Roulette World

v4 Chapter 1638: Doubles (on)

The two people pointed to by Xiao Zhengtai took two steps forward and stood on the edge of the ring, as if they had been waiting there long ago.

There was no expression on their faces and no response to Xiao Zhengtai.

It's just that Xiaozheng Tai Adam didn't care. He just looked at the Genting side with a little excitement, as if he was dreaming about the victory, and how to take the five-level reward.

Ye Zhongming and Genting have doubts about this little Zhengtai.

He feels like...playing.

Yes, it is not serious.

How can a boss become a boss without even sacrificing his life?

In fact, as a leader of a team in the last days, it is indeed necessary to plunder the interests of his people, but this does not mean that he can be squandered and hunted in the forest. Even if you are a nine-star evolutionist, you can’t kill or sacrifice at will. Silly people will leave you.

In addition, the roulette space of the mountain king disk, or all other roulette space and even the end of the roulette, is like a game, which every survivor knows, but as long as the spirit is normal, there is no madness. Evolvers will not really regard this as a game, because once they fail, there will be no chance of re-starting.

This Xiaozheng Tai Adam is different. He feels like playing a game. As long as he wins, he can ignore everything else.

Ye Zhongming didn't know if this was his own illusion or how, but he really felt this way.

"Please ask the Genting Mountain side to choose the warrior."

The space began to prompt Genting people to play.

The militant Xia Bai did not move unexpectedly. If you think about it, you will understand.

Ye Zhongming must be playing for the rest of the single game, she has no chance. Naturally, the beast game is also eliminated. The rest are the doubles and fives.

Xia Bai's fighting style is not suitable for cooperation. In this world, only Ye Zhongming can make her willing to cooperate, so if she plays in the double match, it is not very suitable. The five-player game is different. Xia Bai can act as the arrow at the strongest point, and the other four people cooperate with each other.

Xia Bai can't go up, Ye Zhongming can't go up. Among the remaining people, the strongest is Xiao Min and another deputy captain of the Red Makeup Guard, Dai Zhi.

Xiao Min grew up to be the actual commander of the Red Makeup Guard, Dai Zhi's help is indispensable. The latter is also the third-ranked commander when Xia Bai or Xiao Min are no longer.

The two people usually cooperate with each other, and they are very good at each other. They are both eight-star evolutions and have enough strength. It is most suitable as a player in this game.

Ye Zhongming nodded in agreement and the two entered the light and shadow ring that opened a light door. Behind them, they followed the two war beasts.

The imprisonment of war beasts has now been temporarily unlocked. After all, there will be war beasts.

After the two sides entered the light and shadow ring, this beautiful energy structure was closed again, and the surroundings became darker, which became the focus here.

"Toilia!" the man on the Hidden Snake said coldly.

"Melfis!" the woman around said the same.

It's just that their seemingly polite behavior has become more like a demonstration or contempt because of their expressions.

Because no one saw a trace of other emotions in their expressions, some just didn’t care.

Such a person either cares about others extremely, or cares about themselves extremely.

In short, don't care about life.

Although the last days are all cruel and hard-working people, it is true that they don't care about life, but they are actually only a few.

"The doubles countdown begins, 10, 9,..."

As the sound of space sounded, Xiao Min and Dai Zhi's war beasts began to activate their abilities.

Xiao Min’s fighting beasts are of the fighting type. They are called red and white Simba, and their big name is the demented two-color lion. They are now a seven-level level. They can usually be used as mounts. When fighting, they not only have the agility of mutant cats. , Strength, sharpness and all other characteristics, can also issue some skills that affect the mental state of the evolver, is a good combat partner.

Dai Zhi's war beasts are fully assisted, called three-headed spirit birds, with three small heads facing three directions.

When needed, each small head can emit two different singing voices, producing different effects. At the same time, three heads can sing together and gain another ability.

It is also a seven-level three-headed spirit bird. It is one of the few natural full-powered creatures among the many beasts of Genting.

One of the heads of the three-headed spirit birds opened its mouth and made a pleasant whistle, the melody was extremely beautiful, and with her whistle, Dai Zhi's body glowed a pale yellow light, although it was very contrasting in the light and shadow ring Unobtrusive, a gain state can be clearly obtained.

The other head also began to sing, and Xiao Min and her war beast also showed light, but it was light blue.

"Song of Intrepidity and Song of Lightness."

Ye Zhongming said the names of the two gain states.

The three-headed spirit birds give their master Dai Zhi a fearless song. This gain state can allow the evolver to gain physical value. Although the value is not much, it is an overall enhancement, and the spirit will become tough. The impact of mental shock skills can be reduced or even immune.

At the same time, the painful nerve will also become less sensitive, and the body's feedback on the injury will be reduced, so as not to affect the combat effectiveness because of the injury.

The song of light spirits that Xiao Min was imposed on, which increased agility, whether she fought by herself or by riding the red and white Simba, was very helpful.

Seeing the two deputy captains of the Red Makeup Guards launch, the young soldiers shouted involuntarily.

The two people in the Hidden Snake Journey just glanced at it, and no longer noticed, but raised their hands together and stood facing each other.

Then... began kissing.

This scene completely silenced the young soldiers who were cheering just now.

It's not because of the shot of cigarette (xiangyan), but because the other party's behavior is too weird.

In the eyes of everyone, in the countdown of the last few seconds of the space, the two began to change.

Yes, change.

I saw the bodies of both parties.......................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................