quantum mechanics and atomic physics under Arnold Sommerfeld, and then went to the University of Gottingen to continue his studies under the recommendation of his supervisor.

After returning to Romania, I taught at the University of Bucharest and did my own experiments. When Edel was about to conduct a secret nuclear bomb study, he caught the brother of Heisenberg at a glance.

For Polksbar, who is devoted to research, the royal family's support for its own research on atomic physics is simply desirable. Therefore, in the newly established Institute of Atomic Physics, he is responsible for leading the research and development.

However, the research and development process is also full of difficulties, mainly because there is no clear goal. Because the nuclear test that Edel knew was neutron bombardment of uranium 235, how to bombard uranium 235, and the conditions required for the bombardment were completely unknown. It was simply a shame for those who passed through.

Therefore, Polksbar needs to use his knowledge to help Edel fulfill this wish, but unfortunately the wish cannot be finished due to the limitation of technology and ability.

When Edel visited the Institute of Atomic Physics and listened to Polksbar’s report, he had an idea in his mind.

After Edel walked out of the Institute of Atomic Physics, he called the chief guard. "Send a message to the Jewish National Congress and say I want to meet them."

No way, the current progress in Romania's nuclear research is too slow, and Edel wants to speed up the progress. Romania’s own scientific strength alone is not enough, and foreign aid must be sought. The best foreign aid is the Jewish National Congress.

Since the failure of the Jewish uprising in 135 AD, Jews have been expelled from Jerusalem and even Palestine, and exiled to all parts of the world.

The wandering for thousands of years has caused many unfair treatments to the Jewish community. This also has a lot to do with the culture and religion at that time.

In the 16th century, Don Joseph Nasi had already tried to restore the Jewish state through the power of the Ottoman Empire.

After the wave of anti-Semitism appeared in Russia, France, and Germany in the 1880s and 1990s, Zionist thoughts and movements formed.

In 1882, Russian Odessa Jewish doctor L. Pinskell said: "People discriminate against Jews because we are not a country. The only solution to this problem is to establish a Jewish state."

At the same time, a Zionist organization appeared in Russia, and organized Jewish immigration to Palestine began.

A key event that initiated modern Zionism was the Dreyfus incident in France in 1894. The Jews were deeply shaken by the anti-Semitism incident in the country they considered the birthplace of freedom and enlightenment.

One of the witnesses of this incident was Theodore Herzl, a Jewish Austrian. In a pamphlet called "The Jewish State" published by him in 1896, he described this incident as a turning point-before the Dreyfus incident, Herzl was an anti-Zionist; in the incident Later he became a ardent follower of Zionism.

In 1897, Herzl convened the first Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland. The conference established the World Zionist Organization (WZO) and elected Herzl as the first chairman of this organization.

The "World Zionism Program" adopted by the conference stipulates that the goal of Zionism is to establish a Jewish home for the Jewish nation in Palestine, which is guaranteed by public law.

Zionists believe that Jews scattered around the world who speak different languages ​​belong to the same ethnic group and should not be merged and assimilated with other ethnic groups. The main way to solve the Jewish problem is not to eliminate the class root causes of anti-Semitism, but to separate from non-Jews and establish a separate country.

This goal can be achieved by obtaining the support of the suzerain country and other major powers and financial aid from wealthy Jews, and constantly emigrating to a certain region, without the consent of the residents of the colonial region (the Palestinians).

However, in fact, the reason why the Jews occupied Palestine was that their ancestors lived in Palestine. But this is not the reason why the Jews own Palestine, because when a nation owns a piece of land for more than 50 years, he owns it.

While the Arabs have lived in Palestine for thousands of years, the main body of Jews has left Palestine, and they are no longer the main nation of Palestine.

At the end of the nineteenth century, Jews began to immigrate to Palestine, when the area was under the jurisdiction of the Ottoman Turk Empire. At the end of the First World War in 1918, the Ottoman Turk Empire collapsed and Britain took control of the area. With the permission of the British government, the immigration of Jews to the region accelerated, mainly from Eastern Europe, especially from the Soviet Union.

At that time, there were more than 1.2 million Arabs in Palestine, accounting for more than two-thirds of the total population. However, the Arab states in the partition resolution only account for 43% of the total area of ​​Palestine. What is even more intolerable for the Arabs is that the territories of the Arab countries are fragmented and disconnected, most of which are hills and barren areas.

The Jewish state is not the case. Although there are only 600,000 Jews, less than one-third of the total population, its territory accounts for 57% of the total area of ​​Palestine. Most of it is located in the coastal zone, with fertile land and abundant water resources. Therefore, Arabs have the right to oppose the resolution because it is unfair in itself.

This is also the reason why Romania does not support the Jews. It is not that Edel's sympathy is overflowing. Rather, Romania has a strong idea about the Middle East, and the Arabs who occupy an absolute number must not be offended. Therefore, Romania has not expressed any opinions on matters in the region before.

But now, seeing that nuclear research has not been able to achieve breakthroughs, and Edel decided that he must push it. Then there is no better choice than the restoration conference where the Jews have sufficient prestige. No matter how big the proportion of Jews is in the scientific world, Edel can only survive the difficulties first.

Edel's request was quickly passed to the Jewish Restoration Council through various channels.

The news that Edel hopes to contact him ~ ~ is also very important to the board of directors leading his organization. At present, only the British government has given limited support, and although the UK has agreed to settle Jews in Palestine, it only gives 10,000 people a year.

It needs to be clarified here that although the British government supports the settlement of Jews in Palestine, in order to appease the emotions of the local Arabs, there are many restrictions on Jews who settle in the area.

Although the Jews have money, money cannot buy everything. The current economic downturn in the world has caused great headaches for governments in various countries. In order to avoid increasing public dissatisfaction with the government, all countries have consciously directed their dissatisfaction to the Jews. Leading to the prevalence of anti-Semitism in Europe and the United States in various countries.

In Europe alone, attacks on Jews are more than twice as high as in the 1920s. Most of the victims were ordinary Jews.

So don't look at the Jews who seem to be doing well in the future generations, but at the moment Jews can only protect themselves as much as possible.

Therefore, the Jewish Council attaches great importance to the invitation of King Edel of Romania. Without letting Edeldo wait, an important member of the organization boarded the ship to Romania.