Rose with Snow

Chapter 54

"Special task: Help Huai Xu solve the situation of Er Gong's stage!

The timing of the system's mission announcement was very clever, and it was stuck when Song Yingshi was stunned.

She was called back to God by the voice in her head, and her eyes moved, and it fell on her and Huaixu's entangled hands.

Huai Xu's palm pressed on the back of her hand, softly squeezing out a warm breath, and the sensuality flicked between collisions.

On the palm of her hand, Huai Xu's fingers fell into her fingers, intertwined and offset, with a sense of lingering for no reason.

But Huai Xu's movements were full of control, and her knuckles pressed against her webbed fingers, like hooks attached to a flexible fishing net, leading Song Yingshi's fingers to her goal—

A sea area the size of a fingernail wet Song Yingshi's fingertips.

She bent the first knuckle subconsciously, and the finger pads brushed lightly from the smooth mirror surface.

Song Yingshi took a step back, but Huaixu's expression in the mirror did not change.

Song Yingshi stopped looking at her, avoided the area where the mirror frame entered, and turned around and walked out:

"follow me."

It was easy to find an empty classroom in the Baita at night. There were many trainees before, but now the classrooms are concentrated on the second floor. Song Yingshi took Huai Xu to the idle seventh floor.

There were only the two of them on the entire floor, and even the cameras were dismantled.

Entering a classroom casually, Song Yingshi turned on the lights and the air conditioner, opened the window to let some air out, and turned to look at Huaixu, who followed.

At this moment, Huai Xu just closed the door with a click.

Huaixu walked in from the door. She was wearing a light brown camisole and dark gray trousers, which highlighted her superior body proportions.

Song Yingshi's eyes stayed on her trousers for a second or two longer before moving away.

Huaixu took the initiative: "What do you need me to do?"

She originally thought that Song Yingshi would watch the dance of "Lights On" several times to find out the crux of the problem, but it doesn't seem to be the case now.

Since entering the classroom, Song Yingshi's face has become serious.

It seems that she is no longer facing close friends, but standing in a solemn classroom with students, and her bright and beautiful body is transformed into a strong beauty under the strong aura.

Standing in front of Huai Xu, Song Yingshi didn't give the slightest reply to Huai Xu's Liu Fuping, Mengmeng and Ba Ciniu.

She frowned, and her voice was quiet and powerful:

"Huai Xu, remember what I said below. I need your full attention, and your body and mind must respond to me."

"There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this, you do what you want."

Huai Xu nodded: "Okay."

Song Yingshi's eyes were fixedly fixed on Huaixu, that kind of focused gaze was very heavy, and Huaixu's breath was pressed down.

Song Yingshi emphasized his tone:

"You have to relax, put down your guard, and hand you over to me, can you do it?"

This time, Huai Xu was silent.

Song Yingshi approached, pinned her hair, and said in a softer voice, "Okay, it's just the two of us here, no one else will come, I promise."

Huai Xu grabbed Song Yingshi's hand that was resting on her cheek, met Song Yingshi's eyes, and said for a long time:


Song Yingshi reassured her with a smile: "What you have to do is simple, take it easy."

When the words were over, she put away her smile and officially entered the theme: "Now, imagine that you are a seed."

"Imagine you are a seed about to sprout, a small, round one."

Accompanied by Song Yingshi's calm narration without other emotions, Huaixu's chest rose and fell steadily, and she slowly closed her eyes in the sound of regular breathing.

a seed.

She made a mistake and sat down on the spot, her arms crossed her knees, huddled tightly into a ball, her head buried in the circle formed by the arms. This closed posture reassured her.

If she were a seed, she would lie in the dirt, hugging herself like a baby curled up in her mother's womb. as it is now.

"The ground around you is drying up and cracking, squeezing your shell."

Huai Xu's shoulder blades tensed downward, as if a heavy object had fallen on her shoulders. In the darkness, her breathing followed rapidly, and her tongue began to dry as if she was thirsty.

"It's raining and you feel something beckoning you. You want to break through the shell and the soil and see the outside world."

"You made it through the shells and dirt, around the stones, and you sprouted. It was the first time you basked in the sun and smelled the wind. You were so happy that you wanted to grow taller.

"You don't know the meaning and end of growth, but growth itself is enough for you to be happy."


Song Yingshi stood in the classroom. The words she spit out were the silk threads that affected Huai Xu's every move, and Huaixu was like a beautiful puppet that was relaxed and precise, expressing the emotions she conveyed.

She grew from a seed squatting on the ground into a tree with a stretched figure, and the rain fell, and Huaixu raised her eyebrows with joy. When the crisis came, Huaixu was in pain and nervous.

The emotions that are usually suppressed under the ice surface are surging upwards with the waves, constantly impacting, testing, falling like a torrential rain, and then setting off higher waves.

Song Yingshi carefully observed her state. When Huai Xu completed the thirteenth command, Song Yingshi's brows slightly loosened and she said with satisfaction:

"Open your eyes, but don't change your state."

Huai Xu, who was standing in front of Song Yingshi, had an obvious change from Huai Xu who had just entered the classroom.

There was solid frozen ice between the previous eyebrows, but now Huaixu's expression has melted.

Although she still has a sense of distance from her lingering face, her state is much more relaxed and soft.

To achieve the initial goal, Song Yingshi gave Huaixu some time to slow down, she said:

"This is the first lesson of being an actor, liberating one's nature."

What is liberating nature? To put it simply, it is some small exercises or small activities that allow students or actors who are exposed to performance training to release themselves and not be so tense.

Just like what Song Yingshi asked Huai Xu to do, it is a kind of plant growth exercise, which dynamically simulates the process of plant growth.

But Song Yingshi asked Huai Xu to do it, not to let her learn to act, but...

"When we come into this world, we will learn moral rules, discipline ourselves, and form order. We learn not to cheat, stay away from open flames, be civilized and polite, and keep in shape..."

"We don't discuss right or wrong, we only talk about facts - all rules and awareness constrain human nature. Of course, nature does not mean right. The first step in learning to perform is to learn to break through self-limitation and explore more possibilities."

Song Yingshi looked directly at Huai Xu and said softly, "Now I want to know, what rules have you made for yourself? What's blocking you?"

What makes you prefer long pants and long skirts? What makes you self-block, forever alienated, not pouring out your style in front of everyone? There is always a source for all this.

She has seen Huaixu as cold as a fairy, untouched by the world, and she has also seen Huaixu with a variety of styles and desires.

But no one else could see Huaixu's second appearance.

Huai Xu's body froze.

Only then did she realize that the hotbed that had just let her relax, following Song Yingshi's words, somehow turned into an airtight cover, covering her head.

Liu Ling, who was usually fooled by a few words, could not allow her to escape at this time. She pointed directly at the center of gravity, and the sharp sword tip finally showed its edge, and it had quietly pressed against her heart.

Song Yingshi took a step closer. She was a little shorter than Huaixu, but she seemed to be looking down at him. She saw Huaixu's soul trembling in her body, like a tame and restless lamb.

Song Yingshi held her arm soothingly, under the collision of reason and emotion, she still couldn't bear it and lost to the heartache:

"I don't want to say it, I want to say it later, and then tell me. I'm all here."

Huaixu smiled bitterly and whispered, "I can't remember."

She can't remember. The cause of self-blocking should be very far away. Memories mottled by time are like a brick wall full of creepers, and nothing can be seen clearly.

Song Yingshi was very willing to believe her, she gently stroked Huaixu's long hair, her movements revealed silent soothing, and said:

"Don't think about it yet."

Song Yingshi held her up, and at this time, her topic changed to:

"You are very good at using the emotional expression in the song, but your dance, that is, your physical expression, is not enough. On the one hand, you block the energy in your body, and on the other hand, you do not change the desire of the audience."

Song Yingshi said seriously: "Huai Xu, what are you thinking about when you dance?"

Huaixu said, "Complete the stage."

She doesn't care about the audience and only expresses what she wants to express.

Huaixu has always been like this, Song Yingshi was not surprised.

"Your ambition should be bigger. Dancing is something that warms people up. In your heart, you must have the ambition to conquer the other side."

Song Yingshi pointed her finger at Huaixu's heart, and she conveyed her belief to Huaixu without distraction:

"Don't hold back your desires."

After Song Yingshi finished speaking, she hugged her chest and took two steps back. She sat on a chair in the corner and said, "Think about it and start dancing. If you can use dancing to make me warm, even if you graduate."

Huai Xu stood quietly in the center of the classroom, and the night wind swept through, swaying her clothes and hair.

For a time, she thought of her future self in the clip. She has acquired the foundation of dancing from somewhere, but she has never seen the future Huaixu dance.

That Huaixu, is there Song Yingshi by her side? If not, how did she break free from the shackles?

There was no need for anyone to explain it, she naturally understood that without Song Ying, she would still have herself, she had only herself.

Huaixu was once again immersed in the inner world.

Song Yingshi waited patiently, facing Huaixu, she would always have ample patience and tolerance.

Finally, she saw Huai Xu move. Huaixu's dance moves are impeccable, Song Yingshi only cares about her emotional expression.

In the heart-stopping movements, Song Yingshi could see Huaixu's face and eyes clearly.

Finally, she is no longer a flirtatious, but also shelved Huaxu, her eyes swelled with wild hope that devoured people's hearts, and the brilliance in her eyes was the fireworks of the world, gorgeous and scorching hot.

She can continue to be glamorous, and she also learns to step on the throne on the stage and despise the soul she controls. She danced charmingly and affectionately, swirling her body like a wave, but she didn't care much about the monstrous waves she set off.

Huaixu raised her eyes, she only had one audience, but that person stood on the shore and looked at her.

For a while, Huaixu was a little angry, she did not allow Song Yingshi to be alone.

The scalding wave carrying the will splashed down, and Song Yingshi fell unsteadily into the whirlpool.

Ups and downs, dazzling.

until the dance is over.

Huai Xu took a deep breath and felt hot all over, she strode forward, knelt in front of Song Yingshi on one knee, and looked up at her only audience.

Song Yingshi's breathing was also a little short, her eyes were filled with blurred and excited water, and her cheeks were slightly red.

Huaixu didn't say a word, her palm pressed against Song Yingshi's cheek, and her thumb brushed the rosy color under her eyes, bringing the two faces closer together.

Her voice was hoarse:

"Mr. Song."

Song Ying responded subconsciously.

Huaixu in front of her finished calling this, stopped for a while, and smiled in front of her, showing a scorching beauty:

"Are you hot?"

Time stood still at this moment, Song Yingshi's heart skipped a beat.

On June 23, four mentors came to the White Pagoda to start the recording of the mentor's small class.

Tutors have two activities, one group of Shi Shuyao and Zheng Qiyi, one group of visiting class A classroom, one group of Ren Qian and Duan Mi, one group of visiting class B group classroom.

Song Yingshi felt a little relieved when she learned that the tutors were in such a group. Shi Shuyao liked Huaixu very much, and her status was over Zheng Qiyi. With her watching, there would be no forgiveness on Huaixu's side.

As Song Yingshi expected, Zheng Qiyi had no chance at all.

After he came to the White Pagoda, Mr. VJ followed him all the way and entered the classroom of the "Lights On" group, and beside him was Shi Shuyao, who was very optimistic and caring for Huai Xu.

Moreover, before coming here, the agent took the trouble to stress that he finally managed to restore some image, and stop provoking Huai Xu under the camera, so as to avoid the rumor that the teacher maliciously targeted a certain trainee, which would not affect him well.

The previous events had an obvious impact on him. He had seen Yigong's finished films, and there were almost no single shots of him.

Taking this into consideration, Zheng Qiyi held back his anger, restrained his temper, and watched the stage show of the practice room version of the "Lights On" group together with Shi Shuyao.

As the captain, Huai Xu said, "Please give your opinion from the two teachers."

Shi Shuyao ordered Quan Yuanyuan and Qiu Zhixin, and talked about their singing and dancing, breath control and eloquence.

After that, I mainly encouraged everyone, and gave everyone a lot of anger, and finally said to Huai Xu:

"Compared to the first time I saw you, you are very good now, and the whole person has let go. This state must be maintained."

Huai Xu raised her eyebrows and bowed: "Thank you, teacher."

When it was Zheng Qiyi's turn, he looked away from Huaixu, swept over the others, and finally settled on Wan Jiao, C:

"I think the C position of your group can be replaced."

Wan Jiao was stunned for a moment, obviously taken aback: "Teacher, I want to hear your opinion."

Zheng Qiyi pointed out a few shortcomings of the dance connection: "I don't think you can dance well enough. Maybe you should give up your position to someone who is more suitable for it."

Zheng Qiyi didn't say who it was, but his eyes seemed to drift to Huaixu, and he smiled slightly:

"Of course, this is just a proposal."

After suffering the loss last time, Zheng Qiyi was much more peaceful this time. He thought about it, in the final analysis, if he wanted to get Huaixu, he might as well give her some sweetness first.

He helped Huai Xu not only to get Huai Xu's thanks, but also to let her understand that as a mentor, he is worthy of reliance, not these competitors who are also trainees.

When Zheng Qiyi thought of Song Ying on the initial rating, a shadow flashed between his eyebrows.

After returning from the initial rating, he also thought about whether he had offended some noble person unintentionally, but he couldn't find it. Then he learned that this year's Chunye strictly guarded against evil spirits, and only then did he know what taboo he had committed.

But this time, he was a frank conspiracy—

In the same group, Huai Xu was stronger than Wan Jiao, and no one could make a mistake.

Zheng Qiyi's words fell, no matter what he thought in his heart, the trainees looked at each other and tried to manage their expressions, but the corners of their eyes and lips still showed an incredible look. this teacher okay?

Today is the third day of practice, and it's not the last day of rehearsal with make-up. Tiliu Ring Shuoyu said that if they didn't practice well, they would just change to C?

Once two people change C, it is equivalent to practicing the action from scratch. I will not talk about whether it can be practiced. It is not necessary, right?

Huai Xu's face lightened: "Thank you, teacher, but as the captain, I think we can improve our parts in the remaining time to present a better stage."

Since Huai Xu expressed her position, the other team members received the signal, Shan Silan was more direct: "Wan Jiao has only practiced for three and a half days, not three months, teacher."

Quan Yuanyuan pulled Shan Silan, who had a "fuck" face, and said quickly: "Thank you, teacher, let's discuss it in the group."

Zheng Qiyi saw that Huai Xu was not appreciative, but thought it was unbelievable, Huai Xu was so unmotivated?

He clicked his tongue and was about to say something when other voices came from the door.

Duan Mi and Ren Qian walked in one after another, with the trainees on the opposite side behind them.

Duan Mi: "We're going to the next group, are you finished?"

The instructors on both sides started visiting the class at the same time, and the progress was similar.

After watching "Can't Hide", Ren Qian and Duan Mi stopped by to take a look at the other side, and when Song Yingshi heard about it, they came to visit.

Ren Qian is more careful, seeing that the atmosphere is not right, the buck collapses and the proud sedan is full of freshness. Is it unqualified? "

Shi Shuyao said: "Mr. Zheng said that it is recommended that their C position be replaced by Huaixu, and everyone is unwilling."

This proposal cannot be said to be very reasonable, but there is also Zheng Qiyi's own basis, and Shi Shuyao did not interfere much. The newcomer Ren Qian and Duan Mi had a similar idea, and the home court was given to Zheng Qiyi.

Zheng Qiyi found the feeling of being in control of the audience and said, "I'm a mentor, and I have the responsibility to give advice. If you don't want to listen, I can't help it, just follow you."

These words are high above, the green tea smell is very strong, and it is full of helplessness that he gave advice with good intentions, but the students contradicted the teacher's willfulness.

In this case, unless Huaixu and the others collectively admit their mistakes and agree to change C, it will be futile to justify anything.

At the door, the collective fist of "Can't Avoid" became hard.

Why change to C? The parties are not willing, why are you fighting here, why are you still forcing people to change parts?

Wan Jiao also works very hard every day. She knows that she is not the strongest in the group, so she trains very hard and is often the last one to leave.

Even's true that mentors have a high status in the show, but...but the "Lights On" group is their opponent, and only they can bully them!

As a senior second-generation star, Hu Wan is not afraid of the male popularity of the coffee rank not as good as her mother's. He is very serious: "Teacher, why did you let them change to the C position?"

Zheng Qiyi knew Hu Wan's identity and said politely, "Wan Jiao's training is not ideal."

Hu Wan said: "Teacher, are you satisfied with the C position in other classrooms?"

Zheng Qiyi's smile froze.

It's only the third day, how can you be satisfied everywhere? Along the way, the tutors have put forward a lot of suggestions to C position.

Tao Qin snorted: "Does it mean that all C positions have to be replaced?"

Zeng Fu whispered: "We were guided by Teacher Ren and Teacher Duan, and the two teachers didn't say anything."

Bai Yuzhou stroked his chest and smiled softly: "I can't compare to Wan Jiao's progress, I feel ashamed. Fortunately, Teacher Zheng let me go."

Tang Panbo rolled his eyes: "Mr. Zheng, do you want to help us read it again? You can be strict when you see it, and we want you to check it out."

The girls started talking, sentence after sentence, not even a needle could be inserted, which fully demonstrated the tacit understanding they had developed as teammates. .

These winless trainees team up to "revolt", but what can he say?

Before Chunye started broadcasting, his agent urged thousands of people, saying that there are a few people in the show group not to offend and get along well.

The first one to mention is Hu Wan, who has just started talking, the second generation of a well-known star, with a good mother behind him.

Following him, Bai Yuzhou, whose family is well-connected in the entertainment industry, is also a florist. Tang Panbo, an opera family, has deep connections in the Beijing circle. Zeng Fu seems to be quiet and easy to bully, but Zheng Qiyi's agent told her that she couldn't offend this, and her brother was so **** good.

Counting over and over, among the people who spoke, Tao Qin was the only soft persimmon, and let Zheng Qiyi do it!

Isn't it just to change to the C position, they are not even in this group, what are they doing?

Zheng Qiyi couldn't figure out how things turned out like this, but after suffering a secret loss last time, Zheng Qiyi was much more cautious, pulled the corners of his lips, and forced a smile:

"I'm just making an offer, if you don't want to, that's fine."

Instructor backs down!

The trainees looked at each other without showing their faces and cheered in their hearts.

Song Yingshi watched quietly, her eyes became colder and colder, she raised her lips, but there was no warmth in her smile, she said lazily:

"That's what Mr. Zheng said, and you take it seriously. But teacher, people are always responsible for their own behavior, are you right?"

Zheng Qiyi had to turn his attention to Song Yingshi.

Song Yingshi stood among a group of trainees, faintly showing the demeanor of a leader of the crowd. At this moment, there was an intimidating light in her eyes, and the corners of her lips that suddenly flattened were like a warning, cold to the bone.

It was difficult to think about how a trainee who was under 20 could have such aura in his eyes, Zheng Qiyi's heart palpitated, and an inexplicable trembling climbed up his spine, all the way to the back of his head, breaking out in cold sweat.

"I... let's go to the next classroom first."

Zheng Qiyi was flustered, unable to figure out how this situation came into being, and subconsciously escaped first.

Zheng Qiyi finally did not insist on changing the C position, and other tutors naturally had no objection.

When Zheng Qiyi passed by Song Yingshi, Song Yingshi suddenly laughed, and Zheng Qiyi's feet froze.

As if inadvertently, Song Yingshi's eyes swept to Huai Xu, she gave Huaixu a reassuring smile, and at the same time whispered to Zheng Qiyi:

"You annoyed me again."

The tutors were halfway through their visit, and took a break in the middle. The recording stopped. Song Yingshi asked the staff to get a mobile phone and contacted Li Yining.

With the studio, she doesn't need to come forward for many things, and Li Yining will negotiate on her behalf.

When Song Yingshi left, everyone was comforting Wan Jiao.

Wan Jiao has been very stable in front of the camera just now, and when the tutor leaves, she is also very stable:

"It's okay, it's okay, the tutor is just a suggestion, and I will practice hard later."

Tao Qin: "What sister, you are so much older than us, pretending to be mature every day."

Shan Silan: "If you don't cry now, crying later will delay my practice."

Hu Wan stood on tiptoe and hugged her softly: "Sister, I'll bury my shoulders for you."


Huai Xu pressed her shoulders, her voice sweet and sweet: "No matter where we are, we are a team. No matter whether we win or lose, we share the responsibility and don't be under pressure."

Wan Jiao was able to hold back at first, but as her friends and teammates said each sentence, she was finally comforted and affirmed by Huai Xu. Her nose suddenly became sore, her eyes were wet, and she hugged Hu Wan and cried loudly:

"Why the **** I can't do it anymore, I'm good at it! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuah well, my sister didn't skip anything, just give me two more days} hihh... he's awesome, I see Isn't his dancing video just boar ranting—"

Yan Ran: "Oh, it's over! It's over-scolding!"

Bai Yuzhou immediately looked at Teacher VJ and politely said, "Teacher, has this paragraph been deleted? You should go out first, thank you teacher."

Zeng Fu silently pulled out the camera.

Everyone was relieved and continued to coax Wan Jiao:

"Don't cry, don't cry, you are the queen, don't bow your head, the crown will fall, don't cry, fools will laugh."

"He is a jerk. If he wants to pick things up, ignore him."

Wan Jiao: "It's so nice to have you..."

Song Yingshi just came back when the Northeast Earth Queen stopped her pearl necklace-like tears and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

She touched Wan Jiao's head,

"What about Huaixu?"

Everyone counted the heads and realized that, at some point, Huai Xu had left the classroom.

For some reason, Song Yingshi had a strange premonition, and went straight to Junsi.

The lady in the hall: "Oh, I saw it, Huai Xu and Teacher Zheng went to talk."

Song Yingshi: ?

The author has something to say: "Diary of a Straight Daughter": June 23, rain, oh, women don't have a good thing, neither does ntxl. Went to wash my hair.