Romanian Eagle

Chapter 707: Empty page

Unlike the aircraft carrier, the warplane ship is more rough and fleshy, and to put it simply, it is more difficult to sink, so Romania chose to give priority to the counterattack.

This battle cruiser is the second prestigious ship. It is an old ship built in 1915, but although it is an old ship, it still has a speed of 30 knots. The Romanian Navy is very clear about the role of such a fast battle cruiser. With the development of new technologies, the current naval battles require more and more speed. Nowadays, new warships do not have a speed above 28 knots. You are embarrassed to say hello.

Therefore, the priority of Counterattack in the attack plan is higher than the two Nelson-class battleships (Nelson and Rodney).

In the face of the Romanian air attack, Captain Paden of the Counterattack was struggling to direct his officers and soldiers to counterattack.

Colonel Paden stayed on the warship because he had something to do last night, and after the air defense alarm went off today, he was the only captain in the battleship.

"Except for the air defense and damage management team, everyone else immediately went to carry the air defense ammunition, hurry!"

"Ask Dolar, how long will it take for his power pack to get this boat moving? We can't stay here. Damn it, can't they hurry up?"

"It takes half an hour, why doesn't he go jumping into the sea! Tell him I can't wait, no one can wait! Only fifteen minutes, I don't care what he uses, we must make the boat move!"

"Pay attention to the two bombers on the right. Let the anti-aircraft fire at positions 4-7 prioritize firing at them."

Although the anti-aircraft firepower of the Counterattack is impressive under the command of Colonel Paden to his best, its inability to move is its biggest weakness.

However, several attacks immediately reduced the anti-aircraft firepower of the Counterattack. The 8 4.5-inch anti-aircraft guns it is equipped with have lost 6 of them, and the 24 40mm anti-aircraft guns (12 in two sets) have lost 18 of them. In the face of the counterattack whose firepower was greatly reduced, the H57 torpedo would naturally not let it go. I saw 12 torpedo planes, pounced at them from 11 o'clock, 9 o'clock, and 7 o'clock respectively.

"Attention! Torpedo machine!"

Seeing such a sight, Colonel Paden let out a heart-piercing shout to remind his officers and soldiers.

Of course, the only remaining air defense gun officers and soldiers will not turn a blind eye to this, and the anti-aircraft guns that can be qualified will naturally not turn a blind eye to this. Immediately pointed the sight at the incoming torpedo and fired fiercely. The tongue of flame from the muzzle showed that the shooter had reached the limit of the rate of fire.

It was the third squadron of torpedo planes of the Bormiku aircraft carrier. Under the leadership of the squadron captain, Captain Ledley, they launched a fatal blow to the war patrol that had been threatened. The anti-aircraft shells that kept exploding around did not make them feel intimidated.

Before flying the torpedo, they had already put life and death out of the question. Without this courage, don't operate the torpedo machine known as the Widowmaker. This sentence is not only talking about yourself but also talking about the enemy.

I saw Captain Ledley commanding the release of the torpedo.

"Everyone stay steady, don't worry, the opponent is already a dead fish. We need to enter the best attack distance. The Counter Strike belongs to our squadron, and no one can take away the honor belonging to our third squadron."

As he cheered, rushing approval came from the microphone.

"Yes, head!"


"Our third squadron is the best, let others envy it!"

Although Ledley gave his team courage, how could there be no casualties? As they got closer to the Counterattack, the anti-aircraft firepower from other warships was also taking care of them. The light cruisers Water God and Sirius beside the Counterattack were trying their best to use their firepower to help the Counterattack.

Faced with such firepower, they continued to save on the counterattack.


A torpedo plane was hit by an anti-aircraft shell, which instantly detonated the torpedo under the belly of the plane, and the entire plane turned into a ball of sparks.


Another torpedo machine was broken by a cannonball wing and plunged into the sea.

This short distance, like the road to death, caused Ledley's squadron to be attrition one after another. The last moment was still chatting and laughing, and the next moment was separated from life and death.

The thrilling and short road to death finally came to an end, and the indicator light for the torpedo dropped finally turned green.

Ledley gave the order immediately. "Drop torpedoes."

Following his order, 9 aerial torpedoes were thrown into the sea. The fuselage was much lighter, and the nine torpedo planes immediately accelerated their escape. It's one thing to die, it's another to die.

Within a few seconds, only 7 torpedo lines were seen heading straight to the counterattack (two of them sank to the bottom).

At this time, the Counterattack and the two light cruisers no longer care about the departing aircraft. All the firepower is used to deal with the seven white lines, and every shooter who operates the weapon is firing. The violent metal storm soon came with the results, only to see an explosion in the water, and only 6 of the 7 white lines were left.

And this result inspired the hearts of everyone present, but this pair is their only result. Six torpedoes swooped close to the counterattack at a speed of 45 knots, which caused the officers to shout. "Prepare for collision avoidance."

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Five consecutive explosions made everyone on the counterattack feel violent shaking. The explosion of the sky and the earth tore the weak hull of the Counterattack into four gaps several meters in size, and the turbulent sea immediately poured in. With such a dangerous situation, the loss management team is powerless to do anything about it. More importantly, one of the torpedoes hit the stern of the hull, and the sea water poured into the power room, which made everyone's efforts smashed.

Moreover, the attack by four torpedoes was an unbearable damage to the Counterattack, and the influx of sea water made the hull tilt up quickly. And this made Captain Paden's heart stunned. Sure enough, the first mate's report did not meet his expectations.

"The The damage management team reported that they can no longer stop the influx of sea water, and the warship is expected to sink soon."

In the face of his first mate, Paden could no longer support him, and saw that he supported him with his hands to avoid falling, and issued the last command to him. "Immediately convey our order, and all officers and men will abandon the ship immediately."

After speaking, Paden patted the first officer on the shoulder. "Run for your life, Roniel, thank you for your help over the years."

Chief Ronier knew what his captain wanted to do, but he had no right to stop it. I saw him pay the last military salute to his captain.

"It is an honor for me to work with your Excellency these years."

After Captain Paden gave the order to abandon the ship, the officers and soldiers of the Counterattack left in traffic boats or other ships. As for Colonel Paden, he tied himself in the captain's room.

The huge sore caused the Counterattack to sink very quickly, which also made the Counterattack the first British battle cruiser to lose.

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