Romanian Eagle

~: I hope book friends can see

This month, I bet with book friends who love white prostitution and update one hundred chapters to reward a leader.

I know that some readers will say that your guarantee is bad, and I won't believe you anymore. I do not deny this, I was too useless before, and most of the readers left sadly. I don’t want to say I’m sorry anymore. After all, it’s useless to say too many things. Look at the performance, can I update the hundred chapters this month.

The current progress is to update from Chapter 402 to Chapter 409, and then five chapters need to be updated every day. (It's only eight chapters, it's really a waste)

In addition, I would like to say to the readers who have been chasing my book: Thank you, you are chasing a book by a salted fish author so hard. (For me, I won't chase it a long time ago)

In addition, I would like to say something to the first lord of the book, Tian Ruo W: Regardless of whether you believe it or not, Sultan, I am wrong, and I have let down your reward.

I hope you can see what I said. Regardless of whether you are looking at the genuine or pirated version, as long as you can read this sentence, I will be content.

Stay in the early morning of June 11.